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Posts posted by Luxembourg

  1. Hey Chase, if you want your appeal to be handled, please give us some more information regarding the ban, you can do this by following the ban appeal format. Failure to follow this format within 24 hours will result in a automatic denial of the appeal.



    • Agree 1
  2. logo.png

     Staff Application Format


    • Failure to meet any of the following will result in the automatic denial of your application
    • Have a /playtime of 25 hours or more across our TTT servers
    • Make sure you are posting your application in the correct forum (Trouble in Terrorist Town -> Staff Applications).
    • Format the title of your application like so - [Your name] - Staff Application.
    • Do not reuse a previous application, nor copy anyone else's.
    • Do not advertise your application on any platform.
    • You must be 14 years or older to apply for staff.
    • Do not ask anyone for a referral while you have an application up.


    Staff Rules

    • Be a positive role model for the server/community.
    • Be respectful towards other staff, and players.
    • Act maturely in all situations.
    • Maintain an impartial attitude towards all players, in any given situation.
    • Be active, but be reasonable. [No one is expecting unrealistic time commitment. Work and personal life are just as important, if not more.]
    • No matter which Garnet Gaming server you play, you still represent our staff team. Your expectations don’t change.
    • Do not question the final verdict of a higher up. 
    • Do not request a promotion.
    • If you aren’t sure about how to handle a situation, ask!
    • Abuse of staff rank or commands/permissions, or failure to meet staffing expectations, will result in being reprimanded.


    Application Tips

    • Use the /playtime command to find out exact playtime in the server.
    • Proof read your application using a spelling/grammar checker (if necessary).
    • Answer all the questions honestly, don’t skip over anything.
    • Check any prior bans via the ban pages (link ban page)

    Application format 

    Updated: June 29, 2022


    In-game name (or known aliases):
    SteamID (https://steamid.io/):
    Current playtime on the server?:
    Have you received any previous bans on the server?:
    Which staff member referred you to apply?: [Optional]
    Past experiences as staff: [Optional]
    Have you joined, and are active in the GarnetTTT Discord?: [YES/NO]
    Do you have access to a microphone?: [YES/NO]
    Do you have the ability to screen-record while playing on TTT?:[YES/NO]
    Why do you want to join the staff team, and why do you believe you are a good fit for the role?: [minimum 1 paragraph]
    How much time will you be contributing to this role?


    • 300 IQ 1
    • Spicy 1
    • Creative 1
  3. Denied  

    Not enough support for the application as well as two recent MassRDM bans, also try joining the discord to show more activity and getting to know more people in the staff team and community in general.

    You may reapply in a minimum of three days.

  4. Accepted

    Solid staff application, good support from active staff members and very active on the discord as well showing dedication.

    Welcome to the team, don't use any of your permissions until you've been trained. You'll be contacted by a staff member about the training

  5. LlHJudxUt_OA-WrtdilCmHHD9F_tmQSTbxSoQyN3yQEHT34e3Zc7Cq6byZ_AUIpzWoLNC-evXsWu5a18HKSoL_xybGZaCPM7wLg-euqxQml9fTwcVJg3ilZkzfYNDcLqaEaSHqmLjA_fHKa__A


    TTT Staff Roster


    May 2022


    Staff of the Month

    Seth > Senior Moderator - Completed trial period. Went above and beyond as far as hours, reports, ban requests and also well deserving of double promo amongst the staff team.



    Ethan Winters > Admin - 700 reports completed and finished all other monthly duties.

    Keith Marshall > Admin - 347 reports completed and finished all other monthly duties.

    Apex > Senior Mod - 311 Reports completed. 

    Extended Terms

    Luxembourg   > Manager - Was eating ramen while writing this

    LaCoochiePatootie  > Head Admin - Made pizza while writing this

    TimeVulture > Head Admin - Updates the server.

    Deer God  > Head Admin - It’s Deer god
    Aperture City > Head Admin - Chill zone

    Satanic Senpai  > Head Admin - Helped in writing this

    Nick50109 > Head Admin - Forklift Certified

    Endless_Chaos > Head Admin - Giveaway man

    Parasite > Senior Admin - 754 and other monthly duties completed. 

    Deft Brixton > Senior Admin - 564 reports and other monthly duties completed.

    Strong_M > Senior Admin - 308 reports completed but still needs to complete monthly duties.

    Shuichi Saihara > Trial Admin - Still needs to supervise training.

    Revolver >  Trial Admin - Needs to complete monthly duties.

    Skullking276 > Lead Mod - Still needs to complete a training

    Dm > Lead Mod - Currently on LOA

    Sniper John > Lead Mod - Needs to complete monthly duties.

    Diego Zavier > Mod - Reserves. 

    Supurupa > Trial Moderator - Needs to finish the trial period.

    Maxwell > Trial Moderator - Recently accepted.
    LiteralPotato> Trial Moderator - Recently trained (6 hours ago).


    Ajbedhead > VIP - Resigned. 



    • Like 2
  6. Denied  

    While you have started playing again quite recently in the past three days, you did just come back from a five month break. You were also saying you were going to apply before but then dipped. As well as not having a lot of support on the application itself. 

    You may reapply in a minimum of one week.

  7. Accepted

    Solid staff application, good referrals from active staff members and a lot of support from staff and players alike.

    Welcome to the team, don't use any of your permissions until you've been trained. You'll be contacted by a staff member about the training

  8. On 5/13/2022 at 12:41 PM, Inzuka said:

    @Luxembourg Pass, will not be getting that spaghetti prego. (Get it. Like the sauce. I'm a comedic genius.)

    It's sad to see you gone. Hope one day we can meet again and I can show you how great spaghetti is to the point you'll only eat that for a month.

    • Haha 1
  9. Denied  

    You were banned for posting an image of a child that said “Rape me” and then tagging one of the minors that’s in our discord. You’ve been talked to by LeKichi previously for doing something similar, which she even reminded you that the person in question is a minor. Before I banned you, I joined the voice channel with the person in question and other members, who immediately informed me of your post as it violated our rules. While yes you have never received a warning for it or told to remove it, you used to be an Admin on DarkRP, plus you’ve been in our discord for long enough to see others banned for similar things so you definitely should’ve known better. Furthermore, our rules clearly state that you can be banned depending on what you have done as shown here


    So as of now, your discord ban will stay in place.

    • Disagree 4
    • Agree 1
  10. rl1IV5iUq-CN2BgC8IO4v8UcGGaSesdUSzOMIw12CBnPOa5qE9MWSCHI0Wx7440Ft0TgKFnhc9zbtMZrns2WqkeulUxTpDK2pc-vDfeeb81ASrR22PpXCWiCDCjgcPDbN9rhWpxD


    TTT Staff Roster


    April 2022


    Staff of the Month

    Endless_Chaos > Head Admin - 520 reports completed this month, but has also been extremely helpful coming on late night, responding to all requests for help and much more.



    Parasite > Senior Admin - 335 reports and completed other monthly duties.

    Sniper John > Lead Mod - 238 reports completed.


    Extended Terms

    Luxembourg   > Manager - Fell asleep while writing this.

    LaCoochiePatootie  > Head Admin - Almost won the vote.

    TimeVulture > Head Admin - Updates the server.

    Deer God  > Head Admin - Also being cool.
    Aperture City > Head Admin - Being cool

    Satanic Senpai  > Head Admin - Summoned a demon

    Nick50109 > Head Admin - Forklift Certified

    Deft Brixton > Senior Admin - Still needs to complete monthly duties.

    Strong_M > Senior Admin - Still needs to complete monthly duties.

    Shuichi Saihara > Trial Admin - Still needs to supervise training.

    Revolver >  Trial Admin - Still needs to supervise training.

    Keith Marshall > Trial Admin - Still needs to supervise training.

    Ethan Winters > Trial Admin - Still needs to supervise training.

    Skullking276 > Lead Mod - Still needs to complete a training

    Dm > Lead Mod - Still needs to complete a training.

    Diego Zavier > Mod - Reserves. 

    Ajbedhead > Mod - Reserves. 

    Apex > Mod - 189 Reports completed. 

    Supurupa > Trial Moderator - Needs to finish the trial period.

    Seth > Trial Moderator - Recently accepted.



    • Like 2
  11. Accepted

    Solid staff application, support from active staff members on the server. 

    Welcome to the team, don't use any of your permissions until you've been trained. You'll be contacted by a staff member about the training

  12. Denied  

    As you did decide to ban evade, and after looking through ban logs it seems like your account has actually been banned twice for ban evasion it seems like you knew what the punishment was.

    • Agree 1
  13. Denied  

    Not enough support from the community, in addition to the ban appeal from seven months ago. I would recommend joining the discord like the others said and show that you’ve improved over the time.

    You may reapply in a minimum of one week.


    .ytivitcanI - resU > wweL

    .PRWS MG ot dengiseR - PIV < edoctaehclabreV

    .detomeD - resU > 192847ronnoC

    .ytivitcanI - PIV > enmoelttaR



    reeb toor fo guj a gniknirD - reganaM > gruobmexuL

    .)?woh erus ton( MTOS rof setov owt tog dna ,htnom siht knip ”snimda daeh“ edam ,gnittisybab saW - nimdA daeH > eitootaPeihcooCaL

    !ƨɘtɒbqυ ɘmoƨ biႧ - nimbA bɒɘH > ɘɿυtlυVɘmiT

    semem stsop ylluferac llitS - nimdA daeH > doG reeD.
    !eripme tsicar sih ot rosseccus a saH - nimdA daeH > ytiC erutrepA

    .yay ffuts bib eH - nimbA baeH > iaqneS cinataS

    .revres eht ni segnim no tuo ti sekat ,boj sih htob setaH - nimdA daeH > 90105kciN

    .seitud ylhtnom detelpmoC )stropeR 538( - nimdA roineS > notxirB tfeD

    !noisivrepus eno sdeen ,enif si ytivitcA )stropeR 873( - nimdA lairT > arahiaS ihciuhS

    !noisivrepus eno sdeeN )stropeR 291( - nimdA lairT > revloveR

    Diego Zavier > Mod - Reserves. 

    Ajbedhead > Mod - Reserves. 

    smreT dednetxE


    .elbat sdik gib eht ot emoclew ,yllaniF )stropeR 544( - nimdA daeH > soahC_sseldnE

    .seitud ylhtnom detelpmoC )stropeR 374( - nimdA roineS > M_gnortS

    .seitud ylhtnom detelpmoC )stropeR 236( - nimdA > etisaraP

    .seitud ylhtnom detelpmoC )stropeR 546( - nimdA lairT > llahsraM htieK

    .seitud ylhtnom detelpmoC )stropeR 912( - nimdA lairT > sretniW nahtE

    .doirep lairt detelpmoC - )stropeR 816( - doM daeL > 672gnikllukS

    .doirep lairt detelpmoC - )stropeR 256( - doM daeL > mD

    .doirep lairt detelpmoC )stropeR 366( - rotaredoM > noipmahC_xepA



     .rotaredom lairt a sa tsuj neve ,htnom siht sruoh 821 fo latot dnarg a dna stroper 798,1 detelpmoC -  roineS rotaredoM > nhoJrepinS

    htnoM eht fo ffatS


    2202 hcraM


    retsoR ffatS TTT


    • Like 5
    • Agree 1
  15. Denied  

    While you have been playing for a long time, your behavior is not acceptable. As you’re currently banned for one week for harassment, you may reapply in three weeks. If you do wish to reapply, I would recommend improving your behavior.

    • Agree 2
  16. Accepted

    Solid staff application, been super active as well as support from staff and players alike, not to mention one of the head admins. 

    Welcome to the team, don't use any of your permissions until you've been trained. You'll be contacted by a staff member about the training

    • Friendly 1
    • Winner 1
  17. Accepted

    Support from both members of the community as well as active staff members. As well as being both active in game as well as in the discord.

    Welcome to the team, don't use any of your permissions until you've been trained. You'll be contacted by a staff member about the training

  18. Accepted

    Nicely written paragraph, good amount of support from staff as well as taking the initiative and joining the discord. 

    Welcome to the team, don't use any of your permissions until you've been trained. You'll be contacted by a staff member about the training

    • Like 1
  19. rl1IV5iUq-CN2BgC8IO4v8UcGGaSesdUSzOMIw12CBnPOa5qE9MWSCHI0Wx7440Ft0TgKFnhc9zbtMZrns2WqkeulUxTpDK2pc-vDfeeb81ASrR22PpXCWiCDCjgcPDbN9rhWpxD


    TTT Staff Roster


    February  2022


    Staff of the Month

    Skullking276 > Senior Mod - With the most hours on at 52 through the whole month, and 731 reports completed. Not to mention he also completed his trial period this month as well!


    Nick50109 > Head Admin - Even with all of his real life obligations, he’s still been active when he can, and supported TTT in its entirety throughout his long 1.61644 years of service. 
    Deft Brixton > Senior Admin - 589 reports completed, with only one major hiccup. 
    Strong_M > Admin - 636 reports completed, with only one minor hiccup.
    Parasite > Trial Admin - Completed 762 as well as other monthly duties.
    Keith Marshall > Lead Mod - Completed 549 reports.
    Ethan Winters > Lead Mod  - Completed 343 reports this month.
    Dm > Senior Mod - Completed 848 reports

    Extended Terms

    Luxembourg   > Manager - Was eating spaghetti while writing this.
    LaCoochiePatootie  > Head Admin - Monitor destroying pets.
    TimeVulture > Head Admin - Updates
    Deer God  > Head Admin - Carefully posts memes.
    Aperture City > Head Admin - Couldn’t think of something funny.
    Satanic Senpai  > Head Admin - Helped with the Roster.
    Endless_Chaos > Senior Admin - Completed monthly duties.
    FestiveCowZilla > Trial Admin - While he did do the necessary amount of reports (323) , he still needs to work on his leadership and other skills. 
    Shuichi Saihara > Trial Admin - Needs more activity, supervision but did other monthly duties.
    Revolver >  Trial Admin - Needs more activity, needs a supervision.
    Diego Zavier > Mod - Reserves. 
    Ajbedhead > Mod - Reserves.
    Rattleomne > Trial Mod - Needs more activity to avoid further demotion.


    Cherry Sherry > User - Resigned :<
    PotatoAim Down your Chimney > Resigned 😞
    Lewww > Trial Mod - Needs more activity to avoid further demotion.
    Autopilot > VIP  - Inactivity. 



    • Like 4
  20. Accepted

    While one of the clips is suspicious at most, it’s not enough to definitively be banned permanently for cheating. You’ve been unbanned and Deft will be talked to about gathering evidence.

    • Like 1
    • Agree 1
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