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Everything posted by Trinity

  1. +1 I believe he can become a good GM with training. I have full faith.
  2. Thank you for your feedback! Just so you're in the know, I got a job in Requisitions so I'll be doing a little more Clone RP, but outside of the server I've had a lot of time playing as a Clone, and GMing. But your concerns are 110% Valid!
  3. In-game name: Raxx Kitra/Knight Age: 17 SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:55543045 Warns: 0 Timezone: MST Playtime?: 153 Hours Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES] Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES] Referral(s): Bowl22 Past experiences as a Game Master: Yes, on Gaminglight CW and Hardron CW/Imperial. Why should we choose you over other applicants?: First, I have a good amount of experience creating events with tools. I've used permaprops, pre-saved single player layouts, skybox tricks, and extensive training on proper drop pod + enemy placement to keep things fair yet engaging. Some refresher courses will be nice since I don't remember everything, but outside of that I should be able to run events on my own when given permission. I've made multiple events which were well received, obviously a few that weren't but I learned from those mistakes and created something better. Second, I'm able to be on in the early mornings on most days and will be able to create events for any early birds. It may help with numbers during those hours and keep people engaged so we have a consistent population earlier in the day since they'll have something to do still. My hours are very flexible, maybe not the most consistent but during my time I can promise quality and a bit of quantity. I also have some enjoyable ideas for smaller groups of troops, while having requirements for certain roles so everyone doesn't feel like their certifications are worthless in the morning hours. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: No How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: 4-6 Hours In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: Gamemasters are supposed to give the players a fun experience, and make sure it includes the entire server. The GM having fun is important, but it must be engaging to the players, making sure they're always doing something without them leaving because they went to the venator and got hit by MHB Drop pods for the 8th time in a day. Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: I would be able to create enjoyable EC's, interesting hostage situations that don't feel entirely hopeless, and make events that have each role feel required. Everyone plays a small part, make a W with commendations for all. I won't be the best voice actor, but I can make some interesting story lines. Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: Making large scale events where I whisper in the Ground Command's ear on what they should do, or become Ground Command, leading each unit or specialization to a specific location where their skills can be used, and without perfect teamwork the event will get harder, but with teamwork everything goes right without having to roll. Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation] Event 1: High Priority. This will require 3 EC's at the minimum, and a small amount of prep time. A Senator was captured and taken to Naboo. Protected by a ray shield. 327th Needs to set up a proper FOB and Medbay for the Senator's return, and will hold with CG to protect another Senator who sent the distress beacon in the first place. 41st and 91st will split across the map and search for the generator for the shield, which afterwards the 501st and 212th will move to destroy it while 41st and 91st provide covering fire. 104th will be negotiating and buying time until the shield goes down, which then they'll move to a defensive position and protect the Senator if demands aren't met in time, otherwise the 104th will deliver on their promises. Afterwards, they escort the Senator back and call it a day as it becomes downtime and the Senator speaks with Navy about the experience. Event 2: Unknown Object. A great follow up for "High Priority", but it can be done regardless, with a small or large pop but requires one Navy and functions best on an off world with the intention of forming a new FOB, giving every battalion jobs of clearing wildlife and small duties. A random box falls out of the sky, not a Holocron, a Jedi present can inspect it and find no presence of force. It will be given to Naval, as it's not a bomb and cannot be opened without Naval access, and appears to be Republic. After it's opened through a scene of RP, the Naval realizes that they've opened up a beacon, and it activated, giving the CIS an exact location, for which a sudden defense must be launched and a ride to the CIS ship will be organized and a strike team (Most likely 501st, 212th, and SOB) will be sent while the rest continue defense, 327th along with Shock and 104th will be holding a defense with 41st + 91st set up long range strikes, taking out any high priority ground commanders. It will end with the CIS ship being disposed of in however the strike team sees fit, then the Naval will decide what to do with the box. Event 3: No Signal. Requires at least 3 EC's, and 3 GMs for consistent spawning and tabs. One GM per FOB. 3 FOBs went offline and everyone's sent to figure it out. The teams will be sorted by Naval, with each being assigned a Ground Command, organized into 1, 2, and 3. Each team will go to their FOB's to find Droids, Wildlife, or Zombies respectively, each FOB having a different creature. Each FOB has a VIP that needs to be saved, and if all 3 survive it's revealed that each FOB was hit by coincidence, and each source will need to be taken out. Even if they die, it can be discovered, allowing the Ground Command and Naval to decide which source should be cleared, and make the planet habitable by republic forces, giving more options for an FOB or Passive Off world. This will lead into 3 extra events, one of which can be done immediately if completed fast enough. Event 4: The Infected. Requires a swampy esc. map and a Boss EC. Continuation of "No Signal." This event has the Republic discovering the cause of the infection that ravaged the previous base, and was tracked back to planet "Xyz" (It can have any name.) Once there, the Ground Command that commanded the original infected team will take the reigns, sending 41st and 91st scouting while everyone else creates a proper perimeter. 41st and 91st are not to engage, and if an engagement starts and heavy blaster fire is heard, a horde will approach and put a lot of pressure on the group, destroying some fortifications as punishment. If everything is smooth, 41st and 91st will be able to find the breeding ground of the parasite and see a Mandalorian get turned into an infected. 41st and 91st will report back, having the main force push up in 3 groups, creating a pitch fork for an assault. Once it's clear, the Mandalorian will attack each team at least once, not able to be killed, but only be around to give a proper scare until the final duel in which he'll be properly put down by the combined might of the republic forces. Searching his body will give the Queen Spore, allowing a cure to be made and will allow one FOB to be cleared. Event 5: The Eggs. Requires a Foresty map and a Boss EC. Continuation of "No Signal." This event has the Republic discovering the cause of the Wildlife holding the previous FOB. It will be linked back to planet "Xyz" (It can have any name.) Once there, the Ground Command that commanded the original Wildlife team will take the reigns, sending 41st, 91st, and a Jedi to find these creature's nests while the other Battalions hold the line against the wildlife. 41st, 91st and the Jedi will cut through the large vines blocking the eggs, allowing them to inspect them. Upon inspection, it appears they travel through a full tunnel, and they'll need to get an airdrop of heavy explosives to destroy the nest. As they leave, they see a Mandalorian covered in vines, speaking just as the Aliens do before firing pot shots, requiring the scouting team to retreat or die. Once returned, the signal to bring heavy power will be sent out, but the aliens respond to the beacon. The Mandalorian will be hovering around, shooting not to kill but to pester, and giving an opening for the creatures to run out in full force and attempt to ravage the landing area. Once the creatures are cleared out, the Mandalorian will retreat to the cave, allowing a group of EOD to move ahead. Once there, the Mandalorian will be waiting, giving one last fight before being finally put down and allowing the Eggs to be sent away. If anyone chooses to investigate, it will be revealed that a teleporter would be stuck in the nest, giving the eggs easy access to the FOB, but now both the teleporter and nest are clear, which allows one more FOB to be reverted to it's original state. Event 6: The Remnants. Requires a Ship map representing an abandoned CIS Cruiser and 3 ECs. Continuation of "No Signal." This event has the Republic discovering the cause of the CIS Remnants, which upon inspection have orders stretching to a Super Tactical Droid in an abandoned CIS Ship, telling them to hold their position, and is constantly sending fresh pods when the old ones run out of battery. Once they've arrived, the Ground Command that commanded the original Droid team will take the reigns, sending small detachments to scour the halls, cleaning up droids as they go. During the searches, a random Commando Droid and Super Battle Droid will suddenly attack the troopers, only providing a scare in their dark environment, but no real threat. It will be revealed the bridge is locked away and the Droid has a 'Hostage' in terms of a Naval Petty Officer. They're protected by a ray shield, but the groups searching will find the console, and disable the Ray shield. The 104th, who will be negotiating for the 'hostage' will notice the dropped shield. If they enter, they will be blown to bits before a ship wide battle ensues, but if they group up and create a proper push, the bridge will be quickly taken with the Super Tactical Droid, the Commando Droid and Super Battle Droid being caught off guard, missing their shots and will be taken care of quickly. It will be discovered that the officer was dead all along, and the ship will either be scrapped, or blown up depending on what the group wants to do.
  4. +1 Big number for a big brain. I like the events and the emphasis on team building. I think we could use some more teamwork based exercises or other events that require teamwork instead of lone wolves. Easy approval from some random fuckin' Padawan.
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