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Everything posted by sail

  1. sail

    Raptor GM App

    I did refer you, however I feel that there's just a little bit more than you can add to your application to make it stronger. With that being said, it is put together well enough and I feel that through our interactions in game that you can be trusted as a GM for the server. I think that you have the potential to be a huge help if you put in the effort and the time to learn from the GM team. +1
  2. sail

    Jdpho99 GM App

    -1 only because of the few hours, but other than that I’d say this is a pretty solid application. Just get some more play time in and get your name more out there in the community, then come back with an app in about a month or so!
  3. Great player with a pretty solid app. Some of the event ideas could use more depth, but with the amount of time that can be dedicated to GM I have no doubt that that he’ll be a good contribution to the team. +1
  4. Grimm absolutely knows what he's doing on an rp level and is always eager to learn about things on the server. I have no doubt that given the opportunity and time that he'll be able to really contribute as a GM. Easy +1
  5. I think that the models we use now offer a lot of individuality between everybody due to the vast amount of models and the different accessories that each of them get. I think if there is a way we can all look at the models that are in talks about being used it could give us a better insight as to what that change may look like. Doing so could give the players a chance to see what they like/don't like about them. I went to look at a few different models that look like the ones from the photos and wasn't too impressed with what they had to offer customization-wise compared to what we use now. Though, I am not entirely sure I found the right ones. I am not entire opposed, I now just think we need to just see a little bit more of them. -1
  6. In-game name: EODT BM GC SSG 3333 Sail Age: 20 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:87256638 Warns: None Timezone: EST Playtime?: 137 hours Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: Yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: Yes Referral(s): None Past experiences as a Game Master: Not that this necessarily has any relevance within GMOD, but I have been a DM for D&D for a couple of years now. I thoroughly enjoy creating a story for players to play out and enjoy. I plan extensively so that my sessions feel fleshed out so that everyone may feel included within my sessions and not just one player or certain players get the spotlight. Why should we choose you over other applicants? I am currently working on a minor in creative writing and have written a collection of short stories. To relate that to a possible spot at GM’ing, I have found what I have learned in my classes to be incredibly helpful when creating storylines that I would like to play out when planning my sessions of D&D. It has helped me create engaging and fun narratives that my players seem to enjoy. I feel that for events I could use these aspects in which I have learned to create events that could possibly have an overarching story that players can feel like they contributed towards. Tying back to my time in D&D and adding a little experience that I have had as and around EC’s I feel that they can closely be compared to creating NPC’s and quite possibly easier because there are less of them. If GM’ing I would carefully create and craft EC’s so that they are important to the story and have an easy guideline as to how they should be played. I am also fairly good at improving situations for my players if they choose to tackle a problem a different way that I intended, or to do something completely different entirely. There have been times where I intended for them to do one thing, but have had to completely change a 5 hour session because they wanted to do another. With that being said, I would incorporate that same mentality into any events that I may hold. The players are the main focus, it’s their story being told. If anyone comes up with a creative solution to change the outcome of a story, it’s their right to do so (if the action doesn’t violate rules and or is game breaking). Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: I have not How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: Around 20 hours a week as of now. Will be more once my semester ends next week. In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: The responsibility of a GM is to act as the gateway for the stories of the players to unfold. They are to create, set up, and plan for things to happen within the world, but they are ultimately there so that the players can feel like they contributed either a success or failure to a story. It is fun to GM and tell a story that you want to tell, but ultimately it’s the players’ story so all focus needs to be on creating something enjoyable for them. Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: I think the most important thing to contribute for RP as part of a Gamemaster team is to have a bunch of EC ideas that are pretty flexible story wise so that they may either be switched to if an EC dies or if a GM needs someone really quick. Rather than scrambling and having a random EC for the players to interact with, there would still be some level of planning that has been involved for them so that it feels naturally integrated. “Oh, you need a scientist? Here’s one with good story potential that I’ve been working on. Feel free to use them.” Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: I personally feel that the most important thing to contribute to RP is to understand each Battalion and Cert role within missions. I think this could make people feel more included during events. I, if I were ever GM, would look to see which Battalions and Certs were online roughly an hour before an event starts to generate something for each of them to tackle during said event. A plus would be to make some of these battalions dependent on one another depending on what the event is. The 104th needs to get a hostage? Well they can’t until 212th clears the streets of hostiles. It’s good to at least plan something for everyone to do. Even if no one of that Battalion or Specialization ends up being on for the event, at least it was planned. I think this idea would be more prevalent when planning events catered towards one Battalion. This way no one feels left out and as if they were unable to contribute. Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation] Over Arc-ing Problem Pt. I This event will take place on Anaxes and could be used as a potential build up to an off world, though it doesn’t necessarily have to. An EC bounty hunter will wander onto Anaxes, disguised as an ARC Trooper. They will try to interact with as many clones as possible, claiming to be sent from Coruscant to inspect the base. If any trooper tries to stop them, they will say that said trooper is in violation of Navy command and highly suggest letting them continue. This EC will walk around, pretending to inspect the bunks, stopping every now and then to chat with troopers. This EC should be suspicious enough, but an inspection of their armor will reveal that it is fake and made of durasteel. While this EC is distracting everyone a team of 4 other EC’s who are simple Bounty Hunters will infiltrate the base. Once inside, they will split off. One group will take someone in the Navy hostage and the other will extract war tactics to sell to the Confederacy. The group with the hostage will then act as another distraction while the other group attempts to either escape off world in their ship, or, if they cannot escape via ship, besiege the radio tower to transmit the tactics to their boss. If they get stuck within the radio tower, they will plant an explosive for EOD to deal with before they can be apprehended. The group with the hostage will not release the hostage until the tactics stolen are extracted, in which then they will negotiate trading in the hostage so that they may leave peacefully. Over Arc-ing Problem Pt. II The plot of this event follows the last as the CIS will now be dealing with the Bounty Hunters, only 2 EC’s this time, to purchase the tactics from them. They will be set up in a discreet location and a few civilian EC’s can wander, saying that they may have seen the CIS. The CIS leader, another EC, who is making the deal will be a HVT to be located and exterminated. The troopers will have 15 minutes to interrupt the transaction before it is complete. If it is complete. The CIS will begin to attempt to move off word with the tactics, the goal for them would be to get to their ship so that they may leave. If the transaction is interrupted, the Bounty hunters will scurry off, taking the tactics with them. If they run across a civilian they are more than welcome to take them hostage. At this point the hunter will try and hide while the troopers have to deal with the CIS. If the CIS leader leaves with the plan, or if they cannot find the bounty hunters within 20 minutes the mission will result in failure. All whilst this is going on, a Mandalorian EC will be stalking the clones from a distance, gathering information on them, leaving if spotted and pursued. (This mandalorian will be connected to a different event). A Little Early This event will take place on Anaxes and will only require one EC, a Jedi Knight who had been targeted prematurely by a clone trooper. This event will require someone who is willing or wanting to NPK their clone trooper as it will revolve around them. There will be a crime scene in which clues will be left behind specific to that trooper. Kama, pauldron, a note, etc. are all things that can be at the scene of the crime to pin the atrocities on whomever may have committed it. In the meantime, the EP who had been shot can be worked on in the Medbay and after they are saved they can start to make up a story of how the attack happened, eventually revealing another clue of who the trooper is. If the clues before weren’t enough to narrow down the battalion, the EC will reveal that information. It will be ordered to kill the trooper who had done it, as they had committed treason against a member of the Jedi Order and ultimately the Republic. If the troopers are not able to gather enough evidence to figure out who the trooper may be, they cannot kill any of their suspects. This event will prioritize players’ detective skills and teamwork in order to figure out who has done it. It also has the potential to be run more than once. Pretenders Via anonymous tip, the Republic has gotten word that the fake armor which has been used in an attempt to trick them is being manufactured by a local gang on Nar Shaddaa. The players will be sent on the planet to find and cease the continuation of the manufacturing facility that is producing said armor. 2 EC’s will be needed to play as these thugs, but will hold themselves down within their location as the CIS have also recieved the same tip as the Republic and want the operation for themselves. They believe that it would be incredibly helpful for them to infiltrate Republic forces. The CIS will be stationed throughout the Nar Shaddaa, terrorizing, bombing, and imprisoning 3 other civilian EC’s who will be more than willing to give the location of the gang after being helped. The gang will lock themselves in via rayshield and the players will need to find a code before they can go in and deal with them. What they do to the gang and how they choose to proceed with the facility will be up to the players and ultimately the Navy. The same Mandalorian EC will be stalking the clones from a distance, gathering information on them and will still leave if spotted and pursued. (This mandalorian will be connected to a different event). The Test As a final test to complete his study on the players and Republic forces, the Mandalorian EC, Tor Vyssa, will contact the players while they are on Anaxes. He will claim that there is some sort of biochemical explosive planted somewhere on the planet and that the players should be rather quick in finding it if they wish to live. Around Anaxes there will be galaxy scum npc’s set up at all locations to hide where the location of this device truly is. There will be a device that resembles an explosive, but that is all it will be. Upon opening it, the players will find that it is not a threat. During the duration of the event, Tor will once more be watching from a distance. Once the scum and the fake explosive are dealt with, Tor Vyssa will find the players worthy of challenging him in combat and will tell the players that they have 5 minutes to make any preparations they need before he infiltrates the base to kill them all. The Mandalorian will stop at nothing to see that he has wiped the entire base and will only accept defeat in death.
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