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Everything posted by szrp

  1. In-game name: 11A 2LT SZRP Age [minimum 15 y/o]: 21 male SteamID 76561198171498453 Warns: none Timezone: MST Playtime? [minimum 75 hours, use /playtime in-game]: 506:14:07 Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] Yes I am In TS and have Mic Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] Yes I stream and record as I normally do on the server catching unacceptable activity. Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] No one, I thought with the skills I have and I like playing the server so I thought to apply and would like to help better the server. Past experiences as staff: [Optional] None How do you plan on benefiting our server? [minimum 2 paragraphs] Well, there is a lot of MRDM, minge's, and other bad things that happen on the server, and not always is there staff on to deal with it, so people have to suffer the consequences of whatever is happening, like mic spam or people MRDMing and its annoying because late nights ( Midnight +) there is 25 or less active people on, so having these roadblocks in the game such as mingers is extremely annoying. At times when those things do happen, I wish that I had the ability to do something about it because these things always seem to happen when I'm on especially later nights. It would also be very nice if Military Police was added with their own uniforms and have cuffs for WO's to apply or something of that rank would be very useful! I am on at peak pop until 40 people active and even 20 at times, and late nights at 40 pop there is maybe 1 staff on usually afk, so not always is it taken care of, but when it is , it's quick every time. I'm very active on the server, always helping out in any way I can, such as helping out new players with gun related topics, showing them the map, the good peaking spots, etc. I have also donated over 400$ to the MRP server showing my dedication. As far as skills go, I went to a leadership training camp called Rapport where I learned how to be a leader and all the qualities of a great leader, one of the best camps to take! Also, having the ability to record and or stream if needed to use as evidence to prosecute minges and MRDM, or making clips of events and things like that. Lastly I have a small sandwich company that I've had for 3 years now and having to handle things like managing employees, doing bushiness with customers, and god only knows what more, are very good tools I have that could be applied on this server. I'm not a person who like to play silly little egotistical games and be the " alpha male ", I take care of what needs to get done without hesitation , I take EVERYTHING I do seriously and with passion, I don't dick around. So having time on the server and lots of experience, I have all the tools needed to help better the server , and the passion and drive to do it, I am prepared to handle any task at hand, such as doing event related work, bans, working on the map, etc. And making sure all the players have the best experience possible! Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? If so, Include details Never, I've been playing gmod since I was a kid and even then I never had the tendency to be a dick head. I respect GG especially and hold my tongue when things have been stirred. Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: None How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: I have a total of 40 hours a week I could put into the server that's roughly 3pm mst to 10 pm mst or later mon-sun.
  2. szrp

    how do i apply for the team


    1. Jake


      This is the format post for the application, ensure you meet all requirements and put the effort in if you are thinking about applying.


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