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Everything posted by wuvgawore

  1. neutral okay so, overall you knows the rules, helps members out with a lot, and was a staff in the past.and from personal experience your a good guy and you know how to be kind to people. and a lot of members seem comfortable talking to you about certain situations. but, you were fully demoted and with 2 bans it looks bad. i think you also don’t handle criticism well, which you know, as well as the entire staff team knows, as a staff member people will shit on u all day. i think you need to take the time to really think if you want to add the stress and responsibility of being staff on top of work, sports, and if you start school soon. it’s something you actually have to put time into , which i know you probably can considering your hours. but overall i’m staying neutral. good luck ! ahhhhhhhhhh https://streamable.com/ewqk6s yikes. bro what? https://streamable.com/lvoq10
  2. you’re pretty chill and i’ve never had a bad interaction with you and if you have canlex and titan as referrals than you have my +1 good luck!
  3. -1 get more hours + ur paragraphs r short, good job reading the rules tho
  4. +1 honestly u seem funny and ur paragraphs are decent. get more hours tho. good luck!
  5. -1 never even seen ur name lol. get more hours and read the rules. nice paragraphs.
  7. -1 i’ve had multiple sits with this man and he handles the sits very well, however, i can tell his maturity level is not where it needs to be in order to be staff. being staff it’s more responsibility than it looks to be. and a ban for harassment is not a good look on a staff application. i would also say more hours would be a +, and reading the ruies!
  8. didn’t even realize it was a minus, thank you!
  9. +1 i love this girl, and she is super nice and everything but i just think when being a mod you need to be mature and able to handle certain people saying certain things and i don’t think she’s ready for that yet. my runs ins with her have been good and everything and i would love to see another female on the staff team but i just think she needs to adapt to the atmosphere and environment of GG before trying to make a step like this, but i do wish the best for you Hagi and i know you got this (;
  10. In-game name: AA WUV GAWORE SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:72160153 Staff members in-game name: Fetn Deviluke Staff members SteamID (https://garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans) (/id (name): STEAM_0:0:220893720 Date & Time of incident: 2:40AM Timezone: EST Ban Reason: "homophobia" How long were you banned for?: 1 week Proof of Ban: (screenshot)What happened? (include any proof): I was banned for saying "goodnight fags and faggots" in OOC. Fent had been following me and Neaboheya since he was unbanned, he noclipped under the ground for around 10 minutes waiting for something. : ) smiley face saw it as well and knew what he was doing. Both me and Neaboheya told him to stop but he followed just so he could find anything to ban. Why should your ban be removed?: If I was told to stop i would have stopped. i haven’t never been warned or asked to stop due to it being offensive, not a single time. As someone whoes gay I find it a little odd being banned for "homophobia" but it is what it is. I just find it convienant timing that my best friends banned, gets unbanned, than gets followed, and gets banned by the person who renamed his ban reason for "pedophilia". It sounds like he's just reaching in my opinion and this wasn't handled professionally in the slightest and is creating a bad pattern. This is my favorite server, I've poured 100s of hours into this and I'm not gonna sit this one out. I haven't even gotten a verbal, even if I was it should've been a 3 day ban not a week long one. according to the new guidelines this should be the order in which the consequences should be: First offense: Verbal Warning/Optional warning (depending on severity) Second offense: Warning & Chat mute Third offense: Warning & Elongated chat mute & jail time Fourth offense: Server ban for a 3 day period Fifth offense: 1 month ban for repeated hatespeech/racism/homophobia Sixth Offense: Community-wide ban.
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