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Posts posted by Shrugger

  1. 3 minutes ago, Garnet said:

    It was never 1 person per second, it was always a max of 1 person every 2 seconds (with intervals of 10 seconds to update) and that's what the war system is back to now.


    If the 'tick' occurred every second our server would literally be ddosing itself

    I see. I'll make edit the first part of my post. Apologies. 

  2. Description:

    Change the tick rate for captures from 48 seconds to 2 seconds per person(with 10 seconds to update the capture bar).


    The second change I would like to suggest is that make it so that US and RU capture point status bars(the currently two bars that appear on top of the screen when an objective is neutral or when an objective is captured by one team and the other team beings capping) oppose each other. Instead of having a bar for US capture rate and RU capture rate, we replace it with only one bar. I will explain and am more then willing to list examples to help visualize this change. When the wars start every objective will have either empty with 0% or 100% captured as neutral(whichever way Garnet wants to code that). US and RU move onto the objective to capture it, The bar increases with US capture points and RU Capture points until they collide(50-50 or 25-75) at this point, whichever country has more people on the objective will begin replace the other countries cap with there own. Objectives are captured by whoever has more capture points on an objective. 


    There is a few ways to go about the third part of my suggestion. Either A: we keep Duel's system(please don't) and increase the amount of ticks to capture an objective or reduce how many "Capture points" a single tick gives per person to maintain the 20 minutes for a single individual to capture an objective. or B: Change the amount of ticks to capture an objective or how many "Capture points" a single tick gives per person to maintain the original 5 ticks a second per person rate or  The option I hope will be accepted, Change the amount of ticks to capture an objective or how many "Capture points" a single tick gives per person to half the original 5 ticks a second per person rate.


    Finally, make objective points that have been captured recapture.



    First change: I'll go in order to suggested change. The first part is more beneficial because it makes war much more tug of war and more fast paced(like real life) by making every second count.


    Second change: Reduces total amount of capture points on a single objective(198% to 100%) and antagonizes US and RU combatants to cause more blood slaughter. Due to the vulnerability to having your capture points erased people will be more focused on defending objectives instead of base camping. 


    Third change:

             A: Maintains a long capture system but instead of having to defend against hordes of enemies for 48 seconds to make your time and effort worth it, it makes it so every        second makes it worth it

             B: Restores the much more appreciated(From what people on US are saying, the new system sucks) capture time but with every second being worth it instead of having to wait 5 seconds per capture

             C : Bypasses the old capture rate to increase the tug of war and amount of counter assaults on an objective while presenting a good reason for everyone to be on their assigned objective.


    Forth change: 

    Increase the tug of war and amount of counter assaults on an objective while presenting a good reason for everyone to be on their assigned objective.

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