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Everything posted by MisterShankie

  1. yeah I got burnt out pretty bad. I might come back at a future date but I am not so sure. It's been hella fun though. I'll enjoy the grind again some time in the future.
  2. MisterShankie


    -1 It doesn't really have any point and it doesn't exactly look good either. I am sorry, ak, but it's a no from me.
  3. Your application looks decent but my issues are this: 1. You're 14, yet another tally on the "under 15" trend that is going on. 2. Your numbers for server playtime are very low, you barely just qualified. I think you're rushing a bit with the staff application here. 3. Following up on point 2, I have never seen you in game before and I am on quite a lot almost daily. This could also be contributed to some of your hours. I wish your referral was stronger since PM is a new staff member. All in all, you meet the qualifications. I want to see more of the community feedback before making my proper decision. If staff really do know you then we will see some -1's or +1's soon. +1 He seems really polite here on the forums. If he keeps up that attitude I would be glad to have him on the team.
  4. https://streamable.com/vz0i0o https://streamable.com/78jbt8 You MRDM'd on the server. We had a talk and I agreed to warn you for the first case. It turns out that Choppa DID report you, so it was a wider issue than I had assumed. Once you were warned you were booted by the console for exceeding the warn limit. THE PROCESS: You killed choppa multiple times and choppa reported you for it. I warned you for the incident by point. You were kicked by the console. Directly after I took the report on you by choppa. I banned you for MRDM regarding the issue with Choppa. I understand you were booted from the server, but I couldn't just ignore the situation, you ended up breaking the rules so I did what I had to do. You were very polite at the end of the situation so I appreciate it, I cannot be bias so this is why I banned you.
  5. No, no matter what you do, there is a ban here. Friends or not, rules are rules. The proof against you is overwhelming. AMRDM as a hobo is attacking 3 people who haven't attacked you first. You were reported for RDM and there were 3 counts of ARDM. That is MARDM ban regardless of your excuse for it. People were upset and you broke SEVERAL RULES. I couldn't just let it go.
  6. https://streamable.com/d3910d As seen in the video of the evidence and proof I gathered, you mugged 2 times as a hobo and ended up killing 2 people because of it. Already that is NITRP. There was no false mug, no one hit you first, so you're lying in your appeal. But lets go through the rest. You claimed it was false, there was no false advert nor could you prove it was false against the evidence against you. Checking your damage logs you damaged 3 people WITHIN that timeframe of mugging. In the end it doesn't matter if it's your friends or not, you got reported for FRP and RDM and I am obligated to check for the RDM. All your offenses are VALID within this time meaning that all the rules you broke count towards your punishment. You stabbed 3 people as a hobo all whom never hit you first, that is AMRDM. Friend or not, ARDM is ARDM.. You decided to break the rules, someone reported you for it, and you got caught. That isn't my fault. Broken rules are broken rules, friends or not. I decide the punishment and you directly lied to me in a sit, therefore I chose the highest. Liars don't get redemption. We don't bring witnesses or anyone else into the sit. You got banned for what you were reported for. You MFRP'd, NITRP'd, and AMRDM'd. AMRDM is the highest punishment. ALL OF YOUR RULE BREAKS WILL BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION TO DETERMINE THE PROPER PUNISHMENT. I had the proof, you got caught, done.
  7. https://streamable.com/0kirv3 You even had a bad attitude in the sit. I was the one that mugged you and killed you. You came back, you died, you came back again and RDM'd. 3 rules broken = NITRP.
  8. Seems like it's not really needed.
  9. +1 If you can make it alternate each server restart that would be dope
  10. +1 We don't need a single life rule on perks. If you got the money you should be able to buy it again! That or change it up maybe a little bit? If it's possible to make it know that you are on full perks and you don't need to buy it again but if you take damage or something happens you can
  11. I am disappointed

  12. We need to make sure that this isn't a problem with the server or that this isn't someone else on his account. I don't want this being spread as some accusation without proof. Bossmiles would have no reason to lie about something like this.
  13. Oh no, that's terrible! I know this is a hard time for you and you should take as much time as you need. We will all miss him, he was one of the good ones. If you ever need anyone to talk to just hmu, I am here for you.
  14. Congrats to all! Good luck for the next month! MR SHANKIE'S CLIMBING THE RANKS AGAIN! HELL YEAH!
  15. You don't qualify for the position. You shouldn't have applied then. Banned for MNLR at level 26 only 2 months ago? You really should focus on the rules more if you're going to want to be dedicated to a server. NLR is in Almost every DarkRP server, so you have no excuse to not have known it. You're 14, as goes the trend recently of almost entirely 15 and under kids applying. It is becoming a problem and this is a perfect example of someone who is unreliable because of this. I feel like you didn't really care enough to read the one sentence that says to put 2 paragraphs, so I don't care enough to +1 your application. Now all of this aside, I HAVE seen you in game and you got a good attitude. I just think you need to grow up a little if you want to staff in on Gmod at all, it's a toxic cesspool and you being a kid is a perfect way to get a target on your head. With no past experience I just can't trust that you can handle this with an application this weak. -1
  16. At least he wrote two blocks of text. So long as he put effort in it should be fine. It's an application not a writing test. Honestly I stated this before with you and I'll state it again. You're 13, recently we've been getting a lot of staff applications from children 15 and under. I've also been noticing a LOT of mistakes from newer staff members. I really would like to avoid putting more kids on the team, but you ARE the bare minimum so you're allowed to pass regardless of what I think there. Other than that you definitely put more effort into your application, haven't seen you much though it looks like you doubled your playtime so you're active. I say: +1 And prove to me you got what it takes.
  17. You definitely improved since your last application. I am glad to see that you've come a long way in just 2 weeks. So I say +1
  18. Welcome back, Ball. You did a great job on this application. Honestly I expected LESS from you, but you definitely proved me wrong. I am glad I'll get to have you back on the team with me, bud! +1
  19. I had worked things out personally with Vortex over discord and have alerted Titan. After going over the information the entire situation was accidental since I had no idea I even shot Vortex before leaving. What happened was me and a bud of mine were testing out my new gun which was the dragonfire sniper. I did a no-scope shot and missed, anyone who uses it knows it's incredibly inaccurate, assuming that nothing happened I had then left the game after since I had to go for other plans with some friends. Turns out I hit vortex with that shot, but he didn't die so I didn't know that I even hit him with it. Me and vortex worked it out with Titan and found out the situation.
  20. In-game name: Mr ShankieSteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:237896170Staff members in-game name: Taco SunkingStaff members SteamID (https://garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans) (/id (name): STEAM_0:1:56386099Date & Time of incident: YesterdayTimezone: ESTBan Reason: ARDM+LTAPHow long were you banned for?: 03-00:00Proof of Ban: https://garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans/?steamid=STEAM_0%3A1%3A237896170 My IDWhat happened? (include any proof): Not exactly sure what happened. I just tried hopping on and I was banned. Why should your ban be removed?: I was not in a sit, never was pulled into a sit, was just completely banned for no reason it seemed. If there WAS a report, it was placed AFTER I left. I never left to avoid any sort of punishment whatso ever. Not exactly sure where this is coming from.
  21. -1 i hate you and never want to see you here.... because you didn't add me to your referrals Nah I am joking, of course I would LOVE to have you on the staff team. You are good to hang out with, you're good with the rules and overall just a good pal. The community itself has a good outlook on you too. That is just the beginning, then you put in such dedication into the application, gave us a lot of details, past experiences, were honest and even showed willingness to improve from past mistakes. This is an absolutely beautiful staff application and should be used an an example for others. MAJOR +1
  22. Description: I think that Hitman/Assassin roles should have randomly generated server hits. Where the server will randomly place a hit inside of the hit menu at 1000$ every 5-10 minutes maybe. Reasoning: We always have hitman or assassins playing online almost all the time. I, myself, play it quite a lot but the issue is that we have to sometimes wait over an HOUR to get ANY hits making the core purpose of the job incredibly boring. If we could have randomized hits every so often it would alleviate that boredom and bring some actual enjoyment to those classes. Additional Information: Honestly I just think it'd help. It can randomly select someone in the server and put a 1k hit on them. The assassin/hitman can accept it, kill them, and the logs should automatically log that the console placed the hit. If the hit is on someone unreachable or autoplaced on a staff member, a hitman can simply NOT accept that hit, wait, or suicide to remove it.
  23. Bro come on, I've seen you in game and you're awesome but this isn't a good display. 1. You didn't even properly read the rules 2. Your "paragraphs" aren't even enough to be considers that. We need 2 paragraphs. 3. Please put your proper playtime by using /playtime (your name) in game 4. 15 hours? Is that through the whole week, month, day? With you going to college and such I doubt you'd be able to put in 15 hours a day. Honestly if you're not going to put much effort into your application, just don't apply. It really sucks to have to do this because I think you're quite awesome in-game. -1
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