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About Mitsuri1

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  1. Fetn does not speak on my behalf for this topic, however I still stand by what he said. "Well the staff's decision was wrong and they knew that so they told me to make a forum report." - No... I don't believe the staff ever said his decision was incorrect, secondly you make a forum report if you disagree with his decision, or believe he is incompetent or breaking some sort of rule. In fact I was told by some people who you went to after the sit saying you are going to report him for not properly checking all the evidence, and make another attempt to get me warned, in fact you even hint at this in your own report, which in this context is incredibly petty. "Also there was no verbal to accept" - What? "he concluded the evidence wasn't enough to punish, so he did not do a verbal warning." - Again what? "Finally, what do you mean you can't render base from there? I literally provided a screenshot of me showing the exact opposite." - This screenshot is invalid as I wasn't standing there in the video... On top of that I'm going to answer this by your logic, the whole reason you reported me is because you "heard" where I was... What? You reported me to the GB Colonel, saying the reason I'm in the wrong is because you heard where I was... again what is your logic man. There is really no way you can spin that you have a valid argument. I genuinely think you are just angry over a war that happened at one in the morning. My genuine advice is sleep it off.
  2. -1 Genuinely baffled I even have to make a response to this, as most who are apart of the MRP community know I have recently returned, I've made it my overall goal not to get involved in any sort of drama, and attempt to be a positive influence on the community and attempt to change my overall image, which is the exact reason why I decided to join Green Beret when I returned to the server. From where I was, I could not render the base, the staff member who took the sit "Mavv" DID look at your video, and made it very clear during the sit that he did see the video, however he concluded that the evidence provided isn't concrete enough to give me a proper warning, so in safe messures gave me a verbal warning to sway me away from putting myself in a situation like that again. Once the staff in question "Mavv" made his judgement, you proceeded to start acting very childish and unprofessionally to him and myself, causing me to get very annoyed. I think everyone should expect better from you as you are an admin in the DarkRP community, and a member of the very exclusive AFSOC where I would expect every member to be professional and respectable to some extent, no? I feel genuinely betrayed by someone who I saw as a fellow faction member, going out of his way to try and get me warned over him raging in war. Jack JJ, the only word I can use to describe you right now is petty. The fact you expected the staff member in question "Mavv" to fold when you were pressuring him to warn me, and when he didn't, you decided to go on what I can only describe as a "baby rage" going as far as to go on the forums and make a report on me, and the staff in question. Please grow the fuck up
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