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Posts posted by Matzerum

  1. In-game name: Matzerum the Garnet Youtuber

    SteamID (https://steamid.io/):


    Staff members in-game name: I do not know

    Staff members SteamID (https://garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans) (/id (name): do not know who banned me

    Date & Time of incident: dont know, havent played in a couple weeks and came back to this


    Ban Reason: mass rdm +ltap

    How long were you banned for?: im assuming 3 weeks speaking that is what the punishment usually is 

    Proof of Ban: N/A

    What happened? (include any proof): I got banned for mass rdm and ltap??? I literally opened up to play with my buddy and was pretty surprised to see this come on my screen. I got off a few weeks ago and came back on to this. If there is any proof of this happening? Who is the player that reported? Who is the staff member that banned me? Pretty appalled to see something like this happen.

    Why should your ban be removed?:

    I didnt do what the ban punishment said i did

    • Informative 1
  2. 5 hours ago, WohMi said:

    Please read my original post. I address literally everything you said in here. Also, I never called automatic weapons "trash." They're just sub-optimal compared to the dragonlore, as are all other hitscan weapons on Garnet currently.

    sorry you said they were "sub par" compared to the dlore

    At the end of the day the problem isnt the weapons, its literally the peaks in the base. Shottys on the server can still 1 shot even with vip health and armor. Also regarding what you said about jumping air accuracy, if your able to save the leads time and learn how to code that into the server im down for it. (as i dont see it easy to fix/do)

    also would like to point out the m60 ttk is almost damn near the same as the dlore is. LMG BTW

    Its literally the most expensive gun in the donator shop. Just like any other server, donating is going to reward you for supporting the server. This just sounds like a cope thread after you tried raiding and died to it or whatever situation you were in. Again, as I dont see it as game breaking because you can literally access it after long playtime hours and technically in that case it isnt "pay to win"

    However I can agree with you on the fire rate of the dlore. It is pretty quick and I wouldnt mind it receiving a nerf in how fast you can shoot in between each shot.

  3. 7 hours ago, Xvpz said:

    Yes the only punishment i have received was a 2 week ban, but it was simply a misunderstanding and i take full responsibility for it. Apparently constant harassment and RDM is not good enough reason to kill people.


    needs more playtime and activity

    your paragraphs kinda rubbed me the wrong way

    didnt read staff rules

    (willing to change to +1 if player is active)


  4. On 9/21/2022 at 10:52 AM, WohMi said:

    You both misinterpreted what I was going for in the suggestion. I know the dragonlore is accessible through credits. It could be the most accessible gun on Garnet for all I care and I'd still have a problem with it. My issue is that the gun is overpowered, and completely overshadows any and all other guns, leading to an essential monopoly on the PVP meta.

    These are the other responses I expected, the Dragonlore users who don't want the weapon nerfed. While I can obviously understand you guys not wanting your overpowered gun to be nerfed, it should be for the sake of fairness, which is why in my suggestion I didn't take the nuclear option and say "REMOVE THE DRAGONLORE" or "MAKE IT DEAL 5 DAMAGE." Your gun will still be good if the suggestions take place, just not overpowered and meta-warping.


    Literally with 300 health and full armor from vending machine it still doesnt 1 shot. I also disagree with you comparing a fully automatic weapon and calling it trash compared to dlore (point and click). sniper with an animation after every shot or 30 in the mag it depends on the situation your in? High risk high reward. Same thing in CSGO.


    I also have m4 hyper and ak redline on the server and they also shred. Im confused why were still even on the dlore debate 

    • Agree 1
  5. I don't really see as much of a problem with this such as if you play a lot on the server, you're able to obtain a temporary dlore from just playtime in the credit shop. Also agree with people donating shouldn't have their stuff nerfed either. 


    • Disagree 1
    • Agree 1
  6. +1 I also agree with Dan on this. I've seen many situations where a raider is transferring prints back and forth and I can understand where this leaves the person being raided to be confused when they are allowed to entered the base. I also believe it should be a mandatory thing to advert over instead of just "forgetting" when the raider is officially done with the raid.

  7. Shoot I am just now seeing this and I apologize. I read the first two threads that were the training guide and the thread listed as "Staff Application Rules" before applying. I did not know the last question would be associated with the format thread. I know this makes me seem to not be dedicated but it was an honest mistake

    • Friendly 1
    • Informative 1
  8. neutral i also agree with @Shizzle on this one. You have a lotta of "I will" statements in your paragraphs, but that's just the standard of being a staff member. I can guarantee you can think of something that would make you stand out compared to others

    Besides that, good dude. Never seen you cause problems and your active 

  9. In-game name:

    Bool Matz



    SteamID (https://steamid.io/):








    Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO]


    Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO]

    Yes, I also have content creator role on discord from garnet videos

      Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?]


       Past experiences as staff: [Optional]

    I used to be staff for a gmod darkrp server way back for a community called GamingLight, I also was an admin for TTT server for a community called OblivionGaming. I then switched to CSGO where I was an admin for many months for a jailbreak server for TangoWorldWide

      Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs]

    I've gotten to know the community very well and I think becoming staff is my next step up to more impactful for Garnet. I enjoy making content on the server and have made so many great memories since I first started. I also respect the staff's time and patience to handle sits. and know its not that easy of a task. I am very dedicated to help make Garnet fun for all players and I especially enjoy helping out new players that want to learn the ropes of learning to rp, how to get involved in community, etc. I wanted to apply much earlier but felt it wasn't the right time due to me leaving for the military and also my playtime wasn't there. If given the opportunity, I look forward to learning how to be a good staff member for Garnet and I know I will be in goods hands from learning from the leads.

    With my past experience, I was also very dedicated as a staff member. I used to have to go to staff meetings in Teamspeak (just like this server does) and really enjoyed talking about ways to improve the server and such. I think I have good suggestions when it comes to improvements that can make Garnet more enjoyable than it already is. Also with my job I work with people all the time so I believe I'm am considered a well-spoken person and carry myself professionally (I hope this doesn't come across as an ego thing LMAO) But yeah, I have really enjoyed my time in GarnetGaming so far and again, I made this decision in wanting to be more involved in the community.

      Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details


     Have you made any previous applications, If so when?:


        How much time do you have to contribute to the role?:

    I have a lot of time, currently. Right now I'm in tech school for my AF job so I just go to class, come home and study, then game on my freetime. I am on a lot during the night time and my weekends are free.

    If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod?
    I played football and used to wrestle. Now I am studying Cyber Sys Ops in the military to earn my degree. I like playing other games like Destiny 2, CSGO, and party games with the buds.

    Did you read the staff rules?:

    Bool Matz

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