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Everything posted by bearboobs

  1. Just remove quoting from staff applications cause that’s how shit starts
  2. and who said this was allowed? god this dumb oldgens and their loa's
  3. I've had a talk with Papiraqi about the shit that you did that I have never known about. I will admit, I feel that you've changed your ways a little, but even I wouldn't feel comfortable with you being a member of the staff team. We all make mistakes, but that cringe shit that I heard isn't needed here. You had fucking weddings with girls on the server in staff rooftops? What the hell? You died in a raid and you teleported back to block off the entrance? I haven't been here long enough to actually live in the moment, but I have a good understanding on where you stood 5-6 months ago. Your a very nice friend, and you've helped me. If the oldgen admins don't think its right, ill always go by what they know, and lived through to tell us, unless I've lived through it and have my own opinion on it. I know I upvoted your last application, but that was how I perceived you before I knew about all of this. I doubt you'll read all of this anyway. Maybe immediately applying after people told you to not immediately apply is not the best option. Best Regards. -1
  4. Could have just asked shin to be staff again LMAO +1//confirmed referral
  5. Congrats everyone!!! Including Gros and Hoal
  6. -1 This will not help at all… People can just join a party and turn FF on and shoot each other to remove damage logs, or just throw nerve gas on themselves. Edit: Tell garnet to get better logs and not from 2011
  8. Yes? Im the one who took the report?
  9. This was sort of handled in-game. Magvro got muted for using an instrument, reported smitty because he felt it was unjust, and now we're here. I still think it's wrong to mute people for using an "instrument", even if it may be annoying to you. There is always the mute button in the tab menu. This could be considered a staff-on-staff report and you can take this to a manager. Seeing, As xo thinks your abusing your powers this way. This is the same type of thing which a DJ was playing a loud whistling sound, and it was "considered" music and fido muted him, which was unjust. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. If your gonna make an ban appeal, follow the format please. You can edit it. @Axerz
  11. Fully agree with Frank said. Neutral
  12. make sure to put /srs behind it so people know ur serious, obviously. lul
  13. +1 I've only had good interactions with you, very active, and good referrals. RUST MANAGER (O) ___ (O)
  14. You shouldn't honestly be that hurt about someone commenting on you buying VIP Moderator as level twelve or whatever level you are right now. Frank did the same thing to me, but your not supposed to be hurt about it. Think from a standpoint of his view though. A very low level bought VIP Mod so that they could take sits, and do moderation things. The point of a moderator is, yes, to keep the server clean of any rule breaking scum. Though, This doesn't change the fact that this is a Dark RP server, and FRANK is joking to you about your level. He did the same thing to me. It should probably motivate you to be more involved in the server, since your a very low level. You wouldn't know that he is joking obviously, because you've never met him. If you've never talked to the person outside of an admin sit, you haven't met them. Consider changing your viewpoint from what other people have said on this thread.
  15. bearboobs

    Ban appeal

    Hi. After you not talking at all to us in the sit, mocking us in the sit, using a gun bigger than a pistol, and destroying over 30+ printers, letting random people into the base as a banker, I think this would very much count as NITRP. If someone could upload the sit, that would be amazing. imagine trying to appeal a manager ban
  16. Then why do we need two bankers if this does become a rule?
  17. I just don't see how you dont agree. Dumbfounded. Your logic is uncomprehendable to me. Your saying the cap shouldn't be limited because it has only happened one time, and that the bank would be "nerfed" because there is only one banker. I think it would be a major pro so there wouldn't be any arguing over what happens inside of the bank and how its ran. Citizens, Security Guards, Drones, etc that's not raiding class can base with a banker? It's up to the banker decision how many people he wants to hire/fire. It would stop dogshit like this from happening so much. You saying "just kill them when they start breaking printers" IS RDM! HELLO? Just because they are breaking rules does not give you the permission to kill them, just like propblocking doesn't give you the permission to kill them just because they are breaking a rule. They are a banker. They are allowed to bank there. They are forced to bank there. They are immute to KOS signs because of that. No exceptions. THIS. IS. A. LOOPHOLE.
  18. Then you have never seen adric's bank being run.
  19. This is only allowed because they are HIRED. NOT forced to base with us.
  20. We already had set up a bank with security, people we trusted, and friends that were mercenaries and security guards so that we could make money together. When there is two bankers, and there is already a hagiarchy completely made for the bank, the other banker is literally forced to base with them since he technically "owns the doors", and has to be allowed in and invited to the party, etc. @GrosCave They were already banned for NITRP, but who says this will happen again? Dogshit mingy players, like the user that I prompted in the post, would probably do this again. As for the rules that we're broken you can CLEARLY SEE under the "Banker" Job, "You may not destroy a client's printers. WHICH HE DID ON MULTIPLE OCASIONS AS SEEN! How do you see that this is NOT a problem?
  21. I agree with this fullheartedly, and I bet other people will agree too. @Adric @Canlex @Glorbnob @Ruko @GrandDaddyStalin
  22. You do recognize though that this was many months ago? You all still nitpicked the fuck out of the stuff that he has done to accept your demise as how you want to see him. I stick by what I said.
  23. Half of this shit was Fetn and his crew just fucking with him. I would also be mad if someone was spending their time trying to fuck with me. Nitpicking this shit, and not showing some of these clips context, like the clip of him screaming for four seconds. Most of this is from months ago.. Most of this shit is just funny though, This the shit you would find in a gmod compilation.
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