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Posts posted by Brandon

  1. 13 hours ago, rauler said:

    I haven't played in a while, but it looks like DF in its current state is a bunch of childish people that Spectre let into the faction only because of their war output.


    So basically my ISI. Oh no. 




    13 hours ago, Garnet said:


  2. 27 minutes ago, Jasmin | Garnetgaming.net said:

    Not only that but he has disrespected me in so many ways not only on TeamSpeak but on SnapChat. He constantly harasses me with my sexuality and how 'Woman should not be playing video games' and 'I should be in the kitchen'.

    Honestly, I would love this gut to never come back to this community, he is nothing but toxic to not only women but little kids that just wanted to roleplay on the server.

    -1 for me.

    Well fair point but he’s my nigga 


    +1 Hollander can have a second chance so long as the rasist and masoganist comments stop 

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  3. 11 hours ago, PumpOG said:

    who are you?


    Who is he nigga who are you literally no one knows who you are 


    anyway Lua you have no idea how mad I would get when you and Vega would just shit on me every fucking war like holy shit you guys were good players and better good teammates I hope you still enjoy the server somehow

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