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Everything posted by LASDSheriffDog

  1. I couldn't agree more with what xo said, I haven't seen you in-game but to be fair I haven't been in-game for 2 days. So you may have just shown back up but I haven't really seen you before the 2 days I've been away, Nor have I heard anything about you. Your application looks good, But that's trying to place a person on paper where I rather meet a person and understand who they're as an individual and what kind of stance they have in Garnet Gaming. Since you were past staff you should understand this because GMOD is one of the places with the people who either have the intent to enjoy the game, Or ruin the game for others. Understanding that you don't have control for certain things as a staff member is EXTREMELY important because things can hit the fan in just a snap, It's what you do once it hits the fan is the important part. I honestly don't know what this has to do with DarkRP since that's a rust application. It seems like you want to show everyone here that you're willing to dedicate yourself to the role as a staff member, But my advice for you is to be better known in the community as of 2021, Not 2019 or 2020 but as in this month. Get to know whose around and be seen by everyone. Just have some fun on the server and make a few friends and be known better in the community. As of this moment I am going to have to -1 but if your really dedicated to becoming a staff member show everyone that you're. Hope to see you in-game soon though! -1 Just a little side note but my friend Buddha stated on your last application to add him as a referral for that application. "Cannot recommend Clark enough. One of the OG staff's in my dad, and just an amazing lad. + Fucking 1, I missed you buddy. Add Buddha to referals" That was what buddha said for your last application.
  2. Previously staff, Great attitude to what I've seen in-game, Strong hours and referrals along with a great application. Previously staff and I won't be needing to write an entire novel GET HIM BACK. +1
  3. Hey Fortnite. I received a report that after you were raided you left, You rejoined a few minutes later then left again. Here is the video of the sit. https://youtu.be/otOligHyzrU Unfortunately I know that we are friends and hope you see this as apart of me doing my job as a staff member. Any and all evidence I've collected is in that video.
  4. +1 He's fantastic with the community, When I first met him I honestly thought he was already staff. I haven't had any issues with him in-game and haven't actually seen him in a sit. I'm sure he'd do great. Also could've asked me for a referral and I would've done it. :<
  5. I spoke with him in-game, In 2020 we became moderators together and were staff almost the exact same. I wouldn't say that Frank is toxic, He's very straight forward with how he goes about things. He's got dedication. +1
  6. Sad to see a qt go, But all good things must come to an end. ***Cannon fires*** Murph has been slained by cannon
  7. This man is a qt.


    -Bill Cosby

  8. Application is neatly done, Good strong paragraphs, I haven't met you or have seen you in-game but I will not judge based off that. +1 -LASDSheriffDog
  9. I have an extreme loss of words, I've had friends who I've lost to this battle and I just made one new friend and lost them to this battle. This is an extremely sad day for garnet gaming but he will not be forgotten. If anyone else has any situation where you're battling this same battle, Come talk to me and let's just have a 1 on 1. I've fought this battle and almost lost to it. No more shall be lost, But none shall be forgotten. You were a great friend heaven, It's sad to see you go but there are always more where the road ends. Take care bud.. -LASDSheriffDog
  10. Damn, Just when I had to come back.
  11. Full fucking support from me, This does need to be addressed as it's not friendly to the community. +1 -LASDSheriffDog
  12. I've seen you around a few times and this is what I can take from these few times. +Fast learner +Willing to learn almost anything on the server without quitting on it +Extremely friendly with the community and it's players - for the reports placed on you +Decent hours I'm sure this person would be great on the staff team and would benefit the staff team. +1 -LASDSheriffDog
  13. In-game name: LASDSheriffDogAge: 21SteamID (https://steamid.io/): 76561198105633412Warns: None.Timezone: Pacific Standard TimePlaytime?: LASDSheriffDog has played for 376:20:21.Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] YES!Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] YES! Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] As of yet, None. Past experiences as staff: [Optional] Yes, I do have a past experience as staff, Infact my past experience was here on Darkrp#1 on GarnetGaming. I was here when Chase and buddha along with Lynde. I am sure Proggy may remember me aswell, Possibly as the nuking Bill Cosby. I have had previous experience on IceFuse and running my own GMOD TTT and DarkRP server. Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs] Well to start off, I have had quite a bit of experience when handling people being Mingy, Trolling, Rude, Sarcastic, Mean, Abuse of words, Racist, I have dealt with all of this and more. While keeping calm about any sort of situation I would explain why we are having this discussion between sits and figuring out the truth. Going through logs and requesting for any sort of video clips of the incident that had happened. Based off of any evidence I have for this sit would lead me to determine the outcome and what punishment to hand out for what reason. All while keeping calm and explaining what he did then explaining why this punishment is happening to them. I am a quick learner and the training I would receive I was accepted would be as a refresher course for me. I would love to become staff once again now that I am in a better headspace and can dedicate more time to it. ( The first time I was staff on here I purchased it ) I've supported the server for quite a while now, After spending a little bit more than 1.5k on Davy Crockets I've helped pay for a few updates according to Garnet, This was probably back in 2020 in April. It's been quite a bit of time but I'm ready to come back and help GG once again. To make new friends and to help any new comers into the server, Showing them how to do adverts and teaching them of the way to properly play a DarkRP. While removing any people who may want to break NLR, Or players just RDM'ing and I'd be able to resolve this with active and continuous moderation, Going to any scene to make sure it goes according to plan or simply just floating around watching how things will unfold. To also not get involved or go through bases unless called directly for moderation in GG. While nuking GG a few times I decided to record on my POV and to show people what the Davy Crockets will do! Video 1: Video 2!: Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details I have never been banned from a GMOD server. Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: I have not made any previous applications, But my resignation letter was here: How much time do you have to contribute to the role? I can contribute 3 hours per night. If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod? I work at a call center from 7:30 AM to 4 PM PST, From those points in time I cannot be contacted within those hours.Did you read the staff rules?: LASDSheriffDog {GG} Garnet -LASDSheriffDog
  14. You need to fill out the format capalot gave you, Also what I have quoted from your sentence is that you gave him a warning shot but mispelled shot. Server doesn't do any warning shots or warn adverts. If you don't fix your appeal and use the correct format it will be automatically denied.
  15. ***CANON FIRES*** HOTGIRL has been slained. Sad to see you go but hopefully we get to see your return.
  16. Hey everyone, Sad to say I will be resigning from DarkRP, I had a tremendous amount of fun. Things aren't the same for me anymore. I'm going through tough times as I'm still in this battle with depression, Losing a loved one, And losing my partner of 3 years. I'm just not the same anymore. I love garnet and all of its community members. I will return one day. But as of right now I've taken a break from everything and putting a pause on everything. I LOVE YOU ALL AND WANT TO GIVE A SPECIAL THANKS TO A FEW OF YOU GUYS! @proggy You are an amazing person, I wish you the best of luck my guy and to keep cool and keep on managing the server. You were a real one brother.. @Chase You were one of the ones that kept it real and making me happy to just see you man. It was really fun to play with you. @Buddha You also made me really happy and always had a great time with you. I've never doubted you my guy. @GrandDaddyStalin --- Whats his @? But anyways man you kept it real. You are an amazing friend and were always there with me doing shit. @DiegoZavier It was really fun to play with you my man. You are a great guy and hella funny and always made me smile. @LyndeFish You're an amazing friend who was always there for me even when I was going through alot of things. You made me laugh like no tomorrow and always kept me in my reality. And finally, @Garnet I love this community. You offered so much to help me when I was going through a rough time and I will always appreciate that. Keep doing what you're doing as its working, You have been an amazing community owner and I know you will continue to be. You have been an amazing friend to me and have always been there to talk about things. Keep it real brother, Also still loved nuking the server a whole bunch of times Please set my rank to VIP If you'd like add me on Discord so we don't loose touch! LASDSheriffDog#9777 **CANON FIRES** LASDSheriffDog has been slained. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ New File... Execute:BillyCosby.exe Run_Bill_Cosby.exe DO YOU WISH TO RUN? BILL.COSBY.EXE YES NO Save.LocalStorage.11.17.2020 Run:BeginOfReturn LOADING.BEGINOFRETURN. RUNNING.RETURN ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  17. Congrats on the Land Rover Defender V8, Unfortunately someone stole the engine. I wish it be hot again.
  18. Granted, You're able to get all your homework done in 1 day but you became a vegetable in the process and now need help with everything you're wanting to do. I wish I had a magical flying carpet.
  19. Okay.....I dont even know where to start so I'll start with this. -1 Reasons why you're application deserves to be failed automatically is that your application took about 5 minutes to make let alone took me a minute or less to read, Incorrect SteamID You put in your app you're 16 yet you have run on sentences along with no capitalizations or apostrophes in most of your app, Huh....How are you going to be online for 24 hours a day, Would love to see a realistic answer for that. Tell us about yourself and what you do when you aren't home or sports or something. Are you sure you read the staff rules all the way? -1 -LASDSheriffDog
  20. Granted, You're now 7'8" but the human race evolved and 7'8" is the new 4'1" I wish I could turn other people invisible without them knowing about it and have control of when they're and aren't invisible.
  21. Granted! Except when you're online you're the only one in the server. I wish I was able to be one punch man.
  22. Great staff Application, Amazing referrals, Was previous staff so he already knows the ropes and has good hours. +1 -LASDSheriffDog Edit : Even though you were banned for NLR and LTAP it will not affect my +1 for you, I understand with some devices it could shut off internet to certain users depending on what your parents do. I believe he is a good candidate for a staff role on our DarkRP. I do hope this wont affect other people's +1's. Goodluck.
  23. You returned to the area of your death, If it was past the 3 minutes for the New Life Rule then it was unjustified, But sometimes if you return and you get killed it shows you returning to and the time frame between deaths we can see if NLR was broken. Ontop of you admitting " I was waiting outside and I got killed from a protective drone " Apologies for writing this but I felt like it needed to be said, I will stop posting on this topic and will leave it to @Grace for evidence -LASDSheriffDog
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