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Posts posted by Jotaro

  1. RbIteqp.png
    Thank you for your appeal. Please allow up to 24-48 hours for a response from a member of the Operator Division. As well as allowing a reasonable timeframe to gather the facts pertaining to your ban.

    Please note, bans will only be appealed if they are of a false nature, incorrect reasoning, and in some cases mishandling of sit/report/ban. 


    Thank you for your appeal. Please allow up to 24-48 hours for a response from a member of the Operator Division. As well as allowing a reasonable timeframe to gather the facts pertaining to your ban.

    Please note, bans will only be appealed if they are of a false nature, incorrect reasoning, and in some cases mishandling of sit/report/ban. 


    After careful consideration and adequate thought, between members of staff and specifically the operator division, it has been decided your ban will remain. While I understand this may not be what you were hoping to hear, I hope you can understand our reluctance to accept your appeal.

    Thank you for attempting an appeal, as well as the effort you have put into your appeal.

  4. -1
    While you did write out a very detailed application, I can't really get over your ban for "NITRP+LTAP [ARDM, Disrespect in OOC, FailRP]". You may have grown, changed, whatever other things in that time period, but I'm not really sure I'd be comfortable with you being on the GM team. Not to mention I haven't really seen you interact with or reintegrate yourself within the community prior to this application, so at the very least I'd like to see you make an effort to establish a foundation on the server beyond your prior representation.

  5. Listen bro, I give you shit all the time but it's mostly joking and we all know that. However this time it's not, I figured you'd at least wait a bit and regain some notoriety in the community before you reapplied you sped.

    In terms of actual feedback, neutral for now, although I know he's capable of some pretty good stuff when he's not being autistic.

    • Haha 1
  6. Your dedication has been noted, however doing your job does not absolve you of punishment. You were banned for NITRP, which even still I believe to be true. You've also been cited as having "Malicious" behavior, I.E encouraging CT's to break rules, which obviously we don't want to see happening. You've also stated above that you told the troll to "Come back as a joke" but in your original statement in the comments, there is no hint of satire/comedy. As for NITRP, you blatantly ignore protocol, disregard orders, and after being given several talks, you showed no intent to change.

    Appeal Denied.

  7. +1 Confirming my referral. This man walked up to me in-game and asked for help, as did another applicant. It showed me he was willing to accept help and learn. While as said by phil, his events are simple, but they are classics that I'm sure he'll be able to put his own spin on! Look forward to seeing you as a GM!

    • Like 2
  8. I like your ideas, and one of them I was actually planning on doing for my engineers soon. Overall you've got a good mix of stuff in your ideas and a good majority of them seem super practical. What really sells me is you putting the effort in to GM from the retirement home. That's what gets my +1; Say hi to colt for me btw!

  9. Upon review of any and all evidence surrounding this case, and the subsequent appeal, I regret to inform you that this appeal is being Denied. As was pointed out previously, you effort in the unban appeal is very minimal, which shows how little you dedicated to the overall appeal itself. On top of this, the evidence which resulted in your ban directly contradicts your side of the story. While I wish I could accept your appeal, the lackluster effort and you directly contradicting hard evidence is one massive red flag for myself, and others who looked at this appeal. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to direct them to myself and I will happily answer them.
    Appeal Denied

  10. While your original ban was well within the rules and followed proper guidelines, you have shown no ill intent and overall seeing as how you took the time to write this out you clearly intend to come back to the server and play. You will be monitored after your ban for a short time to ensure nothing arises.
    Appeal Accepted.

  11. Appeal Accepted.
    While you did reach the three arrest threshold within 24 hours, however we have reason to believe that the third arrest that sent you over may have been a bit of an overstep. While the bunks are not a rule-free zone, you weren't hurting anything, and it could've been a situation of keeping too close of an eye on a repeat offender.

  12. Appeal Accepted
    It has been deliberated and decided that you will be unbanned, however before that, there are some things that must happen to insure you are not falsely banned again. If you have any questions feel free to DM any Admin+

     -Sr. Admin Jotaro

    • Disagree 2
  13. e8aec860a66fb7323d6543c270e2baa7.png
    Application accepted
    You have support from 2 GM supervisors as well as overall positive community feedback with one exception. Your ideas are good and you have gotten feedback relatively quickly by comparison. Together we'll work on your distinction from other applicants, I look forward to having you on the team.
    Do not use GM powers until trained, contact any S.GM+ for training.

    • Disagree 1
  14. e8aec860a66fb7323d6543c270e2baa7.png
    Application accepted
    You have support from 2 GM supervisors as well as overall positive community feedback. Your ideas are good and you can always improve your formatting. I look forward to having you on the team!
    Do not use GM powers until trained, contact any S.GM+ for training.

  15. e8aec860a66fb7323d6543c270e2baa7.png
    Application denied.
    While I know this information may be demeaning, I do want to give you a few tips. Work on your networking and possibly try to improve your reputation. You had no support on this and while I want to accept it knowing you, I cannot warrant it with no support for it. 
    You may reapply again in 2 weeks.

  16. e8aec860a66fb7323d6543c270e2baa7.png
    Gamemaster Application Accepted.
    Seeing as how you both have been referred by a GM Supervisor and gotten all +1's, I feel I can confidently welcome you to the gamemaster team.
    Please do not use GM powers until trained, contact any S.GM+ to be trained.

  17. e8aec860a66fb7323d6543c270e2baa7.png
    Application accepted.
    While you may not have the hours, it's apparent people have faith in your abilities.
    Your rank will be set to Trial Gamemaster, please do not use GM powers until trained. Contact any S.GM+ for training.

  18. e8aec860a66fb7323d6543c270e2baa7.png
    Gamemaster Application Accepted
    While it isn't a resounding +1 fest, myself and some of the GM Supervisors/S.GM's see some protentional in you, and are willing to give you a chance.
    Please contact any S.GM+ for training; Do not use GM powers until trained.

    • Agree 1
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