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Everything posted by Jbhh

  1. Neutral, still not fully aware of circumstances behind demotion, I’ll change to a +1 or -1 after seeing more feedback.
  2. -1, as mentioned above just mute them
  3. I dont need to provide proof his defense is I should have jailed him instead of warned him, That is my decision and I choose the warn. and @murph0981 and ofc I got the evidence, don't think that comment was necessary or added anything to the discussion. Homie was sitting outside his base and didn't know he didn't have a KOS Sign. The sit also lasted a good 5 minutes as he said his sign was stolen and I had to go down that rabbit hole as well, he even tried to PAY THE GUY MONEY TO NOT GET PUNISHED. https://streamable.com/i8mzs6
  4. Lmao, well they shouldn't be easy to get huh, You also don't printer farm right if it takes you hundreds of hours to get enough credits for vip, double barrel or dlore. People literally hobo and get enough in donations. Lmao @Mistic
  5. @murph0981 Important thing to add is that you can earn the Pay to win weapons with RP cash and the use of credit dealers.
  6. +1 not much I can add.
  7. +1 had my first interaction with you today you seem super chill, GL.
  8. -1, exactly what Tdizz said
  9. Jbhh

    ban appeal

    When confronted the first time about the suspensions, he would refuse to talk and never talked again, as the only piece of evidence we had at the time was voice. There is so much more evidence in this post than the first post that got him banned, it should be a pretty easy deny.
  10. Jbhh

    ban appeal

    just wait aidan lol.
  11. This is my understanding or getting killed that’s how how I’ve gotten glitched.
  12. -1, Literally 4 days ago you were making reports and requesting money from staff because you were poor. Honestly, every interaction i've had with you has been pretty mingy, in sits as well as roleplay. I would give it more time than @aidanpoppas123 says as well to be honest.
  13. At least allow reports to be filed until a more concrete fix is applied.
  14. +1 love you bb, great staff member on rust from what I’ve heard and an absolutely chiller in darkrp.
  15. One of the first Staff I was able to interact with since rejoining Garnet and definitely one of the nicest, hope to see you around.
  16. After talking to @Borke someone who was basing with Guap the alt as well as Maddie. I have reason to believe that the alt is in fact not Maddie's and is Sus', and Maddie was just attempting to cover for his Family. Prior posts will be redacted. Sorry about the chaos that ensued on my part in this appeal but this is my last response.
  17. But from his explanation, He admits he shot the person because he believed the hitman had a hit on him, The video was just showing that the update does work and that there was no chance he could have had another hit on him from that screenshot because a hit was already complete on him within the past 5 minutes of the incident from his own timing.
  18. Don’t have damage logs mentioned above why, the warn is RDM.
  19. Here is proof that the hit cooldown is fully updated, Tested just a second ago. https://streamable.com/1tlf4m
  20. Its been given to Rohan privately, working on fixing the error.
  21. The hitman did not have a hit on you. That is what the screenshot displays, there was already a completed recent hit on you before you killed him. Someone was shooting ares at party members so logs were cleared the second I went back to SC them after explaining why he couldn't kill anyone 1. in a sit and 2. who didn't shoot him before then going back and warning and taking pics.
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