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Posts posted by Brandon

  1. @[GG] Cypher I like it, it looks like a refreshing twist to the game mode 


    I suggested adding FBI, those are always important as well as state troopers those two factions are large parts of the game mode usually and if you really want you could add in FBI assault teams but that would seem redundant to Swat. Some servers even have paramedics as well as things like the NSA or the S.R.T but those are fairly optional. Also terrorist groups are always nice on PoliceRP but they have to have decent rules for them to be fun. Overall looks amazing, still not sure if it was worth the resignation or not yet but whatever.

  2. So I’m getting payed on Friday and I want to buy a class. I don’t want to spend a ton so I have excluded the 50$ classes. so out of Ghillie, Roit, or Guardian which one is the best option? 

    Vote on the poll and tell me what you like about the class. Thanks!

  3. 14 hours ago, {GG} Bishopil said:

    Actually everyone, I’m gonna give away all the skins I don’t want. So LIKE (just fucking kidding just quote this) if you wanna be entered into the 3 cent skin raffle.

    I want 3 cent skins

  4. Just now, Phantom said:

    2:10 he just shoots the through the bush, even with third person around the corner, there is no way he could have seen him.

    8:40 he shoots the guy coming down the hill and the aim vector (green dot on screen) ain't on the guy.

    Ahh ok lemme re watch and see if I see it now

  5. 6 minutes ago, Phantom said:

    To be noted: I gave milkdud the go ahead to use his script to watch Cramps. The script is not malicious and doesn't affect the server in any way. All it does is follow the aim vector of the person he is following to look for suspicious shots like flicks or lock-ons through walls, hills, or any other kind of barrier. Cramps' perspective is the window in the top left of the video.

    There are some sketchy plays made in this video, but some notable ones are at 2:10 and 8:40. There are some other timestamps that I can't remember, so feel free to look through the whole thing.

    I dont mean to sound arragant but I really dont see much? I might be missing it though so if I am could you point it out?



    Brandon’s Staff Re-Application


    Basic Info

    Name: Brandon / Kilo / Untitled4k
    Age: 15
    Total time on the server: 1stSFODD CDT Kilo has played for 873:38:46.
    Do you own a microphone: Yes
    Referrals:  Ruin
    Staff History:  0 Active Warns | 1 Ban for RDM + LTAP (March 2018)
    Country of Residence: Canada


    Easy Portion

    Past experiences staffing?

    Starting in around April of 2015 I joined the staff team of a since-closed Minecraft survival server called “Slap Gaming”. I stayed with slap gaming until I dropped gaming form nearly 3 years to do things such as mountain biking. On Slap Gaming I reached the rank of Admin. Upon my return, I discovered Gmod Military RP and as of November 23rd, 2017, I joined the staff team of Garnet Gaming Military RP. I stayed with Garnet until the beginning of July 2018 when I departed from the staff upon communication complications causing my rank to be removed. On Garnet Gaming I reached the rank of T.Admin as well as Operator Staff. Since my departure form Garnet, I have not staffed anywhere else making these two my only past experiences.

    Why do you plan on benefiting our server? (100 words minimum)

    I can benefit the server in a few different ways, to start taking people’s reports and answering questions. Having been staff for over 7 Months I am familiar with the rules, the staff commands, and the logs System. I also know every punishment for each rule that is infarcted upon. I can help out the server during its Early Morning or late night times. I can also help take sits when they begin to pile, as well I am a very efficient staff member with lots of experience to answer questions from players or even other staff. I have also learned to be able to remain calm during sits, which Is a very important quality for staff to have in order to handle the situations effectively. I have also learned that sits are no place for humor and are meant to be taken seriously which is another Highly valued quality for staff members to have in order to handle sits effectively. Not only do I play Garnet I know and are friends with many community members and because of this I like to resolve problems quickly and effectively to be able to enjoy the game as well as keep everything running smoothly.

    Thank you for your Consideration,


  7. Just now, Fupert said:

    Cramps ever since the first time we did sims I suspected you of having ESP at least. As soon as we finished those Sim rounds I was looking at your other bans from other Source servers...  https://docs.google.com/document/d/189ai1AaS5yla0tyU1s16XjyXFI-D-okFEMVFjk2J1Z8/edit?usp=sharing   here's a list of  SOME of the bans that he has .

    This isn't concrete evidence, but this combined with the actual evidence is enough for me to have you stay banned. 


    There is no other evidence? huh? anyway just because they have cheated before doesnt mean hes cheating now. Ive watched this dude play OSU. Also most of these bans say he was unbanned also most say he wasnt hacking lol. 

  8. Wait so my question is why are you guys Saying you have alot of proof but you are not showing any proof? Do you not have any Proof beyond this man tabbing into game? Why dont you guys attempt to get some real proof a that an innocent player with proof of his innocentsis hacking instead of getting a random clip and making it look like hes hacking? IDK dude this looks either really bias or some kind of bias. thats just my two cents.  XD this is just ,messed up also crin why are you so reluctant it seems as though you are hiding something.

  9. Just now, Wasdin said:

    There's no way other than cheating that you can flick that hard and keep it that stable, keep in mind every time a staff member spectated him he knew they were spectating him

    Ok so do you have proof that he knew he was spectating him? Like its also not hard to tell someone is spectating you for example their typing dots are over their head. also @Crin {GG} can you please post the whole clip not a cropped version?

  10. Just now, Crin {GG} said:

    Right, you can tab back in and lock onto someone in an instant, keep in mind that, that video is slowed down by 0.25x

    you I have accidentlay tabbed back in while im moving my mouse and keep in mind I use a high sense. This video shows nothing and is invalid


  11. 1 minute ago, Crin {GG} said:





    Hopefully this will tide you guys over for now, as for the rest of the evidence, you guys can wait.

    (Little background to that gyazo)

    I was on a Vega class with my name and job invisible, and as you see he flicks up and locks onto me spectating him(When spectating I believe it puts your playermodel above them, like you're sitting on their head.)

    Yo huh thats litterally him tabbing back in lol huh?

  12. 5 hours ago, Jasmin | Garnetgaming.net said:

    Please use the correct format: 


    Jasmin versetti admitted it, so it’s not a big deal, just accept it 

  13. Versetti moving on to bigger things, good luck brother. Your the only Italian I have respect for. I’m also happy for you man very few get Vega and I’m proud of you dude. Maybe we should get some of this pics from back in the day but instead of Delta vs ISI Delta Vs Vega lol

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  14. 2 hours ago, Crin {GG} said:

    Another time you misinterpreted what I said. I asked what happened to it, I didn't say don't come back lmao. 

    Well it sounded kinda hostile, anyway how’s it going Mr.Flick hope you enjoy your time in garnet gaming aimbotRP lol

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