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Posts posted by Pillsbury

  1. Its time to end my Speed Run for those who don't know I started on the server in September and have since then have been in every Tali SOC faction and achieved CPT in a T1 Faction and Senior GM less then a month of being a GM. This decision has been a long time coming for me as some people know I have been contemplating resigning since before I left for Mexico. Came back thinking that maybe my feelings towards that decision might change but it hasn't the state of the server has only deterred me more from enjoying my time playing. I Find myself a lot of the time forcing myself to hop on the server and a wise COL @Milky once told me "if the server starts feeling like a job for you then take some time away" and that's what it has become for me with the positions I've acquired since starting my time on the server so its time for me to call it quits and start focusing on myself and getting a real job.

    I have quite a few people id like to mention and thank for making my time on the server as enjoyable as it has been

    @AnthonyThwompus this man is like a little brother to me have had some awesome times in TS and on the server talking with you still cant believe that you were the one that trained me for Tali but you did and I appreciate it had you not been on that night to train me who knows if id be apart of Tali SOC let alone even playing on the server till this day

     @Milky you get the double @ because you truly changed the server for me, by not only being a W COL but being a good friend of mine not just in the server but outside of it as well. You gave me a chance after failing red group evals and being thrown into 055 I was completely done with the server I could have just up and stopped playing then but I wanted to prove that I belong in a SOC faction and if I was gonna do that it had to be by joining the faction I originally set out to join which was 313. Without your help and you hosting tryouts at the real Degen hours for me which is where I thrive I would not have been able to make it into the faction so thank you again. lmao

    @Anmol My guy you know I had to mention you we were straight up the late night MRP crew for awhile staying up till 5 in the morning sometimes later. Just chilling with some random Tali. I told you the resignation was incoming lmao just sucks that you became staff as I was leaving.

    @SadKnickHours @Wyatt despite the evals you guys showed me what there was to enjoy about being in a SOC faction if I didn't enjoy being in red group as much as I did would have just left the server after being kicked out so thank you both for that also @NDB_ and @jas0n contributed to that as well because every time I joined TS they greeted me with nothing but niceness and entertaining conversations.

    @ItssBio @Jashmeed you guys count as one obviously because you are the same person lmfao We were all friends in red group but when you guys joined 313 with me we became brothers cant count the amount of funny ass time we had on the server and off of it playing phasmaphobia. Bio we carried the activity on 313 for awhile felt like we got really close around that time and would love for an invite to play some tark with you lmfaoo you bought me the AEK the mosin and the butterfly knife will never forget that truly appreciate it because I never had the money to buy it myself completely changed the game for me before that I was purely abusing the Sig when it was OP..... its still #bringbackthesigmini. Jashmeed I didn't catch you but acer did *que I caught Jashmeed sound clip lmfao love you brother you are one of the people who I found to be the most genuine love your energy and always enjoy my time on the server when you are in the TS

    @Velo W Maj, L Fatass lmfao all jokes aside its always been good times chilling with you on the server and in TS when you were an OSU main probably would have never joined the GM team if you didn't insist on me joining staff enjoy being GB COL scammer.

    @PappaEric Heyyy remember when I said I wasn't gonna resign yaaaa soo about that lol.  you have been a great COL so far you had some tough shoes to fill and you did it in the best way you could feel like we never got the chance to get super close but we have had some good times chilling in TS together and running our W faction along with senior Jashmeed.

    @Bowl22 BOWL! aka my badri baller brother the day you joined the faction we became friends you are funny as fuck to be around sometimes you can get on my nerves (especially when you beat me in clash royal) but despite that I still enjoy your company only guy that will stay up till 6 in the morning playing Tarkov with me screaming at them whenever they did something wrong lmfao

    @Benkei You need to see a therapist about your gambling addiction its all your fault @Dillan also we gotta keep playing chess together on the server and on chess.com

    @Fetn Really tried my best to keep myself on the server so I didn't just leave you high and dry with the state of the GM team as it is right now but It got to a point where I had no choice you know as much as anybody ya boi got some student dept he's got to take care of lol. but forget the dumb shit youuu sir I consider to be a good friend of mine you ain't gonna lie when you were on US you were the only guy I saw as comp and would sweat my ass off going against you, but once you I got the chance to have a conversation with you I knew we were gonna be friends and since you joined tali we have been definitely one of my biggest influences for joining the GM team because I seen how fun you made being a GM look with the scuba suit player models randomly coming by Tali base driving a boat or this beautiful clip that should be the advertisement for the GM team for sure https://streamable.com/jgfta8

    Definitely missed a lot of people because I've had so many great interactions being on the server even with you SWRP mains Throw back to me slapping you guys in among us you know who you are if you guys are seeing this goodbye garnet gamers thanks for the good times. 


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  2. +1 confirming my referral I've seen tanhk slowly but surely mature from the time I've known him he has had his moments but this is an awesome application and the event ideas are simple and easy for everyone to follow I think he would be a fine fit for the GM team

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  3. +1 love the event ideas attitude towards being a gm is questionable based on your answer to past gm experience and lack luster paragaraphs but no one seems to have a problem with you in the community and from what I've seen your an active player looking to keep the community active so I think you'd make a great fit for GM!

  4. I am neutral on this one you are a very dedicated player with a interesting personality, and from what it seems you are always trying to keep your faction doing things and always asking for events when people are bored and want to do something.  However as a GM you need to focus on keeping the entire server active and having something to do. Not just your faction although 11B tends to be an easier group to host RP events and large events for as they are a large group you have to make sure you are focused on trying to bring everyone together as a community. I like your events but they are a little lack luster and have been seen before on the server. I suggest that you take some time to build a name in the community and figure out what it means to be a GM if you can do that this will change to a fat plus one! 

  5. +1 love the event ideas from what I've seen you are an active respectful member of the community and I see you doing a lot to try and keep people active doing things on the server during peacetime which is exactly what the GM team needs!

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  6. +1

    Have had nothing but good experiences being around TK he is an extremely nice guy and I have not seen this toxic side that others apparently have. I think based on his past as a staff member he would bring experience to the staff team I see no reason why he wouldn't be a great staff member!

  7. Thanks for showing me what it was to be apart of a SOC faction if I didn't enjoy my time as a red group member as much as I did I wouldn't have made it on the server long enough to make it to where I am now so thank you W COL wish you the best of luck with the IRL responsibilities brotha hope to see you around!

    On 12/4/2021 at 2:12 PM, SadKnickHours said:

    @Pillsburymans came outta nowhere, not sure how ya did it but getting into badri after failing our evals was suprising as hell and impressive as well. Keep up the great work with them




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  8. In-game name: Pillsbury

    Age: 21

    SteamID (https://steamid.io/) : Steam_0:1:60835545

    Warns: I'm not sure how many I have but I have some from mistakes made in war earlier in my time on MilitaryRP

    Timezone: Eastern Standard Time

    Playtime?: 550 hours

    Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] YES

    Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] YES

    Referral(s): [What gamemaster recommended you to apply?] Milky

    Past experiences as a Game Master: [Optional] 

    Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs] I think I should be chosen because I  have lots of time to devote to creating new and fun events for both the US and Tali to do during peacetime. Whether it be a deathmatch, an RP event, Or other events I'm willing to put together and host new events that I create myself as well as host events that everyone has enjoyed in the past. I have lots of ideas for new events to make and lots of time to make those events possible. I don't plan on using the same events over and over because I feel as though people get tired of playing them when it's the same thing they played from the previous peacetimes. I'd likely cycle through different events throughout the day when I have the chance to host them. I also have lots of experience in building on Gmod from my days playing DarkRP so I am able to put together new and fun dupes for people to do tons of different events in.

    As member of the gamemaster team I would try my best to improve server pop by hosting events when there aren't others on to do so and keeping members of my faction and other factions engaged  on the server so that they have more incentive to come back and enjoy the server. Being a gamemaster can also help me assist in try outs for my faction when there are no others on to help TP and set jobs which is necessary during the 313 tryout. I am a very easily approachable person on the server and will take ideas from members of the server for future events that they might like to see happen. I want to join the game master team because I think the idea of creating events and keeping members of the server engaged is fun and I would like to use all the free time I currently have to do those things.  Finally I believe I should be chosen because I am a respectful and devoted player of the server looking to bring something different to the Game Master team by making new and fun things for people to do on the server and holding events as often as possible throughout the day during peacetime so people do not get bored and hop off the server when they have nothing to do!

    Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: I have never been banned or punished on the server

    How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: I have lots of time to contribute to this role as of right now I am not working and I finished school last April I tend to stay up really late as well which would be good down time for me to create new dupes, and events..

    In your own words, what  are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: I believe the responsibility of a gamemaster is to ensure that people are enjoying their time on the server at all times and that during peacetime you are putting together events that keep people engaged on the server so they are not just coming on during war time.

     Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: I would contribute to RP by bringing back RP events to the server that I'd be willing to create myself like operations for both Base and SOC factions to participate in together as well as hosting serious RP events that involve both factions interacting in either negotiation or combat 

    Please list and explain 3 unique event ideas designed for only your faction to take part in: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation] )

    SOC and Base Faction Co-Operations (Have both base and SOC cooperate to complete an operation such as negotiate for the release of a Higher up of there faction or Raid an OBJ to get capture someone and get info that could lead to separate events),

     Random Competitions (Have players compete for in game money in random competitions such as Parkour races, KOTH, fist/knife fights, etc also allow people to bet on the people competing), 

    Hide & seek in base or in areas around the map 

    Please list and explain 1 unique global event idea designed for the entire server to take part in: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation] Team Sims (have set team captains server pop will judge how many teams there are have team captains choose their teams and make teams compete in competitions such as KOTH, Attack and defend, snipers only, etc)

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