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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Posts posted by BKayyy

  1. -1

    This is not how this application was suppose to be formatted, You also have alot of spelling errors, As a GM you must have a correct spelling the where it is clear to read perfectly, Best bet is to spend more time on the server and see how its being ran, That will give you a better mindset on how a GM is suppose to be.


    • Agree 1
  2. +1 

    Always being very respectful to all players on the server and would for sure make a great fit for mod.


    Current Roles: SWRP T. Admin | RC-1207 MKMN Sev |  Ver'alor Solyc Zasarn Saura | Master Of The Order Mace Windu

    Former: 212th 2nd Airborne Company Lead P-147 SCBM 2ACL WO4 4259 Bruger

    🙏 Cheers to Good Beginning's 🙏

  3. +1 

    Geoffy shows that they really do care about the severs integrity, They constantly trying to bring back the vibes from a more poppin point in the server.

    Geoffy Goated



    Current Roles: SWRP T. Admin | RC-1207 MKMN Sev |  Ver'alor Solyc Zasarn Saura | Master Of The Order Mace Windu

    Former: 212th 2nd Airborne Company Lead P-147 SCBM 2ACL WO4 4259 Bruger

    🙏 Cheers to Good Beginning's 🙏

  4. Neutral.
    Did not really make a first good impression on the server, but has for sure learned alot from those around them, I can see them doing good but only as long as they continue to follow there higher ups teachings and also tone it down with others around them. Im one for giving chances so hopefully going forward they can see that.



    Current Roles: SWRP T. Admin | RC-1207 MKMN Sev |  Ver'alor Solyc Zasarn Saura | Master Of The Order Mace Windu

    Former: 212th 2nd Airborne Company Lead P-147 SCBM 2ACL WO4 4259 Bruger

    🙏 Cheers to Good Beginning's 🙏

  5. +1 Shark has been a great addition to the community he is also very active some times I even see them on very early just creating a vibe for anyone else around them to create good interactions with others, I have not heard any bad things about shark only nothing but good moments from Shark. Id like to see what they can bring to the sever as a GM 


    Current Roles: SWRP T. Admin | RC-1207 MKMN Sev |  Ver'alor Solyc Zasarn Saura | Blade Of The Order Mace Windu

    Former: 212th 2nd Airborne Company Lead P-147 SCBM 2ACL WO4 4259 Bruger

    🙏 Cheers to Good Beginning's 🙏

  6. Gert has been a great addition to the community and I do feel you could be a good GM, Heard and seen nothing but great things about Gert so you have my +1




    Current Roles: SWRP T. Admin | RC-1207 MKMN Sev |  Ver'alor Zasarn Saura | Grandmaster Yoda

    Former: 212th 2nd Airborne Company Lead P-147 SCBM 2ACL WO4 4259 Bruger

    🙏 Cheers to Good Beginning's 🙏

  7. -1  Really you just need to understand the server community and take sometime to understand the rules of the server more as well as next time try be more of figure people can look towards incase of problems your gonna need to be able to be a representing presence for the server 



    Current Roles: SWRP L.. Mod | RC-1207 MKMN Sev |  Ver'alor Zasarn Saura | Knight Vera Sen 

    Former: 212th 2nd Airborne Company Lead P-147 SCBM 2ACL WO4 4259 Bruger

    🙏 Cheers to Good Beginning's 🙏

  8. +1 Glorbnob would be a great fit for moderator he very dedicated to the server and always makes others feel welcomed New and old players alike, The showcase alot for great leadership skills and id like to see what more you can do.



    Current Roles: SWRP L.. Mod | RC-1207 MKMN Sev |  Ver'alor Zasarn Saura | Knight Vera Sen 

    Former: 212th 2nd Airborne Company Lead P-147 SCBM 2ACL WO4 4259 Bruger

    🙏 Cheers to Good Beginning's 🙏

  9. +1  For me I've had nothing be good interactions with Winter he has been an amazing addition to the community and runs they're Battalion very well being one of the many great leaders we have on the sever you deserve a shot at mod, Winter shows care for the sever and for the people around them. ❤️



    Current Roles: SWRP L.. Mod | RC-1207 MKMN Sev |  Ver'alor Zasarn Saura | Knight Vera Sen 

    Former: 212th 2nd Airborne Company Lead P-147 SCBM 2ACL WO4 4259 Bruger

    🙏 Cheers to Good Beginning's 🙏

  10. I under stand completely why you had to leave before, with that being said skel has even taught me a few things about moderation and would most definitely be a good choice if you came back Skel is A W 


    Current Roles: SWRP L.. Mod | RC-1207 MKMN Sev |  Ver'alor Zasarn Saura | Knight Vera Sen 

    Former: 212th 2nd Airborne Company Lead P-147 SCBM 2ACL WO4 4259 Bruger

    🙏 Cheers to Good Beginning's 🙏

    • Like 1
  11. Neutral
    You're app is good, lots of ideas, Only thing is there seems to be little effort in you changing your behavior, and 4 days since your last denied app isn't long enough for anyone to change the community's opinion of you. I think anyone can do better including you 

  12. BKayyy -Moderator Application-
    In-game name:BKayyy AKA Bruger AKA Kit Fisto
    Age: 24
    SteamID STEAM_0:1:454390647
    Warns: None 
    Timezone: EST
    Playtime?:800+ Hours
    Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: Yes
    Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:Yes
        Referral(s): Mark, Kenro, Riseli, Shroud, Ozzy, SKEL
        Past experiences as staff: None
    Why should we choose you over other applicants?:

    When i think about the role Moderator different roles do come to mind based on leadership and being a proper Role model, Both Roles and those among them uphold high leadership roles and standards. I feel i would be good fit for Moderator, My reasons for this are lots of my time on SWRP alot of it feel I do is just to take on leadership roles 
    and my intentions when doing so are to be very patient with anyone who seeks guidance get them to be in best possible spot they can be in, The feeling to enlighten those who need help really comes natural for me so helping anyone is always something i seek to do.
    As my Jedi ive devoted alot of my time guiding Padawan after Padawan and just creating any situations to be evolved with them as much as possible, Form trainings, Force Trainings and just keeping the Padawans together and out of Trouble by really enforcing the rules to the best of my abilities, As well as 2AC I am the lead class for the Battalion, 
    The well being of others is very important and alot my activity has just shown the progress from a lot of New Padawans and 2AC its all just great fun being a mentor as well as being a proper role model, To me it keeps others engaged when higher ups are right there by anyone trying to gain experience I tend to always have no hesitation to help anyone defuse any uncertainties someone may have IC or OOC
    I strongly feel like SWRP and the Garnet Gaming community is for me and do seek to do a lot more with any and all things related to the growth of the community id truly like to devote time to see it through. I have goals to see this through and be the most help i can really be
    Being A Moderator Would be an excellent step in learning something new and would be another step in my "Journey's" as any and all leadership roles 

        Have you ever been banned or punished on any server?: Never 
        Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: First time
        How much time do you have to contribute to the role? : I'm on almost all day all night 
        If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod?: Nope
    Did you read the staff rules?: [GG] BKayyy

    • Like 5
    • Agree 3
  13. On 1/30/2022 at 7:15 AM, GySgtStorm said:

    In-game name: CBM 2AC SGT 1483 Storm
    SteamID (https://steamid.io/):STEAM_0:1:184745315
    Playtime?:110 hours ( I would of applied sooner if i knew the time would be upped to 120 hours as I knew it was 50 bu I wanted at least 90 hours before I applied and if this is an absolute and you like my app then please let me know to just up my time)
    Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO]Yes
    Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO]Yes
        Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?]N/A
        Past experiences as staff: [Optional] 

    Administrator and Support Team At Assorted Gaming
    ● Owner of 3 Previous Servers
    ● Administrator on Serenity arma 3 life Role play
    ● Senior Admin on a server i forgot the name of because it was over 6
    months ago
    ● Developer for a few servers
    ● Admin on Angrys SantosRP
    ● Developer on Mumbos Roleplay
    ● Supervisor on MistRP
    ● Community Manager on Sheild Servers
    ● Mod on Icefuse
    ● Founder of Gecko Gaming

    (nothing listed is active all is previous experience)
        Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs]

    I would like to start by going over the positives of having me apart of the staff team. Im active from 4PM to 10 am everyday i try to be on a few hours before peak and then im on during downtime/ghost hours witch a big part of time mingers join and rdm no staff can help because there asleep or at work. Another thing when people have questions about the server that most normal players wouldn't even think to give such as the team speak forums and discord along with giving some insight on how unique the experience is playing garnet gaming. I'm very good at following the chain of command while keeping the leadership skillset knowing when to follow and when to lead is very crucial to smooth games and helps me learn new things so i can better my staffing/playing abilities. A big part of those abilities is keeping a responsible mindset knowing how and when to use any ability that's been given as CG does most of the situations that occur. Another big part of those abilities is not abusing them for personal gain as i will and would not do that in downtime or peak time. I have a great love for this server and its people already so being apart of the community in any way possible especially that's beneficial or just more involved  would be the biggest guard keeping me in the straight and narrow along with trying to lead by example.


    I'm very experienced in garrys mod in all range of game modes ive ran dev and staffed many over the years and i have learned many things such as the ability to learn and adapt to each situation so the best possible outcome is concluded. My mission isn't in search of power but in search of a way to keep this server up and gathering as many players along the way on top of building a strong background to gain the trust and respect of other staff and players that i play with on the daily. A big plus about me is ive learned over the years how to keep correct tone and maturity when setting an example and when your staff or Sgt + you need those traits as to prevent others from following or thinking its allowed to freak out when mad. I know a bi part of the swrp community and a big part knows me ive spent days building many many friendships with people while also gaining the respect of role player and soon officer so a big part of me is invested into this already i can promise my utmost loyalty im a quick learner especially whenever im dedicated like i am now ive been on the grind to be a part of all this and no matter the decisions made i will still be apart of it and will be here to watch it grow.  


    Ill attend every meeting, and every event that is important, any significant days i will be there. Most players who apply for staff do it for the showboating but i can say i will be very humble to be apart of the staff team on the server i would of went game master but theres plenty of them as ive heard so i feel im needed i the staff simply because i can be awake when others cannot. I don't get into fights and i do not get personal with people i can be a joking guy but can be serious when needed and i have very good judgement when it comes to characteristics of people and there intentions as i keep an open unbiased mindset.



        Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details (if in the community no outside the community yes years ago when i first got gmod)
        Have you made any previous applications, If so when?:No
        How much time do you have to contribute to the role?:From 4pm to 10Am (These are my normal server hours)
        If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod?No
    Did you read the staff rules?:Yes


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