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Everything posted by SnipeKilz!!

  1. We looked for the most part. If you see anyone else let him know.
  2. -1 I also saw you minging the other day.
  3. Accepted The situation was already dealt with. @The King of Rohan Lock and move.
  4. We have shorter length because we don’t accept reports when users have broken the rules.
  5. Fix your format in 24 hours or else this will be denied.
  6. Denied Accidental rdm is still considered rdm. @The King of Rohan Lock and move.
  7. People should get a second chance. Even if they propblocked spawn once.
  8. Mass NLR (3 days)Mass NLR+Ltap (4 days)No Intent to Roleplay (1 week)Unintentional Propblock while AFK (1 minute)Propblocking Spawn (1 month) Propblocking Spawn+Ltap (2 months) Mass Propblock (2 weeks) Mass Propblock+Ltap (3 weeks)Mass Propspam (2 months)Mass RDM | Mass RDA | Mass False Want | Mass False Warrant (2 weeks) Mass RDM | Mass RDA | Mass False Want | Mass False Warrant & LTAP ( 3 weeks)Any Warnable Offense & LTAP (2 days) I think this would be fine.
  9. I believe your ban will be over before this gets accepted or denied but @DOC JACOB
  10. I agree with some disagree with some too.
  11. +1 you joined November and gained 158 hours . To me that shows dedication. You may not be known by many people but it’s always good to meet someone new. I believe you deserve a chance.
  12. What is with the profile pic like damn.
  13. @The King of Rohan Either fix it or it will be denied.
  14. Ik it’s hard and you guys have better things to than run a game. I’m just sayin that we need someone to lead us and rn we don’t have many people to. Good luck.
  15. Why does everyone think promos is everything. I get that we get new commands. The only people I think should be worrying about promos is T.mods and VIP mods since they could be able to ban. With or without permissions lower staff members can still do something about it whether it means jail warn warn stacking or any other commands possible. Even though it helps us out I feel like all anyone wants is more power. We should be here to help out members of the community. If it gets really bad either the server will shutdown or garnet will do something. You guys need to chill about promos
  16. There are usually not staff afk on duty. Recently 1 staf member was afk on duty and punished for it. Other than that there haven’t been any complaints or staff members caught afking on duty. Staff members take sits one by one we don’t really check to see which one is a vigilante and which isn’t. When a major problem is happening there can be up to 15 sits sometimes while 1 or 2 staff members are online. The servers current state is on the lower side although right now it’s Christmas and New Years break. Time when people are not playing games and instead with family and friends. If I am correct that video is at 12 pm. A lot of staff members live in the same timezone or around it. One more thing is that 12 pm is when people celebrate. Some higher up staff members aren’t always active. The only ones who can do much would either be Rohan or evity. I have recently seen many staff members on since we have a lot of new staff members. I don’t know why you said that you have seen some staff members take sits. Everyone who is on the server is taking sits if they can. If they don’t I would tell them to take sits but I haven’t had to say this since my last staff experience on GG. I don’t think one night on New Year’s Eve at 12 should define the server. I do believe that we need another SA or more perms for manager. The reason our staff members are quitting on garnet and instead mass staff abusing is because they believe the server is going to die since Higher ups aren’t active. Not callin any higher ups out but I do believe they should be more active if anything is gonna happen on this server.
  17. Bad idea. Mayor is to create laws not break them. Also, why would we allow a mayor to print when the PD can break NLR. If you want to print just become a thief or any printing class. That's what they are made for.
  18. https://imgur.com/a/jHOT6Kf Just gonna add this I want to let you know a paragraph is five sentences. He has 6 in the first paragraph and 5 in the second. Unless he beefed it up in his edit then I don't know why you are giving him -1's +1 from me I have seen you very active on DRP. Don't know much about you but I would like to give you a chance.
  19. +1, Don't fuck up. Active Friendly Knows rules
  20. Don't respond to this post anymore.
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