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Evolves game master app


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in game name: EVOLVE

steamid: STEAM_0:0:192391347

in game rank: T ADMIN/49

desired rank: supervisor

why? I'm applying for this role because I feel that the game master division and minigames will take off quite well. I Hear in-game constantly that people always want a minigame held but ATM we don't have enough staff in this division, so why not apply. I also just want to get more involved with the divisions and the server after my recent loa's. The d3a is much more complex and I generally know it by heart now so remembering and enforcing the rules will not be very much of a struggle for me at all. Lastly I am applying for this specific role because I'm doubting many will apply for ref/sup due to imagineer being the cool one, without sufficient members in these other division roles the games will not run smoothly or possibly at all. Thanks for considering me for the position, peace out

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1 hour ago, {GG}otham said:

Yo I could sneeze and it'd be more effort than this

5 minutes ago, SnipeKilz!! said:

Yeah add a lil more evolve 

Ye sry didn't see the changes to the format I was going off the first one changing stuff now


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Atm there are 3 supervisors, 3 refs, 2 planners/imagineer. 2 of the refs have been recently accepted from what I have seen. But +1 for sup or ref if you more active then I noticed you been.

Edited by ExoticNinja
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