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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Jerry-Hat-Trick

  1. Excuse me while I laugh at this. It's been reported numerous times, and the best advice I have gotten? "Don't talk on the mic". Yeah, "gather proof". Again, been there, done that. Maybe your TTT manager/admins aren't letting you know what's going on...ever think of that? As of yesterday, Garnet Gaming & Gmod in general are gone from my library - tired of it. IT'S DAILY.
  2. I'm glad said person is gone - I hate child predators as much as anyone. Having said that, what about the constant harassment (being called pedophile/groomer) toward your older players (if you have any besides myself), simply for being over 50? Any stance there?
  3. Why on earth would you follow my sorry ass?

  4. You are a dick.

    You have no idea of the things I contend with playing GG TTT,  yet claim I have a "victim complex"?


  5. - Redacted. Sorry for posting irrelevant material here; been drinking a bit tonight.
  6. Now, I'm not too good with names, but I seem to remember you from Tectonic Gaming & Deg. ...

    Correct me if I'm wrong?

    1. LeKichi


      That is correct! Way back in the day, I was around there for about 3 years (till it’s end in 2016) which is why your name is unforgettable haha. I have in fact seen you in other servers when reviewing the players, and was wondering when you’d make your way here 🙂.

    2. LeKichi


      I hope that you have had a good time on our TTT server here! Fingers crossed that you can join the discord, as most of our activity is done there. I don’t believe you are required to link a phone number to your discord to join ours, so feel free to reach out to me if you need any extra help.

  7. WTF is your issue with me?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Jerry-Hat-Trick


      Yah, I've seen that. Sucks, but true.

    3. ShankNinja


      The majority of the playerbase is 13-16 years old and this age group is not known for their maturity but rather, especially on the internet, trying to get a rise out of people. If you make it seem like they're already getting a rise out of you, chances are they're going to keep doing it just to see what happens.

      Just know that it's not representative of the whole community if you base all your interactions on, well, reactions to your reactions.

    4. Jerry-Hat-Trick


      Yah, I've gotten quite used to those types, trust me.

  8. You sure seem to hold strong opinions against what I say - can you back it up?

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Jerry-Hat-Trick


      Again, not my fault, nor intention...


  9. Are you some kind of fucking joker? Just seems like so much spam to me.
  10. No, you DON'T turn your back on family - my dad died 2 weeks ago, and it's been insanity ever since, trying to carve up his estate. What's your point?
  11. Well, ty kind Sir/Madam. (Hate putting it this way, but with today's pronouns, one never knows...
  12. You can disagree with me all you want, but truth be told - " PrisonNightmare" likely has no idea of what "prison" is like.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. acer


      Straight facts

    3. Horse


      Trust me you don’t want prison in your cellblock or shower room

  13. Well, if you had read the info in the link, you would have a good idea. I stole from many, many people, including family. Not proud of that. Gladly, that was all YEARS ago.
  14. My actual name is Ron - Jerry Hat Trick is just a play on words... But ty - I have been having great fun on the TTT servers
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