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About Kenji

  • Birthday 10/12/2003

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  1. In-game name: 2GA RFR SNS MeloSteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:158477810Staff members in-game name: AFSOC CMSAF CodStaff members SteamID (/id (name): It kept saying player not found, if someone can grab it for me ill update thisDate & Time of incident: 8:20 pm, 2/22/20201Timezone: MSTBan Reason: MRDMHow long were you banned for?: 2 weeksProof of Ban: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2405082214What happened? (include any proof): We were in between wars, and some RU asked me to blow them up. They all told me I could in comms, but the moment I did I was banned. No sit, no nothing, just banned right away. Here is the screenshot: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2405083908Why should your ban be removed?: I didn't kill anyone who didn't give me a go-ahead, and it was all said in comms. I was also never taken into a sit or anything as well. Its wasn't like I was creating problems on the server. No one lost anything, everyone who died wanted to, and it was in between wars.
  2. Great guy, always chill and easy to talk too. I get the impression that he knows what hes doing, and anything he doesn't know hes willing to learn. I obviously believe he'd be a great addition to the team. +1
  3. I have just now started seeing you (which may be partly to the weird hours I'm online), but from what I see here I have confidence you know what you're doing. You have some good paragraphs and some REAL good playtime which is a big driving factor for me. And from what I've seen and heard, you seem pretty chill. +1
  4. I actually had you in a sit or two recently. You were very mature from what I remember, and I don't see a good reason why you shouldn't join the team. While I haven't seen you till recently (and thats mainly because I come on at weird time) it seems that you give my fellow staff members a good vibe. All in all, that with everything ive seen, I think you deserve a spot. +1
  5. I have to agree with a lot of the people above. Ive never seen you before and there is a lot of filler in your app. Instead of so much of that, I want to mainly hear what you can offer without a doubt. And if you get overwhelmed by school, then this won't be a good idea, as this job can be stressful and time consuming. -1
  6. Description: I think the addition of a Jukebox system for the barkeeps to utilize would make the job more valuable and fun to play. A barkeep could purchase on of these from the f4 menu, and the himself and/or the patrons could add songs to the queue. This would greatly spice up the job and make it more valuable to players who like to go online just to chill and socialize. I would also like to address the problems this could entail. Such as ear rape music, inappropriate songs, and such. For this reason, maybe only the barkeep could add songs, or perhaps a better solution. This is basically just the snoop dog class from a while ago that bartenders can utilize. Reasoning: Adds more reason for the Bartender class, adds another tool for those who just want to hang out, could make places like the club building and other such buildings have a higher chance to be used. Additional Information: n/a
  7. In-game name: Melodramatic PandaSteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:158477810In-game rank: Moderator Timezone: MDTLength of LOA: 6 daysReason: Sorry I Didn't make one of these sooner, and I was hoping I wouldn't have too. I recently had a bit of drama come onto my life. Along with my partner of 2 years leaving me for someone else, I also recently lost a friend to a overdose. I've been battling with the feelings that has been brought about by these events, but its gotten to the point where its almost debilitating. I need a break from a lot of things to focus on myself, and unfortunately moderating is one of those things as it can sometimes be stressful and overwhelming. I am seeing help at this time, and I don't want these things to take me away from this job because no matter how crazy it can be I still love doing it. I plan to be back by this coming Monday. Also, sorry if this a bit tmi I'm not great about being brief on things. Hope this is a valid reason and I hope to see my friends and fellow staff on soon!
  8. My guys cyber and lotus, congrats on the promotions. I'm sad to see a couple people go but overall this post made my day
  9. Good luck my dude, Im gonna miss you in game
  10. +1 without a doubt for me. In game hes a really cool guy and I've only seen good things. He knows the rules, knows when to report, got a good amount of hours, and as far as I've seen actually care about the server. I have no doubt that he would make a good addition to the team.
  11. Looks good to me. Things looked a little rough but the fact you got things ironed out gives me some hope. Not much more to say! +1
  12. Unfortunately I have not personally interacted with you in game, but from looking at everyone's relays I think its safe to give you a +1. You seemed to be very loved in the community and it looks like you know what your doing. I trust my fellow mods on this one. Good luck on training!
  13. Yeah unfortunately things were looking good but that ban just dragged you down. -1
  14. Unless you were wrongly warned there is no reason to remove them. If you want them removed you have to have proof that they were placed on you wrongly. If you are really worried I would read MOTD again so you know the rules, therefore less of a chance for ban.
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