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Everything posted by Wizardbaker

  1. It seems odd to get tped and banned for one kill and especially if they didn't report you which they probably wouldn't if they wanted your help to get out of a stuck place. You are either missing lots of the story or there was a miscommunication. Gonna need to hear from pencil on this one
  2. Just clicked on it from recent topics didn't see that it was darkrp lol. I'm dumb
  3. http://imgur.com/gallery/lIeHoBl Clearly says in the rules that you can't raid or kidnap unless you are 0-1 anyways. You obviously didn't read the rules and don't actually care
  4. In-Game Name: LaPolla/Svetlana Which RU/US Elite Class: US Guardian STEAMID: STEAM_0:0:6071613 What are your big plans this summer: Mostly hanging with friends, but more importantly, prepping for AROTC in the fall! PS: Thanks a ton for the giveaway Conway!
  5. Wizardbaker

    Ban Appeal

    Tbh the ban is going to be over before they get to this anyways
  6. Apologies, wasn't on the server when I wrote it aha. It was fixed
  7. In-game names: 1MD LCpl LaPolla | 2GA PVT Svetlana Sokolov Age: 17 (18 on the 9th) SteamID: STEAM_0:0:6071613 Warns: Basecamp Timezone: EST Playtime?: 75:10:56 ish hours Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] Yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] Yes Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] None (If I had to get these do feel free to let me know. I wasn't sure if this is optional) Past experiences as staff: [Optional] Head of Administration (Masters of Anarchy SWRP) Moderator (Tamewater Gaming Community) Server Manager (Dead Wasteland Gaming) How do you plan on benefiting our server? [minimum 2 paragraphs] There is a constant drive within me to find communities that I can see till the ends of their days, or more hopefully to no end. It has been quite a while since I have found a server that I have dedicated lots of time and money into and have truly been involved in. There are so many ways that I would want to benefit the server if possible, and through this hopefully turn the server into a better place. To start off, when I am a staff I dedicate almost all of my free time and time on the server to staffing, and this would be no different. There have been times when I would be on the server and a ticket would not be taken for over 10 minutes. This is no knock to the staff team as I know from experience that things just get stacked up on people, but this just shows that there is a need for more numerous staff to help with this. When it comes to being on the server I would most likely spending any time out of war as staff on duty, helping to answer tickets, but also to help answer the mass amounts of questions that often flood the OOC chat. Outside of just on the server there is even more than just the simple duties as a staff. It would be a goal of mine to help all other staff members with any help they need with sits/questions, or any kind of support. I strive to make the team into more of a team than previously seen, as the staff members are not individuals, but all cogs in one big system to keep the server together. I would help with developing of any new documents, or training new staff, or just keeping track of the forums/server. Although this second paragraph is much shorter, I believe that all I have said is a simple version of what I believe in. I think that my actions as a staff member will quickly prove their worth, and any more typing would be much too repetitive and unnecessary. Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? If so, Include details. No I have not Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: No I have not How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: Upwards of 8 hours a day. Probably more while I'm on summer break, but it may lower once I start school again.
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