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Posts posted by Subby
+1 I would say this is pretty good! Hope to see some of these events play out and that they're in fact skibiditastic! For real, events are good and hope to see more from you if you get in!
Events are good, but I wanna see more detail and effort put into your stuff, other than that I believe you'll be a good GM! +1
+1 Off worlds ideas are baller, and ingame is very chill, hope you get accepted!
In-game name: 1S R15-SB ENG SSG 6214 Subby
Age: 14
SteamID (https://steamid.io/): https://steamid.io/lookup/STEAM_0:0:568052900
Warns: 0
Timezone: Central Time
Playtime?: 174 Hours
Do you have access to a microphone?: Yes
Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: Yes
Referral(s): Discreetian, Raptor, Clyde, Brian, Conway (Conway did tell me to try applying so just puttin this just in case)
Past experiences as a Game Master: none
Why should we choose you over other applicants?I've been part of the Garnet Star Wars RP for a bit now with people knowing me as the 501st trooper Subby and I personally want to do more for the community and engage myself with more activities. I enjoy using my creativity to create enjoyable experiences for others and becoming a gamemaster would help me excel at that allowing me to create even more things for people to experience and hopefully enjoy. With becoming a gamemaster I hope to make events with an interesting premise and storyline while keeping everyone preoccupied and giving them all a role to play. I wish to make the events vary in how they are designed and I hope to make them include a captivating story if I can.
I personally think that I'll be able to help a lot with other gamemasters and creating activities for players on times when they're aren't any events happening allowing for players to continue to be invested in the server during hours with little activity. In addition to this I hope to better my skills and interact more with the game and people. I also want to help the people in my battalion host missions and trainings, to help with the activity of my battalion. I also want to be able to help other gamemasters host events and make others workload a lot lighter.
Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: have not
How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: Most of the time past afternoon and once i get back into school anytime past 2:30 pm CSTIn your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: Hosting enjoyable events and helping with activities throughout the day.
Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: I wish to make trainings a bit more interactive with different sub battalions, like creating a role and objective for each one that correlates to their specialties. The main thing I wanna host and help with are activities that pertain with stuff during times in between events like making an on world that has the 34th battle group go out to an enemy base and retrieve an HVT that has data on the CIS and then departing out to attack .
Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: For events to have a captivating storyline and having every sort of person play a role, allowing everyone to play a role while that role being fun and unique to everyone else.
Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation]
Off World Name: Deathstick Parade
A scandal brewing on Coruscant, a senator was caught smuggling deathsticks through a gang theorized to be in the cahoots with the CIS named the Ka'Ruta. The senator made a run for it taking along with them important data on "SOB". They are put under the protection of the gang, and the deathsticks are sent off to the Ka'Ruta's storage house while main attack force of the gang heads to seize the senator. The 34th battlegroup are called and informed on the situation and given the order to go the underbelly of coruscant and send the 501st, 212th, 327th, and DU battalions cut off the attack force and kill the leader, while the 104th, 21st battalions and the Coruscant Guard are sent to search for the storage house and SOB are privately informed to kill the senator and must receive the data at all costs. Once landing and getting the go ahead and the battalions heading to their objectives the attacking group gets to where the leader was presumed to be and finds his second in command and after interrogation informs them that the group that was sent to apprehend the contraband is heading to the are their boss is in. While that happens the group reach the area the contraband is in and finds a console detailing the deathsticks are modified into spreading a virus designed specifically for clones to weaken them to the point of suffocating in their own armor and comes across the leader of the Ka'Ruta and gets into a firefight killing or capturing him. SOB heads to the area where the senator is and is caught off guard by a bounty hunter hired by the Ka'Ruta to escort and protect the senator to their leader and gets into a firefight with said bounty hunter and after finishing up they head over to the senator to do their job and retreive the data.
Off World Name: Horn of L1FE
Sightings of a BX infiltrator around Anaxes are raising and the clones spot one that seems to be scouting out the base and they track it down to a nearby FOB, they storm the FOB while the droids scurry to delete the data stored in the consoles, but eventually fail due to the opressive force of the clones. After examining the contents of the consoles there they find a file covering a certain AWOL BX that seems to be denying CIS orders after gaining what seems to be a conscious after an experiment that was meant to get closer to higher efficiency models of the BX infiltrator. While inspecting the data the clones see a CIS ship take off out of the atmosphere and return to base. Returning back to base a meeting is held and the go ahead to go out and find this BX is given with the order of capturing it functional and working unless it fires first. The NCC holotable buzzes from a different distress signal from forces stationed on Tatooine informing them that a ship fitting the description of the ship that took off earlier was found crashed close to a town with no one inside. Soon after landing on Tatooine some of the battalions are split up one group heads to the crashed ship to inspect any kind of data that can lead to this droid and the other too the town close by to gain info from the civilians. The group sent to the ship finds logs that detailed what the BX was thinking on his way to the planet showing signs of humanity and the yearn to survive wishing for the clones to allow him to live. While this is happening SOB is given the order to find an informant nearby that the republic has paid in advance to find info on this droid. The CIS ambushes both main groups and while that happens SOB meets up with said informant and finds out the informant backstabbed them and a firefight commences with SOB and droids that ambushed that. During the firefight the BX makes an appearance and helps SOB fight back the droids. After returning to LZ with the BX the droid informs the clones that he is grateful for what they've done, but it was here to remotely copy itself onto another BX model and send its conscious there and the BX falls over inactive. (little setup for part 2 >:) )
Off World Name: Horn of The Fittest (sequel for one before this)
A trusted informant rushes onto base demanding a talk with the higher ups there, insisting they have info on the BX that went AWOL and that they are being hunted. Once getting into a meeting with the informant, they start informing the 34th battlegroup that the sentient BX has made an appearance, but joining up with a bounty hunter guild which operates on a desolate moon. After bringing this information to higher ups the 34th battlegroup is given the order to capture this BX for research and possibly turn the data gained from it into a weapon. Arriving onto the moon the battalions swarm the facility the BX is bunkered down in with constant hellfire coming from hired pirates and bounty hunters alike. Once breaking into the facility the clones find a console with details on the BX's plan of action to steal Republic weaponry and use it to attack the CIS and also a file containing a name for it, "Zero". The clones push into the facility and finally come across the BX and in a moment of desperation fights as hard as it can against the clones, but once running out of ammo is captured by the clones and is taken away for deconstruction and analysis.
On World Name: Backhanded Lie
A ship containing civilians crash lands in Anaxes and sets up camp near the runway of the clone base. The 34th battlegroup is informed of this by a Fleet Admiral and is ordered to interrogate the civilians since they are under the protection of the CIS. The 34th battlegroup moves in onto the camp and looks around the area full of civilians and finds a man who proclaims to be the leader of the group and is brought into interrogation nearby a console. If the console is hacked into there will be a file called "The Bellow Project" detailing a plan to create a vehicle that would dig under a Republic base and explode with the power of a nuclear bomb. The man tells the clones that they were on a trip of relocation since the Republic was moving on their planet so they packed whatever they could and fled under the protection of the CIS. If asked of any information on the CIS the man will tell a story of a shadowey man that came as a messenger for the CIS not being able to grasp his face and if asked about the file he will cave and tell them that was the trade for protection. The CIS moves in onto the camp and starts attacking the clones and starts massacring the civilians and moves in to collect the data and battles the clones. Once the fight is over the man will be transferred to coruscant and put in prison for creating a weapon to harm the Republic.
On World Name: Bios Reset
A BX with a prototype camo technology sneaks onto the Anaxes clone base and heads to NCC and sticks a hard drive into the console causing the alarms blare and the console screens to bug out and the BX sneaks off base. After investigation the 34th battlegroup finds a 4 way connection with the FOBs to be the access points and sends out a group of troopers to go and clear out the FOBs and break the connection. When the clones reach Olympus it would be guarded by BXs and B2 Battle Droids and find a console hooked up into the consoles already in the room. The console holds information that the CIS was planning to use the Anaxes base computer system to send a signal to other republic bases and bug their computer... but can the signal can be powered down by a bios reset once the console can be accessed and thus begins a race against time whether the clones can clear the FOBs and clear out the access consoles.
I would appreciate any feedback if I do something wrong first time doin this
Buck's GM app
in Denied
Posted · Edited by Subby
+1 The apps great, event ideas are great and would to see some of them play out! The only thing is the playtime on the server which might get it denied or best postponed, but I dunno, for me given some time you'd be great to have on the team with some more time!