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Everything posted by toxiccwilly

  1. In-game name: ToxicWillySteamID (https://steamid.io/):STEAM_0:1:615364034In-game rank: L.AdminTimezone: CentralLength of LOA: Idk a month maybeReason:Personal shit
  2. -1 didnt read staff rules paragraphs are super short feels really rushed
  3. hmmmm see i havent seen you ingame plus playtime a litlle mid but you got some +1's from people i trust so imma go ahead and +1 this
  4. damn im chopped liver lmao nah gonna miss u bro better not leave the sever tho
  5. please keep the format the way it is when you copied it this its actual aids to try to read please update it
  6. Let em in +1 never had a bad interaction well known hella active
  7. hmm imma have to -1 i havent seen you on and your paragraphs are weak as well has playtime is really low jut beef up you application and i will prolly +1 it
  8. accepted tan will be talked to will hop on right now and unban you sorry for the inconvenience Thanks for making a report. Please lock and move @stretchy @FlameSoul @Shin_Tsukimi
  9. hmmm imma -1 just looks like you did a speedrun of staff applications
  10. i agree with this cutie i have also not seen you ingame
  11. I will say beef it up a bit I have seen u in game a bit and have not had bad interactions with you you also gottaaaaaaa get a mic dude if u can do that it's a +1 from me
  12. i have seen on a ton and he has referrals from hella staff most i trust and i would have given a referral soooooo +1
  13. hmmm i have mixed feelings some people say -1 that i trust as well as some saying +1 from other people i trust i will say i have seen her ingame a bit at night but i am gonna stay nuetral
  14. +1 i have seen on the server alot and he is pretty chill from the few interactions i have had with him
  15. +1 he was a great staff member when he was here
  16. i will remain nuetral only bc i have not seen you on the server i will wait and i might change dependingon what the others on the staff team say
  17. havent seen you very much but it would help u alot to expand on this section
  18. Hmmmmm imma stay neutral kinda feels rushed
  19. hit me up for them event portals bois next step manager in 25 years btw congrats every1
  20. DENIED You admitted to MRDM when your ban is expired and if you chose to come back please read the rules @Shin_Tsukimi @stretchy @Glorbnob @FlameSoul @GrosCavePlease lock and move.
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