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Posts posted by Cypher

  1. 53 minutes ago, ZachDLC said:

    @Jackal l GarnetGaming.net what's up with the 3 accounts to react to my posts ?

    That really isn't necessary to bring up here as it has no bearing on the situation at hand.

    If you want to confront Jackal about it do so in PM's and if you think he is using this with malicious intent please see a higher up to discuss the situation.

  2. 50 minutes ago, ZachDLC said:

    I gave this kid a gun because he was making comments about massrdming the server and I wanted to get him for it.


    He then proceded to MassRDM, when he got to 3 kills I sat him (because if I reported him there would be nobody else on, or so I thought, so a report would be useless)

    He then killed me in the sit when I roofed him which solidified my decision.

    Even if this wasn't proper idk how this was abusing my rank as I was just stopping a massrdmer.

    Me commenting on jailing or banning him is just me messing with him before I stacked and banned him.

    So, you enabled him to mass rdm and then banned him for it? Wtf?

  3. 55 minutes ago, Bread God said:


    Free my boy DLC he ain't do nothing wrong 

    Maybe you should wait for the other person to provide their side of the story before supporting your friend, you know, because you're a staff and all your input is very important to things like these. 

    1 hour ago, ZachDLC said:

    If you wanted me to leave give me my money back and I will.

    It is stated on the donation page that there will be no refunds period regardless of the reason.

    • 300 IQ 2
  4. 13 minutes ago, Catfisher said:

    where nightbot and evity be at, i want smooches

    If you guys could refrain from shitposting and could actually add constructive arguments to the thread that would be appreciated, thanks.

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  5. Are you interested in joining the Garnet Gaming™ staff team but have the writing capabilities of a high school dropout? If so, my service may be for you! I'm offering some of the best literary pieces on this side of the forums for low low prices! All I need is for your credit card number, the 3 digits on the back and the expiration month and year. If you order within the next hour I'll throw in a perma ban of the player of your choosing. 


    (Serious offers only I don't want to be wasting my time)

  6. 13 hours ago, D Δ TONEDE Δ DDUCK said:

    Well there has to be standards and norms to base the argument off of, yes? Otherwise I'll say human piss and shit is soup because it's a solid in a liquid. And you'll probably be like: "well it is lol" or something stupid like that >.>

    You're taking a shitpost thread way too seriously lmao

  7. 1 hour ago, D Δ TONEDE Δ DDUCK said:

    Edit edit: And you're using something that's out of the norm to use as a standard. We're talking about the norm here.

    Nothing in the post says is it normal, it asks is it or is it not.


  8. 6 minutes ago, D Δ TONEDE Δ DDUCK said:

    Definition of soup: a liquid dish, made by boiling meat, fish, or vegetables, etc., in stock or water.

    Cereal is not a meat, fish, or vegetable. It's typically made from grains, so yeet.

    Soup: a liquid dish, typically made by boiling meat, fish, or vegetables, etc., in stock or water. 

    It says typically, meaning that you 1, you removed it to make yourself right... retard and 2 there are exceptions where there is cold soup in some parts of eastern europe made with water and grain (usually poor regions) and not boiled.

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