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Posts posted by IAMEVOLVE

  1. 1 hour ago, Brodude52 said:

    Not even in a server.

    im sorry but im changing my +1 to a -1, you seem to have a lot of trouble listening to simple instructions, i'd say wait a few months to apply again and try to improve your listening skills 


  2. 3 hours ago, AwesomeAidan said:

    No you didn’t. 

    Carefully read through the entire staff rules then fix your application. Other than that everything else seems fine. 


    2 hours ago, Ebichu said:

    I bet you did,-1.


    1 hour ago, Enƫity said:

    I don't think you did but if you fix that then I might change my answer. +1

    make sure you link the rules if they haven't read them thoroughly enough 


    -didn't read the rules closely enough

    -didn't put a very much effort into your essay


  3. 1 hour ago, Brodude52 said:

    I really wanna get accepted, and moderate.


    just be patient as @br0ken- said it takes a few days normally and in the meantime DO NOT advertise your application in-game or anywhere in the forums 

  4. 1 hour ago, Brodude52 said:

    Does that mean I will become staff?


    no staff and other players will give their opinions with a +1 or -1 then an operator/manager will decide if you are accepted or denied, for reference check previously made applications 

  5. first of all we don't use ulx on this server, we use d3a


    I haven't seen you active lately but you have reached the required playtime 

    There are many grammatical errors in the essay but you seem genuinely excited to be staff, DON'T MAKE ME REGRET THIS- ADD ME TO REFS 

  6. 1 hour ago, Nitrovius said:

    Alright final reply for this one. The staff team is clearly doing these tactics in order to get the user banned due to the fact they are related to another group the staff team I assume does not like. (Due to the fact most of them are DaB members.) They try every little reason to get that group banned and try in every way to make their playtime horrible. If they actually were neutral in this situation they would have warned them as soon as they started making their statements of break the chains and would actually do their job to prevent it from going on to the point of being banned. smh

    i completely understand this but it was not the DaB members decision it was the staff who banned, segway i think. He should have been warned immediately, but as he wasn't the ban is unfortunately valid 

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  7. 1 hour ago, lumm said:

    Hence wouldn't he just get kicked? He did it three times. So you warnstack him, it wasn't NITRP. 

    no we dont kick for this situation

  8. I warned him for rdm since jack was brought out of his base for the sit then killed by yui, I have already compensated jack the 135k out of my personal bank if this is accepted I understand as the sit was resolved when he was killed but the staff hadn't returned jack yet we were still talking to him I believe that the rule common sense should be applied due to the fact there was two staff talking to the base owner, jack had no control of avoiding death 

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