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Everything posted by mossly

  1. Really? You gonna type !hits with muted chat?
  2. Sad to see you go; always funny to be around, never toxic, and a constant positive presence but please fuck those assholes over before you leave; publicly, so we all know who to avoid and so they don't escape social consequence for their actions
  3. It is, by definition, not rdm. And a 1-10k payout isn't much for rich people, it's a lot for newbies
  4. +1. Removes the classic "I didn't see the rules" excuse Also, as an old fuck, I type !motd at least a few times a week out of habit
  5. The server is for AFK printing ONLY, didn't you know? mugging is so useless that you see server messages about a mug every 30s
  6. You can't mug, raid, switch jobs for the most part, arrest, make a report, buy weapons, etc
  7. Yeah, if text is blocked you cannot do anything
  8. yesss all of these are to try and create a fun time vice just printing, raiding, repeat bring the RP back to DarkRP
  9. prostitute has to send the request so you cannot afk it
  10. A command that allows the mayor to divide the PD vault's cash evenly among all players as soon as 250k is reached. Pros: -mayor does nice thing -raiders have to stay on top of vault tp get it before it is gone (needless to say, this command needs to be disabled if the raid timer is active) -another purpose for taxes -mayor will get bothered about this, and, if they refuse to pay out, may suffer consequences and murder attempts (new rp scenario) cons -pd vault goes to zero faster -mayor will get bothered about this, and, if they refuse to pay out, may suffer consequences and murder attempts
  11. The mayor is a nice safety-minded guy
  12. I made 2 suggestion posts for two different options
  13. I made 2 suggestions, 1 of which is what you mentioned above.
  14. How would this have a downside or negatively impact your gameplay experience in any way?
  15. It's not supposed to be nigh impossible, either.
  16. Did you even read the suggestion?
  17. Maybe it was just a one off glitch Still would like mute to extend to individuals' radios like you mentioned above
  18. That is an even better solution For some reason, if you zero it out it jumps back to default when a new song is selected; a few players pointed this out to me and I finally noticed it was doing that for me as well
  19. As a fellow misophonia enjoyer I support you in spirit even if this specific thing does not bother me +1
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