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Posts posted by Flamingo

  1.    Well, there's no good way of saying this, but I'm officially resigning from the server. I've thought about this for quite a long time now. I've been on and off the server ever since about September, but I never thought It'd come to this. If you don't know who I am, I'm not surprised. Some know me as Johnny (not to be confused with RPG Johnny) or Vyacheslav, but I mostly go by Trance. I officially joined the server in the middle of May 2018 and started out as an Army Private. Since then, I've been in Marines, 2GA, Green Beret, and Delta Force. The reason why I'm leaving the server is because of the overall toxic behavior from the community. Everywhere I look, I just see people biting at each other throats. I know the server's always been this way, but it's been extremely prevalent in the past few weeks. With my backstory and reasoning taken care of, I would like to say some very special goodbyes. 

    - @Jackal I don't understand why you think you can just insert yourself into any faction's documents and completely take control over them. I get that you are a manager, but I'm pretty sure you only manage the staff, not the players. To be honest, you should've been banned a while ago. Maybe if you did, we wouldn't have this problem. You're also a big boy bitch for no fucking reason. Why can't you just be an actual productive member of society instead of being extremely toxic to almost everyone on the server? I hope you fucking slit your wrists, you dreg of a human.

    - @Uncle Burger Thank you so much for helping me through my time on the server. I won't forget what you did

    - @Shrood Probably won't see this, but I'm pretty sure you're a pedophile. Hope you never go to prison

    - @Silo You smell like nigger

    - @skrtskrt When you first joined, I saw a lot in you. Looks like I wasn't wrong.

    - @Krimzin Fuck you

    - @_Jin_ Gay sophomore

    - @Hind Retard

    - @JKLpop You and UB make the best couple. Also major league Gaylord


    Anyway, I might be on the server at times, just to see how everything's going. I can already see everyone giving me negative reputation. Goodbye everyone

    • Like 7
    • Dumb/Shitpost 5
    • Toxic 6
    • 300 IQ 1
    • Spicy 1
    • Friendly 1
    • Sad 1
  2. 18 minutes ago, Vibe said:

    What kinda guns and weapons are we looking at for the premium classes

    I think you get to pick them. It would only make sense for you to be able to pick your stuff if you're renting a faction for $150. If not, then hopefully the guns will be worth your time.

  3. Personally, I like the whole urban setting thing. Depending on the size of it, I feel like it could be a nice change of pace and action, compared to CSCDesert where all wars just feel drawn out and boring. I hope to see at least something like this as the next map

  4. +1 Very active member of the community and has a very well constructed staff application. Definitely shows maturity and anti-minginess. Overall would be a great addition to the staff team. 

                                                                                                                                                                                       Fuck off with these wack trolls. Not fucking funny

    • Like 1
  5. +1 Unless there is concrete evidence that supports him being banned, I'm going to support Wanted being unbanned. I don't see how Wanted can get banned for ban evasion when, from my knowledge, he hasn't been banned for any reason. I might consider changing my stance if more evidence is provided.

  6. Throughout your time on MRP, I have seen nothing except minginess and toxicity from you. Yesterday on MRP, you got on GB reserves and started minging and claiming areas on the whitelist. You were only an SSG on reserves. With that being said, you cannot claim and advert if you do not have permission from a higher-up, which you didn't. You then proceeded lie and tell people that you could claim. Later, you got on TS and entered the GB channel. You started screaming and posting porn in chat under Buddha's account. Keep in mind, that was within the span of a day. Other than that experience, there has been an uncountable amount of times where you have been toxic towards me and other people in GB.  -1

    • Sad 1
  7. Name: Trance

    Age: 15

    Total time on the server: | 180A WO Papa Rabbi has played for 602:51:49.

    Do you have a microphone? Yes

    Referrals: Sleepy

    Staff history: Accidental grenade mass

    Country of Residence: United States of America

    Essay Portion:

    Past experiences staffing: I have been staff on three DRP servers. I never got past the rank of Trial Admin before they got shut down.

    Why do you plan on benefiting our server? I plan on benefiting the server because I have had multiple negative experiences with people that have no intent to RP and have not been rightfully punished. I wish to help with removing these types of people from the community and, furthermore, making the server a better place. Although I haven't staffed in over a couple of years, I do have experience with helping a community and punishing those who have wronged. When I did staff, however, I rarely made mistakes with any questions or sits. Along with that, I am very active on the server. I am able to be on from 3:30 PM - 8:30 PM PST on weekdays. On weekends, I can be online from about 12:00 PM - 11:00 PM. Being that active, I am able to do multiple sits a day and resolve as many questions the community has as possible. Also, some might say I have a mingey past. To those, you are correct, but I have since reformed. I am now a very respectful, kind, and trustworthy person. In summary, I am a very active, experienced, and respectful person that can benefit the server and the staff team greatly in many ways.



  8. Yeah, I really like the server so far. Although some things are broken, I feel that this server has the potential to be one of the best PoliceRP servers, if not the best. I, personally, have had a lot of fun with the illegal side of things. If and when the jobs get fixed, I too feel that the player count will be boosted.

  9. Damn man. That really sucks. Sorry for your loss. I hope you can recover from this devastating event. All of GB is wishing you well with "the big oof". We're always here for you, so contact us if you need anything. Some of the GB have something say so I'm just going to put what they want to say in this comment.

    "I love you and I miss your dabs in the army line." ~ Jaberz

    "I'm sorry for the flood and I'm praying for your hamster." ~ Estevon

    • Winner 1
  10.    I'm sorry to say this, but I'm resigning from Green Beret. I've had many great times when I was in the faction. I've had many bad times with the faction. In this resignation note, I'm going to be going through my time with Green Beret.

       I joined Green Beret in May. I was in Army before and I had to try out multiple times to even get into Green Beret. In Army, I was a mingey Sergeant Major. According to Uncle Burger, everybody in Green Beret at the time didn't think I would last nearly as long as I did in Green Beret. They thought I would get blacklisted in a heartbeat. But as it turns out, they were mistaken. I do admit, I was mingey when I was in Army, but Green Beret changed my entire attitude. It made me more serious, actually care about a faction and server, and just made me happier. I've had many laughs with everybody. I've witnessed people join Green Beret. I've witnessed people get blacklisted from Green Beret. I've seen it all. I just want to thank everybody in Green Beret for improving my attitude and being great people to me.

       Everything was great until I accidentally massed with a grenade about a week or two ago. All my good feelings were thrown out the window. I felt like a lion cub that got kicked out of the group. Everything seemed like it was turned against me, so I started contemplating resigning. Those things being IRL stuff and MRP stuff. After about half a week or so, I finally decided to resign. So that's where we are. Everybody in the faction is great and nice. I totally recommend joining Green Beret if you are thinking about joining. Just follow orders and don't be mingey and you should be fine. I don't exactly know what I'm going to do next whether it being joining another SOC faction or just going to 2GA. I don't know, we'll see. Now onto specific people.

    1. Naitsir - Congrats on Warrant Officer, by the way. I'm sorry for arguing with you all the time. I know we haven't had the best of times, but I hope you can forgive me and this whole "rivalry" can end.
    2. Uncle Burger, AKA UB - Thank you for being a great help to me in the faction and I hope you continue on to Colonel of Green Beret if Sleepy resigns.
    3. Sleepy - You're the greatest leader I've ever had. Please keep being who you are and never stop.
    4. Karter Williams - I loved all the great laughs we had and how you actually laughed at my jokes.
    5. Red Crypt - Thank you for being the silent joker. I loved laughing at what you say about other people or factions. Just please stop playing around so much. I'm gullible.
    6. Jaberz - I know we only just met, but thank you for being so nice to me. You're the greatest.
    7. Kriss - Once again, we only just met but you have been a great enlisted and you are the greatest, like Vega level combat skills. Hope you move onto being an officer.
    8. Flak - You are a great major, Flak. Keep doing what you're doing and be the best you can be.

    Thank you guys, once again, for having me in Green Beret and I'm sorry for leaving at such a bad time.




  11. Why the actual fuck is there a background of a shirtless man standing proudly, looking at his newly built Minecraft paradise city, and hearts all around the screen. Like I don't understand Garnet's mentality at this moment. Why would any sane person do that? Just wow.

    The layout looks like it was from 2007. It's all weird and compact and not very easy on the eyes. Also, under the servers tab, you can see that there are 0 players on the star wars RP. The text in the background says, "Views like these don't come without sacrifice" 1. What did Garnet sacrifice? 2. That's not a good fucking view, so that sacrifice probably wasn't great.

    Just god damn, this is so messed up

  12. Ok, I haven't been in Green Beret for a long time, but it's come to my realization that the classes are underpowered, in a way. I have all the Green Beret classes, except commander, but the commander class is basically the rifleman class but with a whitelisting power. To me, the only special class in Green Beret is the breacher class. The breacher class has the standard M1911, an M3 Super 90, and frag grenades. You might say, "Well, it has grenades and a shotgun. That's pretty cool if you ask me" but it's really not. First, the grenades seem to be lackluster. Although it might be able to clear out a small room, it's not going to do much when it's a big room, like the company warehouse/garage or the cargo bay in factory. With town though, you may be able to get a couple kills, due to the crowded apartments and small rooms. But as a Green Beret, you're usually sent with Army to company, the place where the action usually goes on in warehouse/garage. Granted, you may get sent to town from time to time, but still. As always, the shotgun on the breacher class, the M3 Super 90, can't really do much either, seeing as how shotguns on this server are also lackluster. Second, the rifleman class is equipped with a modified version of an M4A1 and the standard M1911. The Green Beret M4A1 has a wider range of attachments and, I think, a minor buff to the damage, but I'm not too sure. Those attachments being: magnified scopes and barrel modifications. I might have missed a couple of things, but anyway. The Field medic is basically the US Army's support, but I don't really expect much to happen to field medic. The support classes are usually the classes that you go on when you have an MP5 and/or an Orsis. I also find it weird that almost every other SOC faction has a sniper class except Green Beret. Just a little notice. But with that being said, my rant is now concluded. All I'm saying is that the Green Beret classes could use some more creativity or maybe even a new class. Thank you for reading my rant and please reply if you think I missed something or you agree/disagree with me.

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