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Everything posted by Lollipop

  1. +1 Nice person on DRP, Fun to be around,
  2. Firstly I'd like to say thank you for the opportunity and experience of being staff here has given me, I didn't have much experience staffing on larger servers so thank you. My main reason for resignation is due to the condition of my laptop being damaged, and the fact I no longer like the environment in which as staff I work on the server, I understand the possible reasons for not rewarding staff, but after talking to old friends who staff on other servers which offer rewards for hard work and putting in the effort I feel Garnet is not a server I wish to staff on. For children and man children to sit on DRP and call me a, and I quote "Slut" and "useless whore" I feel I and other staff should at least see small rewards which shouldn't even need to be IRL or any form of payments, other than just a possible promotion and a tag in the Staff Discord. Overall thank you for the experience but Ill be leaving the staff team I might come back in a couple of months if I'm willing too but thanks overall
  3. Hi, Firstly thank you Hoal for helping me out with putting up the LOA in the first place. Secondly I'd like to add more detail to the Current reason for the LOA. My laptop isn't completely broken, However when I load GMOD the laptop is so old and damaged that it crash's completely and sends me back to my desktop. And if it doesn't crash I'd average 10 FPS which isn't enough to do my job as VIP MOD correctly without lagging and it being a terrible experience for the reported and reporter. For this I'm taking 2 Weeks to get it looked at. If it isn't repairable Ill extend the LOA and look to purchase a new Laptop or device. Thanks,
  4. Great guy I like to chill with you in TBC VC just chill dude overall +1
  5. Take care, don't go getting hurt Seriously no boo boo's be good
  6. Actually yes thanks this helps a-lot now
  7. I hope that crabby patty is ready now, +1 In all seriousness you a cool guys, ik you gonna be great
  8. Description: [description of what you are suggesting, one paragraph minimum] I understand the prop limit changed depending on the POP of the server, but could you add a command "!props" to show us the current Amount of props each user can place, and how many are currently placed. just a message in console or chat would make spawning and building bases more easy without having to tally the props placed in my head. I understand there is a website which displays the servers current prop limit but most users don't have access to that website or don't know where to find it, I'm sure the community will agree that it can get frustrating and annoying to build when you don't know if your close to hitting the prop limit, or if when you load it in some props will be deleted due to the prop limit changes in correlation too POP. Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?] This would benefit the server as it allows players to manage and build with more ease, as I stated above it means players don't need mentally or physically tally props as they are being placed. I'm sure I'm not the only user which thinks this is irritable and annoying within building, it will also allow new player / base builders to build their base's easier Additional Information: [Photos/Videos][/CODE]
  9. Sure, I can look through the place you purchase them from, can ask about the size, what would you call a "small addon" as in the ammount of items that come with the pack, or one that's small on server size? as in GB/MB
  10. Yeah, so that would be great, I already have a pre-built base for GMOD DRP so seeing this being re-added would be great. Plus it would enable newer players to base with more security. having it up to the sidewalk would be great too as they cant use it to tunnel block or Prop-block .
  11. I like this idea, the idea of having bases outside of buildings could be great, I understand the server wish's to be as vanilla as possible but changing things up isn't always a bad idea. I think this is a great idea as-long as there are some boundaries to it, like how big it can be, or that maybe it needs to be attached to a building and cant just be in the street. this stop the majority of minging, also as @Theta2 Said this rule is basically void anyways, its only enforced if reported and no one cares enough to report it. I feel the rule could just be re-considered and edited to fit new criteria . +1
  12. Yeah its L O U D like if you don't prepare for it , it will leave a ringing in you're ears and or stop your heart or you'll just soil your pants as its just ridiculously loud. +1
  13. Description: [description of what you are suggesting, one paragraph minimum] Here goes, I understand this is a long shot of a suggestion and Might just get shot down on the first day, This suggestion will list- A couple of jobs I've seen on other DRP servers and stuff I've had on my own old servers which I think would be good to look into. The main jobs I've seen in others servers which make it more enjoyable to play is; Bitcoin and Casino Owner. (The main Two) Bit-coining is a legal way to gain money, you need to buy a Shelf Rack, the printers coolers and if wanted for customization a RGB set. You also have a choice from three different power sources to generate power for the shelf with the printers. this includes a generato- r, solar panels or radioactive generator (Which over time will dmg you so it needs to be put in a corner), Over time when you generate enough power you will start generating bitcoin, however your shelf will start to heat up, too counter thi- s you will need to turn it on and off to keep it running, similar to current printers. if the bitcoin rack get too hot you will produ- ce less and less bitcoin so you need to be active. Bit-coining is a great way to generate money but is expensive to start so a full rack is around 500k depending on what prices the ser- vers put on the f4 store. I think if the job is to be added it should be around lvl 10 - 15 and non-VIP users can use it, the balance Between !unbox and this would fit well within the economy as-well as it not being a VIP exclusive job. Casino owner is a great job, it allows players to have a chill location where they can hang-out and possibly make money. the job Casino owner can either spawn in the machines or the server can have them pre placed in a location only the casino owner can own the doors too. You could have the double or nothing slots or a blackjack system, This is great for new players as usually the casino owner gets 25% of each spin, so a example being: 2500 per spin the casino owner will get 250 per spin. (Not economy breaking) Plus they can charge entrance fee's to the casino (Id Keep this too 10k max as some people come in and out) Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?] This would benefit the server as the new jobs will entice new players to keep playing the jobs garnet-gaming currently have are great but adding new ones with new items wont go a-miss in the community, I personally hope these could be at-lease considered for a new game update as I personally find these jobs fun and entertaining and I think other player will too. Okay sorry about this, I'm still new to the forums and this was a hassle just posting the actual suggestion, I think I made the text too large and it kept cutting it down, SO without Further a do here is my suggestion just more squashed together.
  14. Lollipop

    VIP Printer

    I agree with @ShankNinja & @Ba11ParkFrank41 VIP already get an advantage in making money as they get the ability to fully max printers giving them a separate printer could collapse the economy, as ba11parkfrank stated General Knoxx One of the most wealthiest ( maybe the most idk) Used prints as his main source of income. Adding a new VIP Printer would make the unbalance between the Millionaires and the new players larger, Plus non VIP users already are restricted to Q menu Tools and Jobs in the F4 Menu so once again its unfair. -1 For me I cant get behind the idea too many risks for the economy and could just make it more unfair for new players.
  15. *Shoots the goat* *Distant fortunate son slowly getting louder*
  16. Seems to be an unpopular opinion, but I don't got a problem with you for the weeks I've known you you are kind and relaxing. +1
  17. Enjoy college life, Lmk if you need help or anything And if people annoy you to where you consider leaving ill stub their toe's Hope you enjoy it
  18. +1 Really chill dude, every time I see you in game you just relaxing and having fun.
  19. Yeah thanks for the support shin I just got a-little annoyed that there wasn't anything in-place so I came here to rant >:D
  20. Description: [description of what you are suggesting, one paragraph minimum] A possible rule being added which states, SOD ( Staff on duty ) cannot be shot while v-cliping or being active on the server. when taking sits which require myself to not be in a /roof I often notice that people find the need to shoot at the staff with SOD. A example being shown in a recent warn appeal where the reporter had repeatedly shot the SOD ruining the damage logs. this rule will allow, Staff to punish people for intentionally damaging staff while SOD to ruin logs or disturb active sits. I feel if a staff also damaged a player, to do the same thing should happen to them. Either it be a Warn, Verbal or simple jail I feel and so does some other staff that their should be a way. to stop it or deal with it. Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?] This would allow staff on the server to warn players who intentionally ruin the damage logs for future / current sits. I see it commonly happen on the server, and it makes it difficult to come to a non bias conclusion, or any conclusion at all in a sit (which uses damage logs). I feel like its a simple rule that could, help staff be more efficient and productive while on duty not needing to worry about the logs or disturbance to their sits. Additional Information: [Photos/Videos][/CODE] https://medal.tv/clips/63408247/d1337NYyrHcg , This clip shows my view when dealing with a sit outside of /roof where damage logs where ruined as someone thought it funny to open fire on me from behind.
  21. Okay, I was dealing with a Spawn Prop Block (While staff on duty), the video below will show you shooting me to not only disturb my sit of someone being Racist and PB Spawn but to clearly ruin the logs. You can see in the video that I am clearly in a active sit. "Micspamming as hobo, i saw some funny business near spawn. I went to goof around and was warned for a sit that apparently was in progress. The floating man did not inform me that a sit was currently taking place, and was not pleased with my behavior. I was warned for being stinky." https://medal.tv/clips/63408247/d1337NYyrHcg
  22. Most of my time im known under ZoeMeme's, Cute Crutch or HG Zoe I see you often shame you don't notice me
  23. Thanks when I am fighting someone I party them and advert duel I'm not too sure if that's a problem but I already plan too stop acting immature in that way. but thank you
  24. In-game name: Izumiki TBC Age: 18 SteamID STEAM_0:0:529146181 Warns: 0: N/A Timezone:GMT Playtime?: 344:10 Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] NO Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] Yes, I can download a software to record. Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] WoolleyMonster TBC Dustin Jaren the big memer Xo6o TBC Past experiences as staff: [Optional] Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs] I have Helped run and manage a smaller server using ULX Admin system (May need retraining been a while). When looking at a potential report and or insadent I dont hold a bias until both sides of the story are know, and I can make a non-bias conclusion. I love the community and enjoy helping, In game I dont spend to much time basing and spend time either helping other correct failbases or stopping other from breaking the rules. Currently I am a Level 70 player. I feel I should be chosen over other applicants because of my work ethic and determination to make the server more fun and enjoyable for the community. I currently no life and spend a lot of my time on this server, with summer holidays coming to a close end and myself and others returning back to college I can still promise for my quota of sits to be completed and asked. I enjoy the server and am keen to possibly be trained and help daily. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details Yes, On this server when I first joined the server I didn't really play a lot of DRP and didn't fully understand the rules of NLR and what RDM was so I was banned for MRDM for 2 weeks after raiding a base killing 5 people as a citizen not fully understanding that citizens could not raid. I was banned for NITRP after once again in my early days on the server as hobo playing down with ADVDUPE too many Props in the way of other bases and props. Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: N/A How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: I leave college at 3:30 - 4:30 (Depending on work schedules) so I normally will be back by 5 - 6 (In which I eat dinner) from 7+ on I will be able too contribute to the role of mod from 7 - latest of 1am GMT. If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod? I used to play Rugby for my Rugby club and as current (linked to my college work) enjoy photography of nature and wildlife. Did you read the staff rules?: Zoe
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