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Everything posted by Flak

  1. alright man, have fun and good luck!
  2. Flak


    He is inside the annex building for GB tryout sims and as soon as Caboose (the person he is simming against) enters the glass bridge, he attempts to lock onto caboose and accidentally locks onto Rom's head and hits him instead https://gyazo.com/5f3528b8066acf72818a7f4647e61835 ^ Dean locking onto Rom instead of Caboose
  3. Flak

    Buff Spike's Prox

    +1 From what ive seen, spike is a dead class because of this. The only reason ive heard people buy it is because they want the Kriss Vector.
  4. on the server, your MOS is the thing at the beginning of your name that tells everyone what faction you are apart of. For example, if you are apart of the army, your MOS is 11B. If you are marines, it is 1MD etc.
  5. Okay there goes my vote back to a +1, I see no flick whatsoever. And Android, another owner of the Ghille class, posted on this appeal and said that was him which i know might not be very believable at first but that video proves it for me. And i dont want to start anything but maybe this isnt the only server that he has PVP'ed on.
  6. okay so imma change my vote to a -1 only because of the video that lua posted
  7. okay so imma change my vote to a -1 only because of the video that lua posted
  8. Unless there is some proof or video recording of someone spectating or screen grabbing him, then imma +1 this
  9. -1 ill miss you :' ( jk thats kinda gay
  10. Yeah i think the titanic one looks good too, but the other one with the colosseum looks extremely gay im really only gonna play the mob of the dead map
  11. really only about to buy it just for the Mob of The Dead remake
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