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MuthB's Ban appeal


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In-game name: MuthB
SteamID (https://steamid.io/):STEAM_0:1:104504172
Staff members in-game name: N/A
Staff members SteamID (https://garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans) (/id (name): N/A
Date & Time of incident: 3 months ago
Timezone: PST
Ban Reason: Advertising
How long were you banned for?: Permanent
Proof of Ban: N/A
What happened? (include any proof): I was being an idiot and plugging my Twitch stream, something iv now learned is against the rules, and without warning I was issued a permanent ban.
Why should your ban be removed?: I was being really stupid and I won't plug my stupid stream. I'v realized that this server is the last remaining decent garrys mod server, and would just like to play and will follow the rules. I apologize for my stupid actions, and wont try to advertise my 1 viewer stream any longer. I would just like to play DarkRP. Thanks for considering my appeal

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