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Everything posted by PaereBrus

  1. + Age + Playtime + Positive player + Paragraphs MY FAV UNC!!! +1
  2. Positive + Read staff rules. + Time to contribute. + Referral. Neutral ~ No warns, which means you've behaved... recently. ~ No former experience. Negative - 6 former bans in a 73 hour span - Banned for homophobia... I see the part where you said you used to be a minge, and that you got banned for some pretty serious stuff, Including: "MRDM, NITRP, and FAILRP." as you said yourself, however i notice you didn't mention your ban as homophobia as "serious"? When it's literally the most serious ban you've got... Oh and also how you crashed out in the middle of a sit (here's the clip btw) and after getting banned for doing just that, you publicly go into the discord saying slurs and even going as far as bypassing the filter? - According to a couple ai detectors, your text shows up as mostly AI generated. -1 lol, bad luck
  3. when are u available for gm interview
  4. Congrats to everyone that got promoted, especially the mvps and those who made admin damn straight
  5. +1 Actual SteamID: STEAM_0:1:762252065 Former bans: Mass ARDM - 2024-03-16 Mass ARDM - 2024-05-27 Mass ARDM - 2024-06-16 FailRP + LTAP - 2024-09-01 - Maybe try reading the staff rules again - 4 Bans... - Age, shi idrc how old you are aslong as you're old enough - Paragraphs are good enough for me - Decent amount of hours - Read the staff rules Though you have 4 former bans, i'm willing to yeah give you my +1. Your last ban was 3 months ago which is long enough for me to change my opionion, you're 15 but still put in the effort of making your paragraphs, everyone makes mistakes and i won't let one you made 3 months ago dictate how your app turns out. Good luck
  6. where are u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. i not doing ur gm interview

  8. Omg the pluhnator i forgot about da pluhnator mr danny the frog
  9. All good things must come to an end, it's been a fun couple months. Though life is getting real and i simply do not have the free-time i once had. Bye bye's & thanksies (don't get offended if ur not on the list lol) @Schyzo Thanks for kinda doing all the GM division stuff the past 2-3 months lol @MunchieZ GOON GANG!!! GOON CAPSULES!!! GOONTIST!!! @heart thx for always giving me a headache @Merk Thanks for keeping my loa up so long and yeah answering all my silly questions @busterbignut Surprised you've kept up with my shit so far @mrjohnweak Every single time i've seen you, you've always had a good mood. I have no doubt you'll make it far in staffing and within GM @GamingCarrot You da fucking goat @Errol I like annoying you... ehh sorry ig @ropolka Adam... rdm! @ghostly788 FLUFF U DEWD!!!!!!!! @Gildarts The stinkiest poopiest. Master@Baiter read it out loud trust... And for those who were not included, thank you 2. Even though i'm not staff i'll still be around Just not as much and ofc not as staff.
  10. where are you, pimp😔

  11. Description: [description of what you are suggesting, one paragraph minimum] Right now with the new precision tool you can only move props up, down, left and right. I'm suggesting to add pushing props forwards and backwards in the new precision tool. And yes you can push them either direction with using view instead of world mode, but then its going to slightly move some other way. This new tool is good though it'd be even better if we could move our props forward (and backwards) Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?] Would make stuff a lot easier for everyoneAdditional Information: [Photos/Videos][/CODE]
  12. p p p p p put a gurl on

    1. ADVDUPE


      this is robbie radish

  13. SteamID (https://steamid.io/):STEAM_0:1:160051422In-game rank: Senior AdminTimezone: CESTLength of LOA: 1 monthReason: School’s had me busy and starting to get burnt out, i’ll swing by for the halloween stuff tho
  14. hi everyone i paerebrus

    1. MunchieZ


      hi paerebrus, I munchiez

  15. Im expecting u to come back and prestige so we can cloooown around anyhoo its been great having you (and i do really hope u return)
  16. did u guys know s. admin means sexy admin? anyhoo congrats evryeonre !
  17. I love this application. You have former experience. You have no warns, or bans (on garnet). The application is absolutely fantaaastic, over the top. You meet all the requirements and more. Most importantly, you're a good person and i really would like to see you on the staff team. Therefore im giving u a huge +1
  18. Alright now that you've buffed up your paragraphs enough it's enough for me to give you a +1 You're very polite and you follow the rules, i think you're a great fit for the staff team. You meet all the requirements and more, hope to see you as staff
  19. Sooo... Didn't read the staff rules. Under the required hours. Wrote 2 sentences. Apparently has a active warn. What's that "SteamID"? - Correct SteamID: STEAM_0:0:617161229 Updated playtime since applying: 25:55:57. - This is gonna have to get a -1 from me. I've barely seen you on (at all) this is the first time i've seen you on personally since you've applied. Try building up your reputation and make a sliightly bigger effort in your application! Even though i gave you a -1, I wish you a good luck on this application. And if there's a next one, good luck on that too
  20. Congrats to everyone on their promos, been a super good month with high point counts! Looking forward to this one
  21. I’ve been waiting for this. Meets all requirements and more, former staff experience (on garnet). Very solid paragraphs, which truly shows your dedication to get back on the staff team! Real nice person and i’d like to see you back on the staff team again!!! +1
  22. Sucks to hear man I wish you a speedy recovery
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