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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Status Updates posted by Captainswag

  1. Well, internet out for today, most likely tomorrow thank you god for you hating me, how are all of you doing today? Hurricane affect any of you guys? (And if so I’m sorry cause you probably have it a lot worse than me)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Captainswag


      Sorry to hear that man, I’ve never lived in an area that got tornados, but hope it gets better for you man, and that you stay safe.

    3. Vibe


      Fuck that fucking hurricane. It knew better than to mess with the 2 time faction reviver. Bitch did a 180 when it hit my part of the state.

    4. Captainswag


      I always did want to join one of your factions if I’m being honest, they all looked like so much fun but I never had the skill to get in them

  2. ever get something, then it crumbles before your eyes?
    a thing you cared about, and all, but still, it crumbles before your eyes
    hurts.. doesn't it mates
    hope your nights are better than mine has been

    1. eli_


      Damn bro I'm sorry. Hope shit will start getting better for you mate.

  3. 10 day countdown, starting now eh?

  4. Well after a string of long, sad, rough days, today was actually good, thank you to my friends here who help me out and are there for me everyday you know who you are
    Hope all of your guys' days went good too

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Captainswag


      eli my friend, you are one of the nicest people ive met in this community

    3. brooklyn


      Very happy to hear today has been good for you, i'm sorry you've been going through sad times rn, I hope its nothing but uphill for now ❤️

    4. Captainswag


      you know what they say, there is no bad without the good, so lets hope its not all gonna be ok, wheres the fun in that?

  5. Well the past week has managed to destroy my heart better than any other moment in my life... so there’s that

  6. image0.jpg

    astronaut but the legs sucked and I gave up 

    1. Kendal


      You're getting really good at it my dude. Far better than anything I can do.

  7. Hellooo peoples of Garnet, hope things are going good for you all

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Captainswag


      Cant say so, but I can assure you my day is better when the people of garnet’s is 🙂

    3. Gythem


      I'm doing great Swag. When are we down for GTA again?

    4. Captainswag


      When I get back to my PC (tomorrow) I might be down for that eh? Gotta play some Arma, i said is stop by SWRP, Tarkov is just recently updated, and then I gotta play some DRG, but sure I’ll hit you up

  8. How is everyone? Hopefully good yeah?

    1. WhiteBolt


      yeah pretty good, I follow you on insta and you're drawings are pretty sick dude.

    2. Captainswag


      Thank you sir, I try, wish I could see the good in them too

  9. Rough nighttime hours v2.0

  10. Rough nighttime hours

  11. *shoots cloaker* “Cartel Style!”

  12. This is my profile, there are many like it but this one is mine.

  13. I kinda do be missing hearing from lots of you peoples these days 😔

  14. #PaydayGang

    1. Pencil


      buy @Im Dream sea of theives

    2. Captainswag


      I’m in debt my good sir, to the bank

  15. How are the peoples of Garnet today?

  16. Ya know when you have a ton of bad runs in tormkiv? Yea that’s what today do be like

  17. Man I don't think ive gotten this ticked on the forums in a loong time...

  18. So how are the people of garnet as of late eh? Hope all is well, been a bit since ive talked anywhere but the chatbox.

    1. eXg-Buddha


      garnet gaming

  19. Ok I’ve been trying to stay professional, but, why call out people for cringe reacting you? It tends to lead to more cringe reacts heading your way, and attention.

    Congrats, you have gotten peoples attention.

  20. Ever dig yourself a hole you don’t know how to get out of? 
    Well I think I did 🤡

    1. LalaDeviluke


      I dig trenches knowing what i got myself into (Trench warefare)


  21. Does anyone know how many reactions you have each day? I always run out and have to wait for them to come back.

  22. Well.. my cat that I’ve had for years now, Huck, has to be put down. Hope you guys are having a better day than I am, and if you aren’t just keep your head up, life only gets better.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jared Cox

      Jared Cox

      Hey man if you need someone to talk to hmu

    3. Captainswag


      Thank you all again for your kinda words - I’ll be alright, it’ll pass. But again - thank you all.

    4. Ting


      I will forever remember the memories of you yelling at your cat to get off your desk/keyboard 😞  I hope your doing good and can reassure you things will get better. 

  23. Ya know I’d really like to sketch something, don’t know what though

    1. Koulit


      Sketch some SOT Pirates

    2. Captainswag


      Been a while since I’ve done that, maybe I still have it in me eh?

  24. Hey what’s up with a ton of players who have been here for a good bit making introductions? And then players saying ‘bye to the community’ posting more often then ever? I just find it interesting, don’t mean to offend anyone, just wanted to bring it to light

  25. How are the peoples of garnet as of late?

    1. Jerr



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