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Everything posted by ElCompadre

  1. Hello Mistic this is a SS of Boop's Profile on the GarnetGamingStore: You can see he has no credits left and also the last thing he did was buying credits so he gave all to you. So if you say he only gave you 10 credits I think you are wrong.
  2. Declined Just because all the server is MRDMing doesn't mean you can join too and expect nothing from the staffs, he did his job and you didn't. I don't understand why you joined them, your job was banning the people doing MRDM not join them. You knew the consequences. @ajbedhead - @Clicher - @stretchy Please Lock & Move!
  3. Thank You Romac for the information, the only thing we can do is wait for Garnet or if he is busy wait Till Boop gets unbanned (2 Weeks), but probally Garnet will do something soon. Mistic we will try to help you ASAP.
  4. Is there a way we can see your conversation with him? Like a SS or something
  5. -1 The rules changed so I would ask you to first study them and then come back and make the app again, ty.
  6. NEUTRAL I never had an Interaction with you ingame. But you have some reputation on you. Good Luck.
  7. -1 I never had an interaction with you so that's why i'm -1 this. I hope we see us soon and maybe I'll change this. Ty.
  8. I hope your pc gets fixed soon, Have a good one!
  9. Damn, I met a girl too but didn't work and was my main problem for 3 months. Good Luck man, take care of yourself.
  10. Just for this I'm gonna -1. Date Player Admin Length Reason Unban 2021-02-06 - 14:44:30 Dodge_Guy04(STEAM_0:0:57691304) ajbedhead | garnet.gg(STEAM_0:0:140794134) 03-00:00 Mass NLR | Freakit FUBAR
  11. Neutral I don't remember having an interaction with you but for what I see in your community reputation you could be a good staff. Good Luck.
  12. -1 It's been 3 years since you were a mod, I recommend you to check the rules because everything changed. Also upgrade your paragraphs and use /playtime ingame. I hope this helps, Good Luck.
  13. Accepted Papiraqi's files are corrupted so he can't show any evidence. You will be unbanned. @ajbedhead - @stretchy - @Clicher Please Lock & Move!
  14. Accepted Your will be unbanned since you didn't change your name to a real Staff. But when you come back you will have to change your name to something else or you will get banned again. @ajbedhead - @stretchy - @Clicher Please Lock and Move!
  15. Here's enough proof: https://streamable.com/e03q8k You changed to my name so that's staff impersonation.
  16. You are my best friend in this server (Fuck you @Hardy), you made me laugh a lot, I hope someday we meet again and play some games, peace.
  17. -1 1 - I've never had a interaction with you ingame 2 - Your playtime must be the server command /playtime 3 - In you paragraphs you say the basic stuff, you should talk about something else.
  18. Enjoy your time with your brother!
  19. +1 1 - Your app is good 2 - Your playtime is good 3 - I've had good interactin with you in-game Good Luck!
  20. NEUTRAL 1 - I've had good interactions with you but I don't like those types of behavior on the staff team. 2 - Your playtime and app are fine. Good Luck!
  21. +1 1 - Your playtime is good 2 - Your app could be better but it's fine 3 - I had good interactions with you in-game You have a lot of bans but I believe in second chances Good Luck!
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