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Status Replies posted by Twig

  1. looking for mrp players. 

    1. Twig


      i talked to this guy called Towelie, he said he might be interested, hit him up

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. do i invest in doge coin? +1 or -1?

  3. 2 years, A lot happens in 2 years Gam. People get jobs, people change, but one thing will never change, the impact you left on everyone who you talked to, I miss you every day brother and wish I could talk to you again every minute of every day. 

    1. Twig


      A Heartwarming and heartbreaking comment all rolled into one, I don’t know who he is, but I hope he’s in a better place smiling, and cheering all of you on. Rest easy Mr. Gamma ❤️ 

  4. Hello, I would like to announce that me and br0ken are edating!!!!

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