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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×

Hoover Ban Appeal


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SteamID : 76561198405338982
Staff members in-game name: Rust, ShinyAtlas, Towelie
Date & Time of incident: 8/4/22 @4:22 AM
Timezone: Central European Summer Time
Ban Reason: Accidental Mass
How long were you banned for?: 1 Day
Proof of Ban: https://postimg.cc/TyNYH8M6
What happened? (include any proof): accidentally, clicked down on my nitro and tried to move away to prevent mass, still ended up killing three people, Rust saw logs and banned me for 24 hours.
Why should your ban be removed?: It was a simple accident and I apologized to everyone involved and nobody seemed to care, I even said "I'm gonna just not use this class so this doesn't happen again". On top of that I didn't even get a sit in to explain what happened or even a warn, I just immediately banned.

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Hey Brother. I am usually pretty lenient with situations like this. But seeing you mass in Citizen spawn with your friends about 10 minutes before you accidentally threw your bomb in spawn, I felt the ban was necessary.

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