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About CodmatterGay

  • Birthday 12/25/2003

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  1. well shit I guess you're right, I'm planning on making a youtube video on this very soon
  2. That's deadass all it is, but I feel like if I were to post it here to show you the coding of it they'd fucking Nazi my ass and warn me or some bullshit.
  3. Like, do people seriously think I'm lying here? Why would I fuck myself over like that? Let's say I just said " Fuck it all, I don't care if I get banned." Well then why would I be on this forum trying to get my privileges to play back? I just don't understand why these people think I'm lying...
  4. i'm just gonna repost the quote that I wrote towards sbens, please read the entire thing thoroughly. Also, if I truly did want to hack, why the fuck would I do it on a server I have so much accomplished on and so many hours in to? That's like fucking your best friends girlfriend, it's dumb and counterintuitive.
  5. Hear me out man, I know it sounds bad, but it's literally a shitty bhop script I mad a couple days ago with autohotkey, I can place it here if anybody really wants to know it, but it's just a short pause time and a loop, and it didn't even work from what I saw after i thought it was off. Please read thoroughly, and understand where I'm coming from. I'm not a cheater, I'm not a scumbag, I just use it for bhop servers on CS:GO and such.
  6. Well, I had actually had it on from hours before I opened the game (when I was playing CS:GO), and usually windows would show that I had it on in the task bar near the date and time, but it wasn't there and I was like oh, ok, it's off, and loaded up Gmod. I didn't have to type anything more than one word, as I opened the game and just typed Garnet in to the search bar under DarkRP, and joined the server, and left until it re-downloaded all the assets (I recently refreshed my PC) and just got in and started running around and jumped over the little gate thing at spawn, and everything seemed perfectly normal because I didn't jump again after holding it (which I didn't expect it too either since the icon at the bottom of my screen was not there) and then I started /ooc -ing and realized it was still on after I had typed it (I'm one of those people who look at the keyboard when they type). So I had explained to everybody what it was, and turned it off almost instantaneously, and alt-tabbed back in to what was that awful admin sit, and got banned after a few short words.
  7. Yeah that was exactly how it was typing, seconds later I turned it off, and I thought everything was fine and dandy until I got banned 10 seconds later... Please see it from my perspective and read through completely.
  8. Don't worry about it, I'm not mad at you, I'm just pissed at the fact that I'm banned over something so ridiculous lmao
  9. Well, when it's all said and done, you even agree that this is a little harsh, look if they catch me using (let's say for reference) a fucking wall-hack right, or some bullshit, they can ban me every day of the week, fuck if they catch me using a bhop script again ban me for 1000 years I don't care, I just think it was a little extreme to ban someone instantly over a complete *VERY minor* accident, THAT DIDN'T EVEN WORK, that was resolved in fucking seconds. I hate to come off like a prick but it just really gets on my nerves. Look, even if it worked and I got banned I'd understand, but the shit didn't even work, and I found that accidentally when I was running around for the 45 seconds I was allowed on the server, I was jumping around like normal with me spamming the space bar, and didn't even realize it was on until I had /ooc asking people to join me in basing. Fuck if I was apologizing because I got caught purposely using it I would completely understand not appealing the ban, or if I tried to hide it, but I'm confessing to you guys that I accidentally had it on, and it was a complete misunderstanding. Please, don't see this as some low life cheater trying to get back on your server, I really enjoy playing on Garnet and truly didn't even try to cheat on it. Can anybody see it from my perspective for a second???
  10. Fair enough, but usually for bans and warns people always have to have VISUAL EVIDENCE because every time I would report for prop climbing or for some shit like that they would do nothing about it if there was no visual evidence and completely brush it off their shoulders, whether or not the person admitted it. It got really frustrating over time, but I stayed because I had put 150+ hours in to the server and had made a ton of money.
  11. As far as I know nobody has any actual footage, and even when i was jumping around, I didn't even know it was on, until i started typing, so I suppose it doesn't even work on the server, which I figured out by accident lmao.
  12. ***UPDATE*** SO, I thought about it, and if I'm not allowed to have an autohotkey that literally just spams my spacebar, then why are people allowed to use scroll wheel as jump when it too just spams the jump control ??? All I scripted the hotkey to do was just spam and loop space, that's it, I'm getting pretty pissed off now, can't fucking lie... Name: Connor SteamID: Codmatterk Staff who Banned you: I didn't even get to see him more than 30 seconds I don't remember People Involved: Me, this admin, and numerous people throughout the server telling the Admin to ban me. Reason You were Banned: *Completely Accidental* Bhop Scripting (which didn't even work btw, I didn't even realize it was on until I began typing) How long were you banned for?: 68 Years Proof of Ban: Your side of the story: So I have a looooooot of hours on this server, and I would say I'm a pretty dedicated player to it, and to have myself instantly perma banned for a complete mistake was absolutely devastating, and it really pissed me off to say the least. First off, I didn't even abuse it nor did I try to even use it, I noticed it was still on when I was typing and my words were insanely spaced, and turned it off within a few moments, and seconds after alt tabbing back in I was placed in an admin sit, and perma banned after only a few words. Staff: "Soooooo, I heard you have a bhop script?" Me: "Yeah but I just turned it off, My bad, I had it turned on for other games like CS and what not, I just got off a bhop server on another acc." (pauses) and 10 seconds later I was looking at 6-9 digits of minutes, and I did the math to find out I was banned for 68 years . I promise you with everything that I was not planning on abusing the script in any way and turned it off immediately after i noticed it was still on. Please take under consideration how much time I've spent on your server. Please can someone help me out here?
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