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Everything posted by Herb

  1. Wait, really? That's... very kind of you. I appreciate that, man. STEAM_0:1:92683431
  2. Can I be refunded at the very least? I spent a lot of my personal time getting that money.
  3. Is there a possible way for me to get it now?
  4. Unfortunately I didn't think to get it at the time.
  5. Here's the video. My apologies for the odd framing and lack of audio. I was in a rush to start it up and set the recording up incorrectly.
  6. Is it possible that I can be refunded? I'm not sure how this server chain goes about scamming. I'm still sorta new here.
  7. Sure thing, give me a few minutes
  8. Who are you Reporting? Trig Your Name: [DFS] Herb [blw.tf] Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:92683431 Name of Reportee: Trig SteamID of Reportee: Unfortunately I didn't think to grab it at the time. What Happened?: This user offered to sell me a permanent donation weapon from the store for in-game money. Specifically, A M4A1-S Hyperbeast for 2.6m. When he received the money, he disconnected shortly after. I have waited several hours in case he did purchase the weapon, but still have not received it. Proof or Evidence: (Screenshot 1: Making transaction, a screenshot of them picking up the money) (Screenshot 2: taken about 2-4 minutes later, the user has disconnected. I received that message trying to PM him.) Note: These are screenshots from a video I took of the whole situation, but i cannot find a way to upload it. These two screenshots just show what was important in the video. If you require more evidence, please let me know.
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