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Posts posted by Pill
+1 veri veri goo
. GL on GM
-1, app sucks, but if u put more time and effort into another app and the server, i would try again
+1, this is a good app, and you're a good player. you'll be a decent gm
+1 good app
+1 Confirming referral, glad he's finally giving this a chance.
+1, good active player, app is good, jackson fart
+1, this app is great
The app is kind of bad, but besides your ability to type, you're chill and good at the game. You'll be a great gm
+1 -
+1, super cool, nice guy, good leada, and btw, hes smart!
In-game name: Pill
Age: 22
SteamID (https://steamid.io/STEAM_0:0:65324812
Warns: 0 (?)
Timezone: CST
Playtime?: 1100 hours
Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: Yes
Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: Yes
Referral(s): Sam
Past experiences as a Game Master: Here, up to S.GMWhy should we choose you over other applicants?
I do have a decent amount of experience being GM on Garnet for a little while, and I think my activity speaks for itself. I have a lot of ideas and a love for Star Wars, plus I’m on all the time. In addition to that, I think I have interesting ideas for events, and I try to use things people don’t get to see often.I do feel very creative and I think that I would be a good additive to the GM team because of that. Plus, because of my experience, I am very familiar with the Q menu and GM tools. With my experience and my playtime, I’ll always be able to do events.
Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details:
How much time do you have to contribute to the role?:30~ hours a week
In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?:
To keep people busy, engaged, and happy.
Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team:
Lots of activity, and fun ideas for events. (I won't do minge events)
Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server:
Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation]
1. “Porcupine”
“A CIS planet, ‘Alzar’, has been intercepting our spy vessels landing on the planet. Known for their torturous ways, our objective is to get whats left of our agents and topple the government on-planet. However, there will likely be large resistance, as the military on Alzar is formidable and dangerous. Be careful men, and may the force be with you.”
2. “Iron Hammer”
“A new enemy has started to emerge in the core worlds of our Republic; “The People’s Liberation Party” has started infiltrating our planetary governments and rallying people against the Republic. Normally this would be a tasking for Republic Intelligence, however things have started to turn violent on the planet of Duro, and planetary security has not been able to control the riots incited by the PLP. Your mission is to eliminate the PLP threats, control the area, and sweep known safehouses for explosives, munition, and hiding PLP members.”
3. “Lullaby”
“The Republic has been tracking a potential Sith Lord, with the help of the Jedi, who has been abducting force-sensitive children while they sleep. We have recently found where the children are being kept and orbital scouting reports indicate the children are being used almost as force-sensitive livestock, powering some sort of object in front of the compound. Your objectives are to identify and secure the object, rescue the children, and eliminate the Sith Lord if possible. Good luck.”
4. “Jumbo Blimp”
“A prototype CIS bomber has been spotted being built in secret on Neimoidia. The capabilities of the bomber are unknown, but the ramifications of the estimated payload, 250000 lbs, is dangerously high. The amount of destruction this project could bring us in battle is inexplicable. We are sending you, the 34th battlegroup, to deal with this problem. Collect the intel, destroy the shipyard, and kill all CIS members present. Every single one. May the force be with you.”
5. “Joca-Mola”
“The Joca-Mola company has been accused by the Chancellor of introducing radioactive ingredients to their recipe in Republic-allied sectors. Our job is to raid and hold the alleged source of the radioactive material, and guard it while the isotopes are transported out and to a secure Republic Military facility. There may be some soft resistance, however your main job is defense, and to make sure all the isotopes are accounted for. Local gangs may cause problems but you will have control. Good luck, may the force be with you."
Based, active, smart guy. Will be good GM +1
+1 actual creative genius and underrated skills with people. Lots of energy from this guy give it to him
+1 w gamer, is creative and more responsible than he seems
In-game name: Pill
Age: 21
SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:65324812
Warns: 0
Timezone: CST
Playtime?: 200hrs
Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES]
Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES]
Referral(s): Eli
Past experiences as a Game Master: None
Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs]
I play all the time and could rack 35-45 hrs per week, plus I love events and would love to do them often.
On-worlds with me as GM could be more often, and possible more complex. A lot of players I've talked to wish that more events would happen when they were on and I could do smaller on-world events earlier in the morning for like the 11ish people that are on at that time, like non-us citizens.Plus, I only play SWRP so there would be no problems with me being spread across servers. I also have ideas all the time, probably more often than other applicants, and I have the confidence in my ability to make events that could keep both GF and RP with ECs and more specialized battalions entertained.
Basically the reasons I think I am a better applicant is my time playing, creativity, and constant need to do things which would bring more events and RP to CWRP.
Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: No
How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: 8hrs+ per dayIn your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?:
Making sure that population is not bored, or have nothing to do for too long, and to make sure that events go smoothly.Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team:
I have new ideas all the time, and could pace/adjust events well according to the RP.Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server:
We could have Republic and CIS meetings either off or on-world once or twice a month, with a whole CIS convoy or guard with them.
Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation]1. Tusken Raider Raid on a Republic Outpost on Tatooine, need like 6 ECs, and 2 rancors, with spliced droids as support for Tuskens, we obviously obliterate them and return to the Venator, but then there is a bunk search for drugs and guns smuggled from the planet.
2. Attacking a CIS Weapons depot on Mustafar defended by 2 AATs and B1 and B2 battle droids, running into Mina Bonteri and other CIS members, defended by Commando droids, they escape but leave plans for a new bioweapon behind.
3. A hyperspace interdiction happens as we are on our way to Nar Shadda for an audience with the Hutts (have a holo call with Niro first), bringing us into realspace, then we are boarded by 2 bounty hunters and 3 shadow magna droids. They are looking for a stowaway force user (GMAN) wanted for espionage and theft by the CIS. They then convince Navy to let them help search the ship for the bounty, but he jumps out of the moonpool and dissappears, causing the launch of fighters to look for him (3 mins). The bounty hunters then frustratedly leave without thanks, and we finish the even by reaching Nar Shadda.
4. We land on Vanqor to finish stripping the crashed Venator but we find a mysterious cult (Valkorian's Sceptors [loyalists to the fallen Emperor Valkorian]) who uses strong force powers to disable our transport back to our ship, and we get almost overrun by fallen Jedi and sith. We barely escape into hyperspace and send ARC back to invesigate after, finding relics of both Sith and Jedi, supply caches, and an alter to Valkorian.
5. The Venator gets a distess signal from a CIS loyalist group on the Rishi Moon, expecting to capture prisoners, we go into hyperspace and head toward Rishi. However a coup forms on our ship, capturing the Admiral and other crewman in the NCC. (A rogue RSB agent and unnamed ARC troopers staged the coup). After much negotiation by 104th, the crewman are released but the Admiral is still held hostage. The Admiral then pushes us into hyperspace towards Coruscant, but we crash land on Tattooine, and the ARC troopers die, however the RSB agent goes missing. GF then searches throughout the planet for the agent while the Admiral gets medical attention. There is then a small skirmish with locals which causes the town to be locked down. The RSB agent is found behind a Cantina, trying to change, but is captured and brought to the brig for questioning, revealing a plot by many more RSB on many other ships. The event ends by the RSB agent being escorted off the ship for transport to prison.
DoktorJuice's GM Application
in Accepted
Just seems a little shallow. Put some more time into those event ideas, but you've always been a good reliable dude. +0 for now.