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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Posts posted by LeKichi

  1. Grasse1 - I am more than happy to help, however there is information I need in order to do that (besides looking at the previous appeal). If you would be so kind as to provide that information, I am more than happy to look into why this occurred, but require your cooperation to do so. Thank you.

  2. @grasse1

    Can you please update your post and format with all the proper information so that we can best help you. This includes current/alt steamID information please.


  3. Overruled and Accepted.

    I was not alive nor home to see any of what was discussed and why. However, from having reviewed the evidence myself as well as all the arguments for/against this appeal, I have concluded that the evidence in the clip provided is inconclusive and not sufficient for a ban.

    There are a number of ways that a word can be misheard, especially if we are inclined to look for it. Audio can easily be distorted when slowed down, brains can regularly see or hear different things that others may not (If anyone is familiar with "What color is the dress" and "Yanny/Laurel" debates). While the clip was shown to a number of "unbiased people" and members of other staff teams within the community, there are still a number of those within the staff team, varying in all ranks and level of experience who voiced their opinions and felt otherwise.  With that much inconsistency, this clip should not have been used as the sole piece of evidence.

    @FALSEACCUSATION If for whatever reason you see this, your ban has been lifted. I apologize for any inconvenience should you choose to return to the server.

    • Like 4
    • Sad 1
    • Agree 2
  4. Denied.

    As you were already aware in your previous ban appeal, which was a ban for toxicity, any repeated misbehavior would result in your ban being reinstated. It is also is stated in the discord rules that depending on what you have done, a ban may be issued without any warning. Your ban was specifically noted as "community concern", no other label was given other than via discussion from other community members who have witnessed or discussed your own behavior.

    In this case, your ban was specifically for making an extremely distasteful joke. This instance was not the first time we were made aware of you making comments like these. While the context that was given to us around this specific clip of evidence was a "joke about a DBD character that was a midget" and you can claim it was only a joke, the nature of the subject and the comments made are not tolerated, and do not have a place in the community.

    (Volume warning)

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  5. zyFdIPnoofQaoyfOdiAAobnZGrvTfsetYBs5n2FU7j_wAnJ_USiCUkIjdlfB0RNm1W3N0TskVLLi1eflMsvU_NT5MiKFwMMXahsVcLtDwqSj4fgBmne7BwUXxVSnA99tX2vuacfA3Lh8tXBEzQ


    TTT Staff Roster


    June 2022


    (Double) Staff of the Month

    Parasite - Won the popular vote, wow!

    Seth - Most reports and highest hours on server, amazing!


    Luxembourg > Super Admin - Rank adjustment.

    TimeVulture > Super Admin - Rank adjustment and developer stuff.

    LaCoochiePatootie  > Manager - Rank adjustment.

    Deft Brixton > Head Admin - (467 reports) Completed all monthly duties, no bad cheating bans this month.

    Strong_M > Head Admin - (467 reports) Completed all monthly duties, helped with doc work.

    Cherry > S. Mod (399 reports) Reports completed.

    LiteralPotato > Mod - (1,336 reports) Completed trial period. Second most reports wow!

    Bjchoyce > Mod - (763 reports) Completed trial period.

    Migsaruki > Mod - (366 reports)Completed trial period.

    NunsStop > Mod - (264 reports) Completed trial period.

    Pingu > Mod - (347 reports) Completed trial period.


    Extended Terms

    Deer God  > Head Admin - The exec that memes.

    Aperture City > Head Admin - The exec leading the racist empire.

    Satanic Senpai  > Head Admin - The exec who was mysterious this month.

    Nick50109 > Head Admin - The exec who went to Alaska.

    Endless_Chaos > Head Admin - The exec who does giveaways.

    Parasite > Senior Admin - (782 reports) Completed all monthly duties, helped with doc work.

    Ethan > Admin - (195 reports) Low activity, but helped with doc work, and training/supervisions.

    Keith Marshall > Admin - (327 reports) Needs to complete monthly duties.

    Revolver >  Trial Admin - (139 reports) Completed supervision, but involved in one incident.

    Skullking276 > Lead Mod - (516 reports) Needs to complete a training.

    Dm > Lead Mod - (182 reports) Needs to complete a training.

    Seth > Lead Mod - (1,526 reports) Most reports and highest hours on server, amazing!

    Apex > Senior Mod (186 reports) Reports completed.

    Diego Zavier > Mod - Reserves. 

    Maxwell > Mod (158 reports) Reports completed.

    Quacky > T.Mod - Accepted today ~3 hours ago.

    Tarky > T.Mod - Accepted today ~3 hours ago.



    Sniper John > S.Mod - Needs more activity to avoid further demotion.

    AgentMichigan > User - Resigned (we assume).

    Shuichi Saihara > User - Resigned.

    Supurupa > User - Did not complete the trial period.

    • Like 1
    • Spicy 1
  6. Denied.

    While you have claimed to have extensive knowledge and experience staffing for different TTT servers/communities, your behavior and conduct on our server, as well as blatant breaking of a serious no-no rule (which almost every server or community have in place), would tell me otherwise. Though it may be true, you certainly have not shown this in your actions as a player on our server.

    To become a staff member, and to find the format for the application, you have to read the staff rules which clearly state (in the first three):

    You may reapply in 2 weeks minimum.
    However considering the circumstances, I strongly suggest starting with regaining the trust of the staff and showing that you can be a role model for other players before reapplying.

    • Like 1
  7. 57 minutes ago, RubberShark said:

    @LeKichi I understand that it would be considered ghosting, but how would the situation work If i lied and said "Cake you are the last innocent" When in reality he wasn't, and he started killing anyways. Even though I said you are the last innocent, he didn't have to believe me, if that makes any sense. I do that sometimes, I say "xyz" you are the last one, hoping that they rdm each other so its easier for me to win. Even though I was telling the truth this time, I was a kos'ed traitor whos word could not be taken literally. So it was upto Cake to decide whether or not I was telling the truth, so in reality im not exposing any of my T buddies, because as a Traitor anything that I say could be considered untrue. I don't know if you understand where im coming from here or not but yea. 

    47 minutes ago, RubberShark said:

    @LeKichiAnother situation that could happen is say I am alive along with a single T buddy, and theres 3 innocents left. I say "person 1" you are the last person alive good luck. When in reality they are not, then they go on to kill my T buddy, and the 2 innocents. Would i still get banned for ghosting? Even though its the exact same situation?


    All of these situations, including the one you were banned for are entirely circumstantial and would be handled in the appropriate manner for each.

    Traitors have always been allowed to make a false KOS against another player, with the intention of getting them killed as a strategic move. But this really only applies to innocents, as they are the people you are killing anyways. However, making a false KOS against a player puts you at risk for being killed, as it would be considered a traitorous act. Again, these are completely different circumstances and intentions, compared to what you were banned for,.

    Regardless, whether or not Cake chooses to believe that information or not, you clearly told him information that was not a lie (and still against the rules), as he was the last Innocent, which you admitted to doing to to make it funnier. This was no done with the intention of giving Traitors an advantage, in order to get a win, but ultimately put them at a disadvantage with their cover blown. Had this specific situation played out entirely different, such as only admitting you were the last Traitor to draw them to you alone, or to deceive them into thinking they were safer, this would have been acceptable, as it does not affect your teammates rounds directly, nor break any rules.


    As a reminder to the people who have had their posts hidden on this appeal, you should only be responding if you are directly involved or have some form of evidence to provide in this situation that would sway a decision. Putting your opinions is not considered "having evidence" or being "directly involved":


  8. Hello @RubberShark

    38 minutes ago, RubberShark said:

    I was playing TTT and got lucky enough to be a traitor, so I went on a rampage killing everyone in my way until it was me, four of my t buddies, versus one single lone innocent, Cake. Since it was a 5v1 and I was pretty confident that we were going to win the round, so I decided to tell the last innocent, that it was a 5v1 and that he was the last one to make it funnier because normally when I do this they start yelling and become scared and its really funny. Cake decided to clutch up the round by killing all 5 of us, props to him btw, which me and several others found really funny saying stuff like, "Good job" and "hacks" like normal. One of my T buddies was not having it, and decided to report me. Unlike the hundreds of other T buddies I have been with while saying this, (None of them cared) He cared extremely much that we lost the round. Which led to LeKichi banning me for 2 weeks for, "Ghosting."

    This is indeed correct, with the posted evidence below. While you did not explicitly say " ---, ---, and --- are Traitors", the implications of your statement to Cake that he was the last remaining T, gave him an unfair advantage in game. Regardless of if you felt that your T-buddies would handle it fine or if the server would find it funny, exposing their role is still against the rules as it gave an unfair advantage to Cake with knowledge they would have not known otherwise, and ultimately affected the outcome of the round.

    As I already explained to you in game, and in discord, while Ghosting is most commonly known for usage of third party communications to give/receive information that is not otherwise known through the evidence obtained within the round through proper gameplay. This still applies as Cake did not obtain the information of who the Ts were through means of gameplay and evidence, but rather through you giving that unknown information out, at the expense of exposing 4 other Traitors. Traitors exposing fellow Traitors in game has always been counted as a Ghosting ban in the two years I have been staffing the server.

    In regards to previous cases, I have not personally been on enough with you to make any comment on this. All I can say is if it wasn't reported at the time, it was left up to the discretion of the staff member who was on. Normally, if it is your friends, and they don't care nor report you, I really don't care if that's how you mutually have fun. However, in this case, it was reported by one of the players that this affected, who was not in mutual agreeance of your fun, which is the reason in which it was dealt with.

    While I understand that it may have not been intended as malicious, and you may not have known it was considered Ghosting, you were still breaking rules around not exposing who your fellow Traitors are (which is not only a rule, but has been a known thing for as long as this game has been around).



  9. 0832ab63175ceac4146ee2d56287220c.png


    Lots of positive feedback from other members in the community.

    You will be contacted in discord in regards to your training. An SA+ will be giving you your perms in server, do not use these until you have been trained by someone in HR.

    Welcome to the team, @GySgtStorm!

    • Like 1
  10. Accepted.

    At the time the ban was placed, the reasoning was warranted for the behavior you exhibited. This included overall toxic behavior towards other members in the community, and intentional targeted harassment of them. As a previous staff member, you should have already known that behavior was not ok, and should not have continued after being warned by staff, regardless if you felt it was formal or not.

    As discussed amongst executives, it is decided that the length of the ban thus far has been appropriate for it being the first ban you’ve received. However, upon return, should there be any further reports or complaints of this behavior continuing, your ban will be reinstated. We trust that in this time you’ve reflected on your actions, and have turned a new leaf, so please show us that in your return.

    • Informative 1
  11. For future reference @AT90032, credits can sometimes take up to 24 hours to process and be distributed to your account. Normally, it’s done within 5 minutes, but sometimes it can take longer. Glad you got it sorted though!

  12. Hey @Adin_is_here

    If you’re still experiencing this issue, feel free to respond here, or reach out to me via discord! It would be super helpful if you’re able to walk me through what options you’re selecting, or card type you’re trying to use, to give some context. Happy to help further and hopefully answer your question or find a solution.

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