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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Harris

  1. You don’t need to change the PKM it’s completely fine, I stopped using jugg awhile back because the guns hit reg horrible and only 3/10 shots would actually hit unless something was changed since then which I don’t know of anything that has I’d say just leave it as is or fix its fire rate
  2. Sorry for the recent inactivity I’ve been very busy IRL but I’m going to take an LOA till 9/9 and hopefully by then I should have everything figured out and set so I’ll be able to be back on the server without any trouble, I’ll still be on forums if anyone needs me
  3. You’re right Skrt I forgot about that.
  4. I’m pretty sure it’s a glitch when you spawn in sometimes you get a extra weapon that has infinite ammo and it replaces your keys but the weapon can’t deal any damage so it could have been that but if it is a different glitch and it can deal damage than we’ll need to keep our eyes out Incase anyone figures it out and starts using it
  5. I won’t +1/-1 because overall you are a good guy and have had great interactions with you but I don’t think you are very known throughout the server so I say if you get better know on both RU and US then I’ll happily +1 buy right now I’ll be neutral
  6. Applications should be serious and not a joke they shouldn’t be sent around as a joke or a meme, this lets us know wether you are worthy of the duty’s and responsibility of being a staff member but as of right now it doesn’t seem like you are ready so a -1 from me
  7. As I’ve talked to you I’m game and everything you have a cool head and seem very relaxed so it’ll be a good trait when sits get out of hand or anything if the sorts along with a good personality and I don’t know a single person who has a problem with you so +1
  8. There are reasons to deny him when he has “just come back”. If he’s been gone that means he hasn’t been a part of the community and hasn’t had time to build either a good or bad reputation wth the people who have been on and playing. I’m not gonna +/-1 I’ll just leave it up to the others who have actually interacted with you and seen you.
  9. The SR338 is decently good but the firerate just kills it, along with the Radio problem it can’t see any radio messages or type in radio, and I was gonna talk about the card but it already got fixed But I would love to see the SR 338 get either a faster fire rate(doesn’t have to be huge but some kind of faster fire rate) or a conversion attachment so it can fire faster edited after reading gammas post, i forgot it only has 11 shots so if it even had a slightly faster fire rate it’d make the gun way better instead of a shot every 2-3 seconds
  10. Are you saying one of my Ranger is harassing a minor !? uNAccEpTaBlE
  11. The US spawns hinder is during war, we have to spend 10-30 second trying to sit on a lamp or sometimes we spawn to far so we have to switch classes to try and spawn correctly and even then sometimes it doesn’t work, 75% of the time it spawns is in the roof and that’s us being lucky, plus we fixed the duel rooms before we fixed the actual spawns big +1 because it’s generally a big hinderince when people are in war and doing other things
  12. A im triggered I know what song that is
  13. That spot is only one of the many head glitch spots RU can use against US during war, there’s atleast 3 others and it absolutely kills the amount of not only chance to win but fun people have.
  14. .... bring back SR338 and M96
  15. (-1)In my position that I’ve been in many time wether the RDM is on accident or consensual it’s still RDM no matter how it boils down to I’ve been in this position before so no matter how this turns out you might as well just wait for the last week to end or unless someone decides to unban you
  16. SEALs the faction of inactivity and getting wiped
  17. Please make sure you have an army class as rangers is army only
  18. To add on, we do not want any minges or people that will just be leaving after getting in. if we notice and mingy behavior we will reconsider your application and possibly deny it. rangers are to be held at a high standard and that's what we expect from anyone wanting to join.
  19. This is an apology do to me being In active, after coming off of my loa the day of i got kicked out of my house and wasn’t home for acouple days, when I was finally home again I was very busy and now I’ll be gone for a week out of town and that’s where the LOA apart comes in I’m going to be gone from 7/7-7/14 sorry for the mess
  20. I will be out of town and wont be on I might beable to hop on TS since I have it on my phone but that's it
  21. I was on for awhile to play the new tic system and stamina and I think it’s incredible and I love it
  22. In-Game Name: Harris/Wolf Age: 17 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:419524180 Warns: No Recent Warns TimeZone: MST Playtime: 2777:11:39 Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a Microphone? Yes Do You have the ability to record Garry's Mod Videos? Yes Referrals: Mark Duglas, Skye How Do You Plan On Benefiting Our Server: For awhile now I've wanted to apply for staff(sinse I've had about 500 hours and have been on the server sinse December of 2017) but id always run into some IRL problems preventing me, but now that I have time and am free I want to help as much as I can. there's been many times where staff have been on and sits have been missed or things get missed because there aren't enough staff on. now I know just me being on may not help an incredible amount but id love to help as much as I can. I've always looked up to staff and I want to be someone that is looked up to more than just an officer, I love helping people and being there when people need it, I used to be very open with the community and loved it, I want to give back to the community that has made me happy and helped me. As of things out of being staff I'm always having to help with army do to minges/RDMrs/and so on and will punish them as needed whether its BLing them or reporting them if staff are on. but if I get staff I can help issue punishments the right way and as needed instead of in minimalistic ways (if they are RDMing/Minging). I've also loved helping people with questions or ideas or simple training/instruction the main reasons I want to become staff is because I love the community and I want to be a bigger part of it, I've never been as involved in a community as I have been in GG MRP and would love to help keep everything in check, I've loved being on the server for more than a year and am ready to let others experience the great time that can happen, I'm willing to give all my time to staffing when it is needed, I'm ready to give up time for better reasons, and I'm ready to help people when they need it with non biased views and any information they need. I tend to be on A lot including at Later times when most admins aren't on and reports are left un answered and after being on the server during later times when things get completely out of hand it'd help keep people from joining late at night massing then just getting on later to mass again(I know late at night people tend to mess around a lot but people join the server get trained and just flat out mass/minge). and I know for sure ill be on the server for a very long time and hopefully be able to support it as much as I can as staff and as a player Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? If so, Include details: On June 11th 2018 I was banned once for accidental mass and sinse then only got a warn for rdm twice. one warn was during a raid where there was a misunderstanding, and once where I was just plain stupid. Have you made any previous applications, if so when? No this is my first application. How Much Time do you have to contribute to the role: ill give as much time that is needed and more
  23. I’m not gonna lie you were one of the only reasons I joined fm and it’s gonna be sad continuing without you, but I’ll keep moving on and make it worth it and I’ll hopefully see you around p.s. Sorry for playing rangers so much it’s just my home but I promise I’ll be active in fm too unless something comes up
  24. I like option 2 it adds a lot more specialty to the soc faction but I believe we should still have the arsenal, just the classes have their own weapons they can pick from, like one class can use a certain group or selection of guns and the other class can use a wider or smaller selection
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