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Everything posted by Camo

  1. That video does not show the whole thing, here it really is https://streamable.com/7nmoa9 He sat on my head and I asked him to get off, which he did, and I told him not to sit on someones head again cause its fail RP and i would warn him, but then he does it again and sits on another persons head. That is when I warn him, and he is a old player so he should know better, and I did not see anyone else sitting on anyones head until I see your video stork, but I still did warn you to not do it, but you completely voided what I said and did it again anyway
  2. I agree with Tuna, try to fix those paragraphs a bit, and try to get in TS more, I don't think I have ever seen you in TS, for these reasons I am going to stay NEUTRAL.
  3. I completely agree with Party and Hysteria, Randy is great for staff, hes active, great personality, and knows what he is doing, and knows the rules. I have no reason to not say +1, good luck! 11A GEN Camo
  4. Thank you everyone for your comments, I will be working on all of the things you guys have stated, I now see that there are some things I need to work on, and I plan on doing my best to fix those issues.
  5. I am going to have to agree with Tuna, I do not see you on enough on the server, nor have I ever even sen you on TS once, so its gonna be a -1 From me. I think if you boosted that activity maybe and got in TS more often, things may turn out for you better next time if you apply again, if u happen to get denied. 11A GEN Camo
  6. -1 I have to agree with Huskaii but you have Also gone on other servers Bad talking about their staff, and got banned, I don't think someone who goes on other servers bad talking their staff should even be able to become staff, because it represents GG in a bad way. Due to this i feel you are not responsible enough to become staff if you do this, and even if you say "oh it was a small server", it doesn't really matter, word spreads fast online. I feel you need to work on this before u post another App if you get denied. 11A GEN Camo
  7. I completely Understand the RP scenarios, I am not the best at RP so i completely understand, and I am just wondering what i may have done within those sits and just anything I may have done Overall, I am working on changing myself for the better and I would love more feedback on this topic.
  8. In-game name : Camo Age : 15 SteamID : STEAM_0:1:175865220 Warns : I have 5 warns, but one of them have been appealed but not removed off warns list, so really i have only 4 Timezone : CST Playtime? : 512 Hours Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone? : YES Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos? : YES Referral(s) : I have referrals from: Party, BlackPrince, Weeb, Montere, Sinister, Tuna, Rust Past experiences as staff : I have been staff on 3 other servers in the past How do you plan on benefiting our server? [minimum 2 paragraphs] I feel I would be a good addition to the staff team because I feel that I can help benefit the server. I can do this by helping the server continue to get better, and could help make this roleplay server get better. I feel that I can also help the roleplay experience. I have a lot of time on Gmod Military RP servers, and I feel that I have the ability to help others get better with the RP on the server. Not only be able to help them with RP, but help them have a great time, and make them want to come back to play again and continue to stay on the server. I plan to focus and commit to this server, and help out any place I can. I would be able to do tons of things other than just take sits, I know how to host events and RP Situations, etc. I would help everyone have a better time on the server I think that I can help the community become better by becoming staff and helping those who need it. I can do my best to stop those who are trying to do wrong on the server which would include things like Mass RDM seeing as i am on a lot during the day and there are some incidents where there are no staff on to deal with these problems. If I am staff, I will do my best to represent this server in a good way. I am willing to take time out of my day to help out if I can. I plan on becoming a role model and helping to inspire people on the server to do the same. As being a GEN and Staff I would have the ability to do more than just things a regular Gen could do, I could help host events and help others have fun and make the enlisted want to stay on and keep playing. I feel since my last application, I have improved myself alot and am ready to take on the challenges of being a staff member. This is why I feel I would become a great addition to the staff team. Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? If so, Include details : I do not remember ever being banned before on GG MRP Have you made any previous applications, If so when? : I have made one previous staff application on October 19, 2020 How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: I have a decent amount of my day to contribute, but i do have to save time for irl stuff like school, and taking care of my Grandmother and my Aunt
  9. - 1 On the technical side of things, you would probably do great, but I feel like you need to work on yourself, be more respectful, there are some people that i feel you some what target, and i feel that would not be good for a staff member, it gives others the feeling that you may become biased, I would like to see you work on yourself before you worry about becoming staff and trying to deal with all the staff stuff. Currently: Army LtGen
  10. Camo

    Camo's Warn Appeal

    In-game name: Camo SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:175865220 staff members in-game name: Kendal Staff members SteamID (/id (name): STEAM_0:1:419873569 Date & Time of incident: About 8pm Timezone: CST Warn Reason: Chat Spamming (/Roll) What happened? (include any proof): I was do the /roll command in chat and was warned for spamming it Why should your warn be removed?: I was doing /roll because people were doing lottery things where if u roll a certain number you get money, so i went along with it and was rolling to see if i could get the number, i feel i shouldn't have gotten warned cause i wasn't really even spamming it, i was doing like the same amount as others, the chat was filled up because everyone was doing it, not just me, and if they wanted me to stop they could have pmed me or something saying to stop instead of just warning me right away
  11. Camo

    Camo's Warn Appeal

    Yes indeed there is a Rule about it, in the administration topic, which a player would not expect to have to look in, in order to see the rules, we would expect that everything would be in the Rules and Guidelines page
  12. In-game name: Camo SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:175865220 staff members in-game name: Python Staff members SteamID (/id (name): STEAM_0:1:419873569 Date & Time of incident: About 5:30 Timezone: CST Warn Reason: Crouch Spamming What happened? (include any proof): I was warned for crouch spamming during war Why should your warn be removed?: When you do !motd in game, and go to the rules, you would expect it to state all the rules of the server, so thats what i read, i never was told there was rules like this one rule about crouch jumping hidden in a administration topic in the forms. I would expect it to be the in the Rules and Guidelines topic in forums, therefore i never had seen this rule. So I am just confused why it has not be changed to state those rules in the !motd to.
  13. In-game name : Camo Age : 15 SteamID : 76561198311996169 Warns : 2 Timezone : CST Playtime? : 242 Hours Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone? : YES Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos? : YES Referral(s) : Zachman Past experiences as staff : I have been staff on 3 other servers in the past How do you plan on benefiting our server? [minimum 2 paragraphs] I feel I would be a good addition to the staff team because I feel that I can help benefit the server. I can do this by helping the server continue to get better, and could help make this roleplay server get better. I feel that I can also help the roleplay experience. I have a lot of time on Gmod Military RP servers, and I feel that I know what I am doing. I think that I can help the community become better by becoming staff and helping those who need it. I can do my best to stop those who are trying to do wrong on the server. If I am staff, I will do my best to represent this server in a good way.This is why I feel I would become a great addition to the staff team. Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? If so, Include details : I do not remember ever being banned before on GG MRP Have you made any previous applications, If so when? : I have not made any previous applications How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: I have a decent amount of my day to contribute, but i do have to save time for irl stuff like school, and taking care of my grandmother
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