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Posts posted by Bones

  1. I haven't played GG in a long while for many good reasons, But I remember Duglas, When I joined the server he was merely a 2ndLT in the Army. Months went by and he made it to the rank of COL. A vast majority of his men respected him (myself included). When he was running things there was a serious lack of minge, more seriousness and everything was well organized. Sure he had his ups and downs but we all do. It's a damn video game. From what I've seen recently there's been a LOT of bashing on this guy by a lot of people, And a large majority of those people don't even know Duglas nor were around when he was playing. These people are just repeating the same gossip bullshit they hear their friends say.  Ya'll are treating this like a highschool. So if you don't actually know Duglas, and you only speak off of what you heard. Sit down, be quiet and allow the grown ups to speak. 


    I played on GG a couple of months ago for about a day. Was astonished with how horrible it had become.  MRP is clearly dying, it's more of a minge fest now and quite frankly no one seems to care, My guy Duglas here cares. Spoke to him about this as well and he's very passionate about GG and he actually seems dead set on reorganizing whatever he can to get things back on track. The dude is perm banned talking about how he wants to improve the server to the best of his ability.

    I personally haven't heard nor seen Duglas ever make racist remarks to anyone in game. In private calls he would make some dark humor jokes but that's it. Ya'll seriously gonna tell me none of you have done that? None of you have sat on TS with ya bois while playing on GG and you saying some real fucked up shit? This dude has been apologizing for over a fuckin year. The past is the past, leave it there.

    Give the dude a damn chance, it's been well over a year since his ban. Dude got the damn point.  What have you got to lose? He breaks some rule again it's not hard to reinstate the ban.

    I happily  +1   My dudes ban appeal. He's been trying for over a year to make amends, he's been trying to make things right. He wants to help the server. Let the guy have his chance and quit with the petty school yard grudges you guys are holding. Fucking ridiculous.

    • Dumb/Shitpost 3
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    • Agree 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Normal Hooman said:

    Absolutely pathetic people don't enjoy something as much so they would rather do other things.

    Yes completely changing the pace of combat is a "minor itty bitty thing".

    Yeah fuck those long time players that have donated so much money to server.

    Calling people who voice their opinion that you happen to disagree with pathetic, is a very grown up thing to do. 

    Fair points. Except the jump combat one. As I have said many times. People need to find other ways to play than breaking their hitboxes.

    • Dumb/Shitpost 2
  3. 5 minutes ago, Landon said:

    Just gonna say this, when vehicles used to be in the server (on CSDesert awhile back) there was no stamina bar and vehicles were definitely relevant and everyone used to use them, also, the stamina bar in it's current state has NOT improved the server if you look at player count. It really isn't a "minor" update when the server in its entire 3 year lifespan has never had anything like this. Whoever complained about the people jumping around too much should get better aim. 

    CSDesert is a much smaller map than the one we use now, The only true benefits the vehicles provide is multiple troop transports. The stamina bar has improved the server in ways of combat. The sprinting time will be fixed. It is a minor update that people are bitching and complaining about too much. It's 1 small minor itty bitty thing that people don't like for a pathetic reason. Not everyone left because of the stam bar. Though a lot did, Fuck the ones that left. We'll get players that actually care about the server instead of just the fighting. And the people jumping around too much should get better at fighting fairly without having to break their fucking hitboxes to win a fight.

    • Dumb/Shitpost 1
  4. On 6/23/2019 at 4:21 PM, Trip said:

    Just want to point out, dont know if this is coincidence or not but the server has been losing more and more pop everyday since this update. Theres only 19 people on not counting the ones AFK and its mid day...

    (Once more I know I'll get hate for this but idc.) Just want to point out, Those whom have left the server do to the new lack of "jumpy combat" are pathetic. It's 1 minor update that has made things for fair when it comes to combat. If people are truly going to bitch and complain over something as simple as this then why have them apart of the server at all? Without the stam bar vehicles would be almost irrelevant when it comes to getting from place to place. The stam bar has improved the server people are just pissy cause they can't hop around in combat anymore which they so desperately relied on in the past. As for the stam going down too fast when running, Garnet said he's going to be fixing that seeing how it isn't working how it is intended.

    Not everyone has left due to stam it's also cause of summer vaca. But to those that did leave cause of the stam bar I have 2 words for you. Grow up.

    • Dumb/Shitpost 3
  5. 1 hour ago, br0ken- said:

    You're completely missing everyone's points, Most people are grateful that this will reduce jumping, People don't like it for the sprinting aspect, which is in fact not operating as intended to be, It's intended to make you lose 1% per second, However right now you lose around 3-4% per second

    My post was mainly directed to those complaining about not being able to jump around

  6.  (I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but...)

    The only good thing that has come out of the whole stamina thing is that combat has finally been fun.

    People can't jump around anymore. I personally think this is wonderful. Makes combat fair like it should be

    You don't see people jumping around as much and breaking hitboxes. The people that complain about clearly use it nonstop in combat so I recommend finding other methods to fight. I personally suck at the game but I still have fun without having to jump around like a fucking kangaroo breaking hitboxes. For those who complain about "jumpy combat" being nerfed now I say get over it. Time to play fair.


    • Dumb/Shitpost 2
    • 300 IQ 1
    • Winner 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Phantom said:

    This is more of a general statement for anyone else applying, but one should not apply to see what other players think. Ultimately, the decision is up to me and/or the HR staff. Player's +1/-1 on the thread mean almost nothing to us if we don't personally view one as fit to be a staff member.

    Well that's good to know then! 

    Well I hope you read over my application and give me a chance! 

    Sorry for the that then. I was under the impression due to my time alone I'd get denied.

  8. I should've mentioned this in the application but, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get denied but I decided to apply just to see what people think, So I know what to work on for the next time I apply, I appreciate all the advice and such! 

    Keep Chargin!



  9. 3 minutes ago, gg.x [Cody Drax] said:

    Gonna be honest Magnus, I don't think you're ready. Since I've been back off reserves I consistently see you rdming and massing several times over with other lower ranking enlisted, and while you do stop when told, you just do it the next day. Give yourself more time to learn the rules and to mature, and you'll be aight.  -1

    If I may object, No one tells us to stop. We're under the impression we can 1v1 eachother as long as it's not in base. I wasn't aware we're not allowed to 1v1. But thanks for the input and heads up. I'll be sure to work on it!

  10. In-game name: Magnus Reinback/Kamaski Kachukapov
    Age:  I'm 19.
    SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:95492178
    Warns: Warned for using a secret command.
    Timezone: US:EST
    Playtime?: (EDIT) I have around 77 hours now. (More hours to come)
    Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] Yes
    Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] No but I can install OBS.
    Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] None.
    Past experiences as staff: [Optional] I've staffed on quite a few servers,

    StoneGiraffe : Moderator ,

    Mesa Gaming : Moderator ,

    Definitive Networks : Deputy Server Manager ,

    Tango World Wide : T-Mod ,

    Dawn Of Sorrow : Senior Admin

    How do you plan on benefiting our server? [minimum 2 paragraphs]

    With my experience and dedication I believe that with hard work and loyalty I can benefit the server by being constantly active,

    Almost always on duty. Showing the players I can and am here to help. Doing my job to the best of my ability and show no bias towards any player or faction.

    Handle situations properly with maturity and respect. During sits I will give each player involved a proper chance to state their side of the situation that happened and punish the one responsible accordingly. I will dedicated most of my play time to being staff if need be. I can be serious and mature but also fun and immature as can everyone. I plan to show my skills and dedication by helping as many players as I can. Responding to as many tickets as I can. I've read over the rules and learned them well I will do my best to show that I can be the one for the job, Show I've earned it and why I'm here. 

    I'm on everyday for 8-9 hours. I spend most of my time on Garry's Mod and I will use my time accordingly by playing the server and staffing, I'll be able to handle any task given to me. I'm in TeamSpeak during my entirety of playing the server. I strive to be better, Work harder and above all respect better. "Work hard and hard at work" as they say. The only thing I expect to gain out of this is new experiences and suggestions on how to improve. I will admit my faults when I've done something wrong and will not be afraid to report someone for wrong doing. I can be a bit obnoxious and a bit mingey at times but I believe everyone can be. I strive for fun,a great experience and a perfect play space for the player base. I will handle every rule breaker and troll accordingly. I will not belittle a person for what they have done I will inform they what they need to work on and how they can improve and what they've done is wrong. I will do my job in a respectful,mature and assertive fashion as it should be. Many people don't call being staff on a game a "Job" well I do. Because you're staff over a community of people you're working to keep their interests safe and give them a great gaming and friendly environment. You're working to keep them happy and ensure their experience on the server. It's a JOB ladies and gentleman! You're working. I'm a pretty laid back and chill guy. But I will not tolerate bullying,trolling,rdm or any form of rule breakers. It makes the experience for others unfair, unenjoyful and completely inadequate. I can and will benefit the server by providing and ensuring it's success! That's why I'm here. I love to help it's that simple. 

    Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? If so, Include details I have not and will not be banned. I have been warned only once for using a command I was tricked into using. I cannot share it so do not ask.
    Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: I have not, But if this one is denied I will look at what I need to improve on and reapply!
    How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: Naturally I will be able to contribute 7-9 hours daily. But I would like to think I'll be able to contribute as much as is needed.

    Thank you so much for looking at my application and considering me! Hope you have a wonderful day and keep chargin! 👍

    • Informative 1
  11. This has probably already been suggested but I'm bring it up anyways.

    The server needs vehicles. I suggest adding unarmored and armored vehicles. 

    Unarmored to drive around in during pre war time and for civilians to use.

    Armored vehicles to use during battle so you're not just shot out of the vehicle. 

    No I'm not asking for Tanks or MRAPS or anything with a big gun. Just normal transport vehicles some armored some not.


    It would help benefit the server in a multitude of ways. It would add more the the role play and military role play aspect of the server.

    It would help against the constant base camping and the abnormal amount of snipers. Being able to leave base without instantly dying would make people wanna play more so it's no longer a repetitive streak of getting obliterated by the enemy team. The server loses players that way. 

    We can limit the amount of vehicles used at a time. Like 2 at a time per team. So it doesn't lag as much as it would with like 5-6 vehicles being used. 

    How would one get/use one of these vehicles? Make them purchasable via in game cash. Like have non armored cost around 50k and have Armored vehicles cost up to 150-250k. So not everyone is using them. Or have it set so that only certain ranks can spawn/use/drive ect the vehicle. Like 1SGT or CSM+ So the vehicles aren't a rare sight and so people don't have to wait for Officers to get online. 

    Adding vehicles will also help getting from place to place so people don't have to walk 3-5 minutes to get around the map. It's a bit excessive. The people of the server are crying out for vehicles and so am I. Adding them would also bring more people to join the GG community. Not many MRP servers still use vehicles so using them would bring in more people.

    Please Garnet hear our prayers!


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