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  1. Base Layout Suggestion Description: This suggestion is purely about the bases. The center of the map, where the objectives are and where war takes place is left out. I have suggested this already on Gildart's Community Curated Map thread, but I have added more detail, and explained a bit more to make this it's own thread. The map I put in the Additional Information portion will be used in reference to this post, so refer to that if you are confused on what I am talking about. The concept is based on a few different issues, providing solutions to those through the map, and giving room for new interactions. If you don't like the idea of this being our only map, it could always be another option for a rotation of maps to keep things interesting to change between this and another. Reasoning: Distance from objectives: A point I have seen come up, that I have come to agree with, is the distance the previous maps had between the bases and the objectives due to putting the bases in the corners of the map wasn't as interesting as it is on CSCDesert where the bases are closer to the objectives, but objectives like Outpost are a bit too close. This is secured by allowing spawn points to be outside of the bases within the territory through use of tents/barracks labeled "S" on the map below. These would theoretically be around the same area as the current bases in CSCDesert are. The bases with the tryout/sim/recruiting capabilities will be in the corners of the map for reasons stated later down this post. This closeness to the objectives allows for less time running to objectives that we experienced in the Taiga maps, and more time fighting like on CSCDesert. No-Man's-Land: During peace time, this suggestion will allow for more interesting interactions to occur between nations by pretty much implementing Shrimp's suggestion a while ago about patrols being able to KOS each other. The premise is that during peace time, RU and US are still enemies, and they will still KOS each other at all times in this zone (represented on the map with diagonal lines going across the map). For those that think this is turning into all time war, don't worry, as all time war probably won't ever be a thing, it isn't as interesting as timed wars that the entire server prepares for. This is simply because all time war has less action than the timed wars. This simply gives more things to do during peace time, or makes the RP that occurs in peace time more interesting. If you think about tryouts then, the Simulation Areas, represented by the "Sims" area on the map, that I will explain further down below, can be used instead for sims in tryouts, or regular sims. The No Man's Land can still be explored and used for training, but run the risk of enemy forces attacking the training. Special Forces can then be used, if needed, to defend the training, clear the area, and then the Officers can show the Enlisted around the objectives in a training session, but are still under the threat of enemy attack. No Man's Land existing also gives a reason for Enlisted to request PTL when they're bored, to go and patrol the border of their territory's cliff to deter enemies from entering. These Enlisted can be told by the Officer that grants them PTL the requirements for a KOS being that if they see an armed enemy, they can kill them. If the enemy isn't armed, they can warn that Soldier to back away from their territory, etc. This makes the interactions between both nations more interesting instead of just walking by each other knowing you can't attack the other till a kidnap or raid happens. Calling a "Cease Fire": For those times where no one wishes to fight the enemy in No Man's Land, and instead wants to let their Soldier's explore and learn or any other reasons can call a "Cease Fire" in which they disable the KOS between the nations in No Man's Land. This can only be declared by the two highest ranking members of each nation. The only issue this might cause is confusion about the KOS being active or not, but that could easily be solved by asking the higher ups about the status (similar to how wars in the past on the original CSCDesert could have nation's team up, so people asked the leaders who they were allies with). Any confusion in the KOS could lead to the Cease Fire being called off, like if a PVT gets PTL, and kills a Russian during the Cease Fire, and another Russian saw it, they could cancel the Cease Fire with authorization from the highest ranking that's active. This would allow for some non-war times to be normal peace time like it is currently when leaders discuss this, but the default would be KOS in No Man's Land due to the nation's being enemies by default. The Cease Fires are only temporary for that peace time, and do not continue into the next one after the timed war, so leaders would have to discuss a Cease Fire again if they wished to continue it. Sims/Tryouts on the map will be done in Simulation Rooms represented in the "Sims" area on the map. The two boxes are attempts at me to put a small building with a door purely to TP people to the larger Simulation Room, and the three lines on the edge of the map are the garage doors people can press E on to TP them to a large Simulation Room that can be used for Sims/Tryouts. These can individually be claimed as "Sim Room #1/#2/#3, etc.", and can be made for different scenarios. One can be an area meant for long range engagements with either hills, or sandbags being used for sniper positions. One can be for medium range engagements in a fairly open structure, or around it. Another can be entirely within a building for close quarter engagements. One could even be completely terrain with no structures to help practice for the terrain Soldiers navigate through to reach the objectives. Raids: As seen in @{GG}otham's suggestion for Cease and Disperse, people like to loiter around bases creating issues with raids where enemies approach, but you can't do anything until they get nearby. With No Man's Land, you can KOS enemies as they approach instead of sitting their awaiting them to advert the raid or not. Also, raids can take place within the territory, but not the base, as the base is used purely for simulations, tryouts, and recruitment. Any recruiting to show the recruits the territory outside the base can be done by having them perform it on the whitelist, after the training is complete. The small Arenas in the territory are able to be raided, and thus are used only for 1v1 up to 3v3 fights, explained further below. The Arenas I mentioned above can be claimed by a specified rank (maybe E-6+, or E-7+ depending on the faction) for small rounds of 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3 fights. These will be the only locations these Enlisted can claim, and these claims are separate from the rest of the faction (example: /advert SHS Ethan Greshnev claims Arena 1 | KOS to unauthorized). These fights will be adverted as such "/advert Arena 1 Fight Begin!" to distinguish them from sims. This will give more practice and entertainment to be had during peace time without going out into No Man's Land. Base camp: The issue with Coyote/Oatlife where it wasn't clear to Coyote that Oatlife was in the base can be solved by the cliff outside the field as you have either gone down the cliff by sliding/surfing down, or you haven't, and your body won't fly back into your territory because your body will hit the cliff you went down. The only structure that will be taller than the cliff will be the towers that can be used during peace time mainly, not necessarily during war. The only areas where that problem may occur is at the roads that allow entrance into the enemy's territory, past the cliff, but these should be steep as well, just less steep than the cliff to allow passage, but not have body's fly back into the area. Additional Information: Below are pictures of other maps to compare the design to: If you dislike the suggestion, react to the post with -1, and explain why below please. If you like the suggestion, +1 rep the post with a react, and only explain why if you have something unique/interesting to say. That's what reactions are for, just to remind y'all.
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