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Security guards should be hired like mercenaries + alter the /hire command parameters


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Reasoning: A security guard is supposed to protect the base of the person who hired them, though unlike the mercenary doesn't use the /hire command. This provides a bit of an issue in my opinion where a security guard can theoretically go into any shop or base, kill someone and if reported say they were hired by the base owner. Currently the security guard is verbally hired and given some guns and cash, while a mercenary for example must be /hire'd to defend the contractor and their base. 

I propose that people need to /hire the security guard like the mercenary. A hit like the hitman or assassin cannot be verbally agreed and they must use /placehit, mercenaries must be /hire'd, and if security guards can kill people and are hired to do so, should also have the system in place where they are hired and is reflected in the job title such as: 1998 Toyota Corollas Security Guard. 

Additional Information: Along with this suggestion, I would suggest changing the /hire command to be able to input the $ that you can contract someone for. The default right now is $5000 and you cannot do /hire 50000 for example.

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