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Everything posted by Dowsy

  1. Btw, from a quick look, this at least to me does not show anything of importance. "Staff Assasin" wew that's so edgy I think I cut myself on it. No seriously people who talk like that to a staff should be taken seriously only with a massive grain of salt. Holy god, thats a 10 post combo without learning to use edit. Anyways I replied few of your posts, but from a quick glance at these, I think both were in the wrong 123 should've moved the reported (well, reported in the sense of being asumed for false warrant) and you @Lottery Winner you should've been way more respectfull towards him and understand that a staff can take you to a sit even if a report was not filed. TLDR: +1 for maybe some re-training on 123's part to know how to handle these kinds of things (and how forums work).
  2. So to fix your flaslight, you have to do this: Join Garnet Gaming server (duh) Once loaded in press C, and click on the button at the top left of your screen that says "Drawing" After that, click the one that says "Draw shadows" so that this symbol shows up next to it. And done, you have now fixed your flashlight (credits to REEPER for finding this)
  3. So whats this? This thread is a loosely made guide that I made to explain how I personally would lead a faction. Now, if you want you can use this in two ways: one being that this is a textbook example of bad leading and as such anything said here should be avoided at all times. Second way being that you can use this as a perfect example of a leadingstyle that works effectively. Mentality So to start, leading, Its hard, like really hard. Hell, I'd say that staffing is even a bit easier than leading, since at least when your doing staff duties, you can always rely on some sort of a guideline. With leading, every situation is a new and (often) scary one. Though if I could compress leading into one sentence, it would be this: Without your enlisted, you are worthless. That right there is extremely important but often overlooked. Seen as often you may find officers making their enlisted become basic errand boys. This is bad thinking and should be avoide. Due to this you must come to terms with the fact that in someway, that PVT who just mic spammed your db is in some regard the single important person you will ever meet when leading. So, after accepting this mentality, what then? Training/tryouts Well, depending on your faction you may start work on your tryouts or your recuit training method. For tryouts, a good rule of thumb is that they should be strict, but rewarding at the same time. What I mean by this is that when a soldier is doing your tryout, they should not feel discouraged about trying again. For example you should not have an impossible to reach time in kh, but instead (depending your faction's tier) it should be something that 2-10 hours of training can make possible. On the other side, when training recuits, your should be ready to lie just a bit to some people. Lets say there is a WO coming with two new recuits to you saying that the recuits said you were training them, just say yes and take them in even if you dont know them. This shows to them that you're ready to bend the rules a bit for them and in turn it boosts up their loyalty. Also during training, I'd reccomend not using PTS that often, because simply telling recuits to be quiet works well too. This also has the added benefit that the recuit is more comfortable to ask any questions they may have about the server. Ranks and how to use them Edit: Since i am working on a very small timeframe, I will have to end my editing to this. Also, never under no circustance, do not shout at your men. This is something so absurdly bad imo, I would be personally ready to have some serious talks with officers who shout for no good reason. Did that sgt just talk while pts was active? Ok cool, just tell em in the normal tune that pts is active. Dont shout at them howthey are useless. That only makes them despise you. "But... disipline must be hold!" You may say, but disipline can be something so much more potent. Disipline can be handed out by a single question of why "Why did you rdm him?" "Why did you insult him?" Questions like that put the person to think about why they did anything. After asking that you should tell them that they could easily have asked some of your officers to hold sims for them, which in turn fills the need to kill and is actually usefull. Also to add to sims, kidnapping Kidnapping is something that you as an officer should do with your enlisted when ever you feel like being a bit of an ass. This should be used when you feel ok with stopping someone elses fun for what ever the kidnap time is. Though when your own are getting kidnapped, try to get em all into ts. This way you always have a direct way to reach em. Also, buddy system is godlike in this situation. Also on ts, all the channels should be accessed by you enlisted. This is because that way they have a less of a barrier to talk to you when they know when they know they can just hop in and talk. Now this all is nice and stuff but what about war? That is the thing that can separate factions from becoming powerhouses. As enlisted would most likely want to be in the faction that wins, no? And as we have already stated, enlisted are the most valuable thing you my have.
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