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Everything posted by OG_Bob_The_Builder

  1. Also a good point but a first name can't reveal much and like he said he never told who it belonged to.
  2. +1 Some people can't take a joke and if it was not full name it coulda have been just a warning to stop can change and would not have to lead to a ban, seems a lot more humane than banning a joke
  3. Good point, I banned someone for using my full name in voice chat, if he said my first I would not mind because my name is also kinda common and I don't mind it as much as my full name
  4. Exactly, you did not have to go straight to ban. Things can happen by accident and could have been resolve by a sit and asked to change.
  5. Did he have his name on steam or something?
  6. How do you know that really was his name and not just someone who got beef?
  7. Man iron please let this be a misunderstanding homie chase is a good boi and would do nothing have the sorts!
  9. Ok so if I made my username my real name would I get banned? And also it could have been anyones name, if I put my name as bob, if some guy complained that Im doxing I would get banned, THat is messed up, my homie chase did nothing wrong man
  10. I know that's why it should be specified on how far you can kill owners / raid
  11. Not a report a suggestion so don' t say report it in the report section.
  12. +1 Some people need more clarification because they just don't know and it will help people understand that they can't do it because I do see it a bit, and have to tell them that is a nono, but if it was said in the building / kos rules it will tell them that you can't, mostly for the people or are good people and read the rules when they join.
  13. Yesterday I was in a sit and the sit taker was @Cam_g. The guy reported me for nlr or something. The reason was that "there is not cap on distance of a raid" is something along the lines he said. Me and cam was raiding a base then he said in the sit ( I have video ) saying he adverted under the base we was raiding, he killed us and went to our base which is the admin tunnel ( the base we raided was the hotels in the subs which is a good distance form the tunnel and in no way in the nlr zone ) and he started raiding it with out advert, his defense was he could kill us from any distance if we were the owners of the base and he can raid a base from any distance, I tried to tell him this was not true but he refused because he said the rules never specified this. I would like if you can make this clearer on the rules on the distance of how far you can call raid and distance you can kill the owners of the base. This will help with cases like this in the future. I know I should have called a higher up, but the problem was that I was the highest rank on the server atm and Cam did not know what too do. We did figure it out but please make it clearer in the rules, please.
  14. Like he said if someone was coming in your house to get your things that you don't want them to find, I bet most people would destroy, but that is my opinion but still it is just rp, so really I see no problem with this not being a rule if they destroy, to bad find another base. And as staff it will be hard to prove if they did or not because they will have to get video proof and take time to upload and screen shots don't have sound so I prefer this not be a rule. -1
  15. sWhat role are you applying for? PlanerIn-game name: VX Bob The BuilderSteamID (https://steamid.io/):STEAM_0:1:197868148In-game rank: mod Why are you applying for this role?: Because the server has been boring, in the sense that here is no minges or propblocker. I love having fun and the server is not much fun, you just sell guns or do money printers and raid. There is not many game masters and I would do events when ever I can.If you could make one improvment to one of the current events what would it be? It is not a improvement but more of a good way to make it funnier, so every once in a while instead of normal basewars we do basewars with explosives. In my opinion I feel like players would have an "explosive" time (I hate my life)
  16. +1 Nice app and way better app than mine, you also seem like a cool dude.
  17. +1 +1 This great idea, in general there is not events much, so staff tdm or ffa would be heka fun
  18. That seemed wired because sometimes the logs do reset but when you point out the he might of killed and I’m closeing the sit right after, that is fishy.
  19. @Trap Yo I feel bad for you and also thank you for leading the Gambino family while Jacob is gone, I am a capo. I really hope you get unbanned.
  20. Wait I have a video I recorded the sit @National
  21. So the thing was I asked him a lot if he had proof that he never went inside the guys base the killed him and he kept saying no so then I finally banned him for mass nlr because he did come back 3 times and got killed every single time https://steamcommunity.com/id/VXBobTheBuilder/screenshot/788606529611721825 I also have video and I'm going to get the right now @Exotic
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