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Posts posted by Fern91

  1. I have only had good interactions with Lancer, I agree with Conway on what he said, but never the less, I think you would be a good addition to the GM team. +1


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    In-game name: Jedi Weapons Specialist Fern | SGT FSGN 5199 Krab
    Age: 19
    SteamID (https://steamid.io/)  STEAM_0:0:419639711
    Warns: 0
    Timezone: EST
    Playtime?: 1200 hrs

    Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] Yes

    Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] Yes

    Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] Splicer, Jotaro, Quads

    Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs]

    I should be chosen over other applicants because I have the experience of being a staff member. I have been a staff member on the server before, I made my way up to S.Mod then had to resign because I went off to college for the first semester where I was very busy, but with my new schedule during my second semester I can dedicate lots of time and host lots of event on the server. With GM powers I will be able to do events in times where people need a filler event, or a main event of the night. When I was staff, I found that lacking the GM powers was an issue since I didn’t have the ability to host events, I would find myself on the server late at night with lots of people on unable to host an event for them.

    I have the experience from previous servers of being staff, but I feel that I could also implement some ideas to create some cool events. Having GM powers will also be very useful for hosting Jedi tryouts or other types of events needed within my assigned batt. I also think since I have played on the server for quite some time now, I have a good feel for what events the community would like, I could throw some good jedi rp in events while also still knowing what clones like.

    Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: No – maybe I was muted when I was younger for being a clown, but that’s when I was like 12.

    How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: I could easily meet the requirements and plenty more.


    In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: A gamemaster's responsibility is to create events for our server that will be enjoyed by the player base and will encourage players to come back and play more.

    Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: I could contribute to RP by creating great role-play environments for all users on the server. I understand the basics of all types of events, and I know as a player what I personally like to RP and experience in events. I feel I could create a good RP environment as a GM because I understand the community and what we all like. I also have lots of experience as a Jedi and understand all types of Jedi RP. This will be useful for any assist I can provide on future events.


    Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: My most creative RP idea would be having a huge event on the server where all batt’s have a ton of people on, and all battalions would have a lore jedi on, and we could all recreate a lore event. Of course, it couldn’t be directly corelated with lore, but it would still be really nostalgic for everyone on the server and I think everyone would have an amazing time.

    Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation]


    Operation Blur – The battle group would be assigned to go onto a planet to clear out a strong CIS resistance force. Once on planet, (The planet would be the Geonosis planet with the venator spawn.) the troops would begin the siege of the planet wiping out the CIS forces, when eventually they would encounter a Sith Holocron. (Trial of Insight) The Sith Holocron would take the padawan through a sequence of scenes where they would see a Sith, but he was only a blur. Eventually a maybe 2 IRL days after the holocron appears they would encounter the blur in person where they would fight and the demise of the Sith would come.


    Zombie Break – Troopers would be sent out to a strange signal coming from a nearby Republic base. Once the troops arrived, they would see that the CIS had taken control of the planet. Once clearing all the CIS from the outside of the base they could move into the base where they would find that the troopers reaming would be affected by a virus that turned them all into zombies. All troops would have to seal their suits and proceed with caution as one bite would require medical attention (good med rp moment).


    Alderaan Rescue – The 34th would be sent to rescue a senator who was captured on the planet of Alderaan by the CIS. The 104th would be sent out to save the senator with CG and the rest of the battle group would defend the area so a rescue mission could take place. Heavy CIS resistance would occur, and the CIS would drive the Republic into space where they would destroy the CIS ship and save the senators.


    Mischief on Coruscant – Word would be sent to a CG member about a strong underground separatist group forming in the depths of Coruscant. The 34th would be sent down to investigate this issue where they would find in the sewers a drug lord who organized this group to hide the transport of his drugs while the riots were going on. CG would take the man int custody after clearing out the separatist forces.

    Trouble on Tatooine – Troops would be sent out to the Pod racing tracks on Tatooine to inspect the area and make sure that the CIS haven’t taken over the planet. Once they arrived they would figure out that the CIS was scattered throughout the whole area and the troops would clear this out. Depending on the hours of the event I would like to have a fun passive rp event after like a previous GM has done already where the server could pod race for money prize. I did this once and had lots of fun, I think it needs to be brought back.

    • Agree 2
  3. +1 from me, have seen Swinters join the server, trained him for 212th, and saw this player work their way up to their respected position. Definitely has all my respect and has the respect of a lot of players on this server. I think Swinters will fit the staff position well. Excited to see the future of this player and I think he has everything it takes to hold the position staff. +100

  4. tragickrab - Staff Application
    In-game name: Jedi Padawan V Fern | ARF P-291 SCBM 2LT 5199 Krab

    Age: 18

    SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:419639711

    Warns: 0

    Timezone: EST

    Playtime?: 600 hrs

    Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: YES

    Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: YES

        Referral(s): Harus, Stromboli

        Past experiences as staff: Icefuse CityRP - Admin (was abt to be HA bust resigned)
                                                    Minecraft Server - Head Manager/Developer for six months. 

        Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs]
    I can provide lots of hours for the staff team, help develop new ideas for the growth of the server, and use my staff experience to help the players enjoy SWRP by keeping a safe playing environment. I have been on the server for around two months of activity, watching and playing through all the events and gaining a reputation on the server that I like to consider as "good." I have had a positive impact on the server and have made lots of growth, whether putting in countless hours throughout the day and night or training new people on the server and giving them a welcoming experience. However, there is always room for improvement. With my addition to the staff team, I can help improve the server's population and help enforce the rules on the server. 

        I developed a reputation for being a good staff member throughout my time on other servers. I was rewarded quite frequently for my performance. I used my previous knowledge as a manager to help leadership with new ideas. For example, I introduced new ways to increase the server's population. As a developer, I created and modded plugins non-stop for about six months to help maintain the population and growth of the server I played on. While being staff on these servers gave me experience in the field, it also gave me a new skill to constantly be willing to improve the community of servers and help people. I've always been willing to give people second chances, but I know when to enforce the rules. As a result, I can make a great addition to the staff team. 

        Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details 
    Got jailed once on another server for rdm, before staff.

        Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: No

        How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: Anytime I am on the server (A lot)

        If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod? Landscaping during the day. 

    Did you read the staff rules?: Jedi Padawan V Fern | ARF P-291 SCBM 2LT 5199 Krab 


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