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Everything posted by SnipeKilz!!

  1. I was about to check it when I got home but no need now
  2. Accepted User will be unbanned due to lack of evidence. @The King of Rohan Lock and move.
  3. I usually warn and jail them. But yeah it is annoying that’s why you have to make the most part of your base stacked.
  4. A week ago I was in ts and someone said you were perms banned for exploiting that’s all ik. I’m gonna check through things tonight
  5. Denied Fix format and make another appeal @The King of Rohan Lock and move.
  6. Yeah, I just realized this. I might be a wee bit retarded.
  7. I would deny this right now and unless garnet wanted to unban you himself I would keep it that way, but since Rohan wants evity on this I'll just leave it to him -1
  8. I already tried hope this has more luck
  9. -1 I remember this guy he’s like ten so I dont know why you are getting at him for his grammar and spelling it’s not a staff app. but he got mad and made a ddos threat
  10. The server still has active players and good leadership not that we have more managers.
  11. -1 you already make a good amount of money as it is.
  12. +1 get rank back you were a great staff member back in the days.
  13. I don't want to spam this post anymore just hop in ts.
  14. not necessarily. the alleyway of the ally base has to have a roof and a fading door so this should be no different.
  15. A kos sign has to apply to an interior of a base and with that being said, it in fact has to have a roof and a fading door where the sign is.
  16. I don't remember making a sign like this.
  17. Re-read staff rules. -1 I haven't seen you on since a couple months ago. I have a feeling you just came back and I think you should wait a bit before reapplying. In the section why should we choose you over other applicants you need to extend it to 2 paragraphs.
  18. @KR1M tbh I don't know why you are reporting buddha for this. It isn't his text screen and he did have them fix the keypad eventually. You also are building on an admin roof if that is, in fact, your button. Not sure why you included me in this. If you could enlighten me?
  19. yo, your dovakin damn. uh well, +1 I don't see a day when he's not online.
  20. We already had the full precision but it was removed for a reason so I don't think it will happen.
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