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PaereBrus Resignation

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All good things must come to an end, it's been a fun couple months. Though life is getting real and i simply do not have the free-time i once had.

Bye bye's & thanksies (don't get offended if ur not on the list lol)
@Schyzo Thanks for kinda doing all the GM division stuff the past 2-3 months lol
@heart thx for always giving me a headache
@Merk Thanks for keeping my loa up so long and yeah answering all my silly questions
@busterbignut Surprised you've kept up with my shit so far
@mrjohnweak Every single time i've seen you, you've always had a good mood. I have no doubt you'll make it far in staffing and within GM
@GamingCarrot You da fucking goat
@Errol I like annoying you... ehh sorry ig 🙏
@ropolka Adam... rdm!
@ghostly788 FLUFF U DEWD!!!!!!!!
@Gildarts The stinkiest poopiest.
Master@Baiter read it out loud trust...

And for those who were not included, thank you 2.
Even though i'm not staff i'll still be around 🙂 Just not as much and ofc not as staff.

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From the moment i meant you paerebrus, the one thing that stood out was how unique you were. You were the person who got me to leave the horrid clan I was in before and define myself as something more in the Garnet community. You showing me your cool fancy old dupes and telling me you ran VOID was nothing short of amazing to me about history you have with this place. I also want to thank you for running Deceased Corps with me and giving me the strength not to give up so early on when I was desperate for members. The other thing I thank you for is helping me run the Gamemasters Division with you for these past few months, it's been short of amazing trying to revolutionize this division and it wouldn't be what we've made it without you. The thing I thank you the most for is being one of my best friends and a fellow skibidi warrior with me. :3

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